Are you seriously implying the panther main gun has ANY effect on infantry? Play the game or prove me wrong, but I doubt you'd do either.
Oh look the panther didn't even shoot once at the zis gun and still killed it.
Yes that maingun oh my god how fucking sad are you that you have to complain that one of the best tanks in the game doesn't win you the game because you are bad?
1. I never said anything about a Panther not winning me a game or anything.
2. Nice work you did there, I would say thank you if there were not an insult in every comment you write. Yeah...talking about how sad you have to be, huh?
3. Seriously, do an anger management and try not to jump conclusions because one random guy calls bullshit on your arguement. If you go to university or college you will have huges problems if someone critics your points and you insult him like you do here.
4. I play the game, I may or may not be as good as you, but from my experiences it didnt felt like a Panther was able to pull that off. (
And now enjoy your win in an Internet arguement. I hope it was worth your work.