
russian armor

AT Nades/Engine crits

1 Oct 2015, 22:11 PM
avatar of Intelligence209

Posts: 1124

AT/Nades, snipers, such and such

With the new mechanic on how these works against medium/heavy armour is great. But what I feel like is that if your unit is under 75% health it will now result in a 100% or extremly likely critical from an AT Nade.

I would like to see the same odds of a bouce they had previous to this change implimented back into the game, but obviously it would only work if the tank is below 75%. Example if tank is above 75% will result in 0 chance of AT nade engine critical, but if tank is below 75% health, then AT nade will have a X out of X chance in resulting a critical.

Also, there was a recent change on healing units past 75% health to repair engine damage and such, I found this not working for the strum panzer, and some other units (can't think of at the moment) i still have to heal the unit till maximum health to rid of any criticals.

British trenches
I have a problem with these, I would like to know the password to them so I can let my units inside. Is it bacon? There is no real risk to bulding them, trenches are a defensive tool being used offensively at early game cutoff points. I propose a MP removal, but able to be used by all players.

Snipers vs Buildings. Snipers Vs Infantry
The chance of a kill inside a bulding should be rased. I have seen plenty of times 0 kills 2 shots. And even 0 kills 3 shots. It's annoying early game.

When having multiple snipers, they will sometimes target the same squad member, if they would target different members that would be great. (Example 3 OH snipers vs 6 man US, high chance of only 2 casualties)

Also, if commanding a sniper to shoot a squad, the sniper should shoot the actual member you click, vital to MG rushes.

AT guns/Basookas vs infantry
At guns should have next to no chance in killing infantry.

Let me tell you how many times iv lost units the Basookas. I can't be the only one.

I wrote this on my commute home on my phone so don't expect the best spelling or format. What yall think. Agree? Disagree? Agree to disagree?

2 Oct 2015, 09:18 AM
avatar of Blalord

Posts: 742 | Subs: 1

So if i clear this up, you want more RNG with at nades snares, and no more RNG with snipers ?

- If you want multiple snipers to shot different squad entity, you should order them to not shoot at the same time, tab click, tab click

At gun, Bazooka, Shrek instant entity kill are rare, and affect everyone, those weapons are lethal
2 Oct 2015, 09:21 AM
avatar of AngryKitten465

Posts: 473

Permanently Banned
Agreed the trenches are a bit weird now.
2 Oct 2015, 09:25 AM
avatar of Shanka

Posts: 323

AT nades are sometimes vital, it's just no sense to make an at nade, Faust bounce at something not below 75% health, that means you can't damage a full health tank.

I'm 200% with you for brits trenches, why on the world can't you go in ?

Snipers vs buildings seems RNG, it's not the use of a sniper to clear a building, but it surely can do the job :D

And for the manual targeting of models it seems bad imo, just think about a sniper constantly focusing the sturm offizer :mellow:
2 Oct 2015, 11:21 AM
avatar of Intelligence209

Posts: 1124

So if i clear this up, you want more RNG with at nades snares, and no more RNG with snipers ?

- If you want multiple snipers to shot different squad entity, you should order them to not shoot at the same time, tab click, tab click

At gun, Bazooka, Shrek instant entity kill are rare, and affect everyone, those weapons are lethal

No, my goal is to no longer have AT nades/faust etc. have 100% chance to pen a tank if it's below 75% health. Instead it should be a chance like the old days. For example, speaking at 75% health, a Faust or nade would have a 25% chance in deflection instead of 100% penetration.
2 Oct 2015, 11:22 AM
avatar of Intelligence209

Posts: 1124

And those are just example numbers. It would be relics job to do the proper penetration and deflection chances... just saying
2 Oct 2015, 11:29 AM
avatar of Blalord

Posts: 742 | Subs: 1

No, my goal is to no longer have AT nades/faust etc. have 100% chance to pen a tank if it's below 75% health. Instead it should be a chance like the old days. For example, speaking at 75% health, a Faust or nade would have a 25% chance in deflection instead of 100% penetration.

So its what i said, you want more RNG on AT nades when tank is below 75% health, i am not really in favor of more RNG in coh2, it can be frustrating, cause a snare is sometimes mandatory to kill a tank, and bringing him to 75% is already a condition ^^

My 2 cents.
2 Oct 2015, 11:29 AM
avatar of Intelligence209

Posts: 1124

jump backJump back to quoted post2 Oct 2015, 09:25 AMShanka
AT nades are sometimes vital, it's just no sense to make an at nade, Faust bounce at something not below 75% health, that means you can't damage a full health tank.

I'm 200% with you for brits trenches, why on the world can't you go in ?

Snipers vs buildings seems RNG, it's not the use of a sniper to clear a building, but it surely can do the job :D

And for the manual targeting of models it seems bad imo, just think about a sniper constantly focusing the sturm offizer :mellow:

You will still be able to inflict damage the tank if it's full health. Like how it is now. But my point is is at 75% then the chance of a engine critical from a nade/snare will be "unlocked" but it will have the chance of a non pen/critical after that. I'm just tired of seeing a tank no longer able to deflect a single con squad AT nade due to him being at 75% health.
2 Oct 2015, 11:37 AM
avatar of Intelligence209

Posts: 1124

So its what i said, you want more RNG on AT nades when tank is below 75% health, i am not really in favor of more RNG in coh2, it can be frustrating, cause a snare is sometimes mandatory to kill a tank, and bringing him to 75% is already a condition ^^

My 2 cents.

I would like to think that AT nades/fast are early game counters. Maybe even medium armour. But I don't think heavy tanks should be detoured from the field because of a squad walking up to it and using a simple ability causing an engine critical. It doesn't take long to get a tank to 75% health.
2 Oct 2015, 11:56 AM
avatar of TheSleep3r

Posts: 670

Daily reminder you can use Ram on T-34s with engine damaged
2 Oct 2015, 12:01 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

Daily reminder you can use Ram on T-34s with engine damaged

Like anyone would ever want to do that for any reason :snfBarton:
2 Oct 2015, 12:32 PM
avatar of pugzii

Posts: 513

tell qizzi i love him
2 Oct 2015, 12:54 PM
avatar of Iron Emperor

Posts: 1653

Also would like to see the KV-8 get nerfed. Atm it's just too stronk.
2 Oct 2015, 13:29 PM
avatar of nee

Posts: 1216

Perhaps one compromise for the AT Grenade/ Faust issue is that tanks above 75% health will instead get temporary engine damage (or immobilized, like engine overheated critical that T-34s have after a ram), whereas below that they have equal chance of that and a real critical damage, and below 50% it is guaranteed to be critical? Sounds better than just taking a smidge of a panzer4's health down.

I didn't know there were any changes regarding repairs and critical damage, in fact AFAIK there;s no difference from what I've experienced in my games.

Yeah I'm not sure what's up with British trenches either, they are literally Ostheer trenches but locked to player ownership, which limits their strategic usability.

I believe UKF snipers versus infantry in building is n acknowledged bug by the community, if not Relic. I expect that to be fixed soon. And I agree with the sniper targeting the specific soldier model, in fact that should apply to every unit; why would anyone prefer to shoot the guy with the MP40 and not manning the MG42 shredding your men?!

I don't 100% agree with the thing about AT Guns; I'd think plinkers like the 45mm should have an anti-personnel munitions ability like fire frag/ HE shell that acts like canister or stuns enemy infantry, or vehicles for that matter. It makes them perform roles outside of "shitter AT gun".
2 Oct 2015, 20:45 PM
avatar of GhostTX

Posts: 315

Totally agree with British trenches. Should be for everyone like on CoH1. It's a risk when building them that they can be used against you. OR reward for you allowing your allies to use them. To be locked out for a future offensive/defensive move I think is bunk. I've seen a couple of games where Brits built them at far off cap points, would see the Axis go to capture and then send his units and plop them in the trenches. Cheesy, since there were plenty of empty ones and the Axis couldn't use them and had to run off.
3 Oct 2015, 01:24 AM
avatar of hannibalbarcajr

Posts: 503

Totally agree with British trenches. Should be for everyone like on CoH1. It's a risk when building them that they can be used against you. OR reward for you allowing your allies to use them. To be locked out for a future offensive/defensive move I think is bunk. I've seen a couple of games where Brits built them at far off cap points, would see the Axis go to capture and then send his units and plop them in the trenches. Cheesy, since there were plenty of empty ones and the Axis couldn't use them and had to run off.

Just like coh 1 with one key change from vCOH, you have to take time to destroy trench before you get out. Nothing was more annoying than hard fighting against dug in IS then when you finally got them to leave they simply hit the delete key and poof the trench magically disappeared. It should at least require like a 5 second demo where unit has to actively work to demo it otherwise you can just park trench on a cut off and then pop out and delete trench when your health gets low and deny the enemy that trench with no work
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