1. Sure, but as OST/OKW you have access to better and bigger units aka Panther, KT. As USF or SU you don't.
Incorrect comparison- for cost, USF armor is exactly as good as it should be armor / health wise, which is my point. USF doesn't suffer for lack of higher-tiered vehicles in the least (possibly in 3v3 and higher, but I never encountered problems even there while playing USF without EZ8 or Pershing).
2. Free squad does not matter that much cause you have to lay250/15 for ambu, which is more or less proce of 1 squad.
Terrible comparison, since ambulance is infinitely more flexible than every other faction's healing (Base medics, medic bunkers, healing tommies, battlegroup HQ). It's also a bad comparison because you still bypass the ambulance until after LT / CPT and the light vehicle, which gives the early game strength that USF has in terms of MP spent on combat units.
Superglue, again, access to shit armor. Still, I have use it maybe 5times and I was shouting at 1sec repair after Sherman hit my mine maybe 7times? On the other hand, I see smoke and bltiz every single game 
Seriously? The self-repair of USF tanks is
the single best ability to augment the overall combat potential of vehicles in the game. I can't believe any logical player of any mode in COH2 will deny the immense strength of self repair.
Source: Play the game, or watch replays of any single tournament game where USF is involved. See the turnaround time for USF armor after getting snared or heavily damaged. Play any other other faction and see how much MP in repair units just to keep vehicles operational lategame, and the required coordination with engineer units / repair stations... and see that USF vehicle play is totally devoid of this requirement.
3. Why would you give Rangers 2-4 BARs for XXX ammo if you can give them Thompsons?
Same for Pars. As for Pathfinders, they are so so niche.
You ask for flexibility, the potential is there. Obviously some choices are more potent than others, and it would be detrimental to equip any unit with any mix of equipment. But it's downright stupid to be given the option, then complain when every single unit isn't as optimal as double BAR rifles. Which leads on to...
4. Double LMG/BARs are great piniatas to pick dropped weapons 
I hope you're being sarcastic, because this is a very stupid complaint. Seizing on the tiniest little flaw to nitpick, when it's clear to anyone who has ever played the game that the capability to double equip M1919 / BAR is extremely useful and keeps rifles relevant way better than any other baseline inf squad AND advanced inf like pzgrens...