The vet on the tank is fine, the fact that it benefits allied vehicles a huge amount more than makes up for that
Same cost really?, I will let you look up the cost difference (hint: playing soviets once in a while is good)
If you are comparing it to the Brit command vehicle then mega lols. Brit ability cripples whatever piece of armour it is used on while command panther is already better than a regular panther not forgetting its still very mobile, vs the brit one which can only be used defensively because if used on a tank it cannot keep pace in an attack.
Command P4 loses its usefulness vs armour where as the command Panther still retains its combat effectiveness
I didn't know you can spot the other side of the map from the CP in an instant.....
Well done it costs munitions /golf clap. Its easy to spam it lategame in team games and it cannot be countered.
who complains about cheap nades, useful on obers as well giving them 3 grenades to use which work perfect with being a mid-close range unit.
oh yeah the soviet one as soon as you see a tank u can just click it rather than having to risk your tank and get close+free recon from plane and longer duration and not to mention the okw resource penalty(officialy i.e lol)
The comparison i was doing about aura...but still mega lol is on you getting the flexibility for just 75 to choose any vehicle just chose a vehicle on which the speed and reload bonus doesnt matters like avre or and not to mention THE FREE RECON PLANES
again i was talking about the aur bonus but command panther doesnt have vet bonus as good as regular panther and yet cost MORE POP CAP..still just compare the price difference in command panther price difference with regular panther...and the preice difference between regular p4 and command panzer
i think u should play okw more often then u may realize how shit the ability for its price is when a recon plane is much better
Again completely missing the point who is complaining about nades i said its available on other doctrines which valdiates my point of being the doctrine being not good
ANd last of all just check how much people use command panther doctrine compared to other doctrines
and to katiof So for better sight it should cost more and more pop cap lol stay classy catty ..meow
Both you and katiof need to play more axis..
