Ok, explain me why would you get 1-2mins weapon racks and slow down second/third rifle squad if you even don't have ammo for bars and you are forced to move back rifles squad to get it (losing map presence) + how it does save you from HMG since no smoke. Not to mention your strat with 1-2min ambulance 
Rear echelon --> riflemen --> WC51 --> Riflemen --> Bars. Second riflemen picks up bars, get in wc51. Zoom zoom kaboom. Maybe a bit later than 2 minutes but not much. Certainly well before I get lieutenant or captain.
Ambulance I used to get after a rear echelon and a riflemen and send it to cap close strat point with medic, then use as forward reinforcement point on the edge of my territory. Works well through hedges etc like on kholodny.
Used to even use medic in combat for his baller pistol action.
I recommend to leave the starting fuel at 15 fuel. In that way you can do a tech decision (sws truck)
You can build a truck that doesn't do anything! Hurray!
Bonus points for preventing you from building infantry for 45 seconds or whatever the build time is.