
russian armor

Give Volks MP44 through Veterancy

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30 Sep 2015, 14:43 PM
avatar of AnimalMother

Posts: 39

hahahhahahahahahahah lets give the usf R.E m19 lmg at vet 3.Becuase Strum>R.E at all times at least volks get up to vet 5 super powers hard to squad wipe late game with easy early high exp shrek hits and op super squad wiping garnades combined with any other okw elite infantry is hard to beat
30 Sep 2015, 14:43 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

Sigh. This isn't true.

Volks at Vet 5 will still be be beat out by Vet 3 Cons, Riflemen, and IS.

Cons don't really have any other way to scale into late game except their recent vet buff.
Volks have shrecks.

And do I really need to tell you why volks should be losing to IS and rifles and how it would be imbalanced if it was any different?

Yes, volks are mainline infantry, no they are not mainline AI infantry-just like cons are damage sponges and not damage dealers, so are volks, except volks actually can hurt shit thanks to shrecks.

Volks are NOT AI squad, they shouldn't be and they won't be as long at FIVE OTHER SQUADS are dedicated AI.

Stop trying to turn apple into an orange.
30 Sep 2015, 14:57 PM
avatar of Imagelessbean

Posts: 1585 | Subs: 1

This thread is in the basement, but I will state I completely disagree with OP and leave it there.

Can we maybe just lay off insulting each other? I don't think the usual suspects are going to change their minds.
30 Sep 2015, 15:03 PM
avatar of Rocket

Posts: 728

jump backJump back to quoted post29 Sep 2015, 20:09 PMKatitof
Completely makes sense for cheapest base, spammable, easily maintainable infantry to have best AT weapon and one of best AI weapons.

Seems like 100% balanced decision, we should implement it ASAP.


Why especially after you just got a new grenade that is really good, imo too good for them. That gave them even more versatility now lets make them even more versatile! Like NO. You have obers and access to falls and other infantry units for a reason. I mean do you like spamming nothing but volks isn't that fing boring? I mean I wish USF had something viable other than riflemen but they don't in the infantry department unless you go airborne okw does.
30 Sep 2015, 15:07 PM
avatar of Rocket

Posts: 728

hahahhahahahahahahah lets give the usf R.E m19 lmg at vet 3.Becuase Strum>R.E at all times at least volks get up to vet 5 super powers hard to squad wipe late game with easy early high exp shrek hits and op super squad wiping garnades combined with any other okw elite infantry is hard to beat

30 Sep 2015, 15:08 PM
avatar of Looney
Patrion 14

Posts: 444

You said it would be bad if you had 1 infantry squad preforming multiple rolls, but that's basically how USF works.

Honestly you haven't played OKW at all, so it's hard to put up an entire run down of the entire faction and why all those units you listed don't make up for the lack of scaling in basic infantry.

Suffice it to say; in OCF 70%+ of all games were Med Truck + Scavenge + JPIV with almost zero variation. Shit's real bad. OKW is essentially were USF was pre-patch.

How are rifles/cons AT squads, I don't understand. Yes you can put zooks on a riflesquad, but those are bad vs tanks and only good for light vehicles imo. I've played vs good axis players, I know what they use, you're trying to give volks a role they're not meant to have.
30 Sep 2015, 16:36 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post30 Sep 2015, 14:43 PMKatitof

Cons don't really have any other way to scale into late game except their recent vet buff.
Volks have shrecks.

And do I really need to tell you why volks should be losing to IS and rifles and how it would be imbalanced if it was any different?

Yes, volks are mainline infantry, no they are not mainline AI infantry-just like cons are damage sponges and not damage dealers, so are volks, except volks actually can hurt shit thanks to shrecks.

Volks are NOT AI squad, they shouldn't be and they won't be as long at FIVE OTHER SQUADS are dedicated AI.

Stop trying to turn apple into an orange.

You said that Volks scale better than all other infantry. Obviously this isn't true by your own self admission. OKW has no need for more AT (The PIV lacking pen and complete reliance on the JPIV non-withstanding) with shrek spam, what It need is effective base mainline infantry that scale well. Currently they don't have that.

I've played vs good axis players, I know what they use, you're trying to give volks a role they're not meant to have.

Please actually play a faction before you make declarations about what a unit's role is. It kills me I actually have to tell a player with a top 10 rank in 2v2 that maybe he should broaden his horizons a bit.

Ultimately it seems this thread has ended like all other OKW threads lately. Nobody will agree to buff anything and the faction slips a little bit further into the dump. Will be really fun to see how quickly the win rate in automatch drops once the ISG crutch is removed.

You would think all the people that cried about USF being bad last patch would have some perspective on this issue, and some sympathy. Apparently not lol.
30 Sep 2015, 17:09 PM
avatar of OZtheWiZARD

Posts: 1439

In this very topic I learned new things that were unknown for me like Fals and Obers being terrible AI units and PzIV having terrible penetration.
30 Sep 2015, 17:42 PM
avatar of ZeaviS

Posts: 160

Sigh. This isn't true.

Volks at Vet 5 will still be be beat out by Vet 3 Cons, Riflemen, and IS.

Actually it depends what range. At far range, volks have a DPS advantage over vet 3 cons even when you take in account all the vet bonuses including received accuracy.

I don't know why you want to give volks STGs when you already have an infantry squad that has them, STURMS and OBERS.
30 Sep 2015, 18:04 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

In this very topic I learned new things that were unknown for me like Fals and Obers being terrible AI units and PzIV having terrible penetration.

The Sherman 75mm short barrel costs 110 fuel and has the exact same pen as the 125 fuel Ostheer PIV and 204 fuel OKW PIV.

Actually it depends what range. At far range, volks have a DPS advantage over vet 3 cons even when you take in account all the vet bonuses including received accuracy.

Good thing Conscripts have legs and Oorah! To close to CQC then. Iv actually tested this several dozen times you know.

I don't know why you want to give volks STGs when you already have an infantry squad that has them, STURMS and OBERS.

Because large amounts of automatic weaponry is how the Volksgren divisions actually were like? It would add realism and give Volks/OKW a nice boost.

Getting more than 1 Sturm squad early on isn't feasible, and almost all OKW builds rely on call in infantry instead of Obers (namely Panzerfuss and JLI).

Really honestly this thread is "People who don't play OKW have strong opinions about OKW" the Thread.
30 Sep 2015, 18:10 PM
avatar of MajorBloodnok
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Patrion 314

Posts: 10665 | Subs: 9

In this thread, I learn again that the honourable members of Clan CircleJerk (Mixed Allies/Axis fanbois) aka the Choir Invisibule will continue to sing in counter-harmony, dance with each other, slap each other, insult each other, rage against each other, in fact do anything, other than admit they actually love each other.

Our thanks to todays Polish basso profundo, katitof, the US Counter-tenor, Alexsandvar, the high Soprano, Johny B and their erstwhile novice contraltos.

And on that happy note, all interested viewers will happy to learn that the Clan reassemble tomorrow, probably with the heavenly accompaniment of the Hongkong Spiritual Choir, led by its esteemed leader, Porygon and conducted by Siu-King.

For now... an intermission :)

30 Sep 2015, 19:27 PM
avatar of Mortar
Donator 22

Posts: 559

Post #86 and #114 invisied for flaming.
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