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OCF recap thoughts

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29 Sep 2015, 11:06 AM
avatar of tuvok
Benefactor 115

Posts: 786

Tournament Format:
You all sound so smart bitching about the qualifier day, you think the organizers didn't know playing for 12 hours is not good? They just tried to make the best of a bad situation, and they did, since the top seeds qualified.

Qualifiers and grandfinals dates were locked in from the start to ensure that top players had a way to keep their agenda free for that, over 5K $ prizes and Relic in-game adverstizing were not expected but when that made 500 people sign up there was no easy solution.

What's wrong with having four invites? The invite procedure was transparent and explained to everyone: best tourney results + best ladder rankings, what's better than that? 3 invited players showed how they deserved to be there, Jesulin didn't, are you really gonna say Jesulin didn't deserve to be invited?

I think this tournament really showed how this game is meant to be played at the top level: in one word, aggression.
Top 3 players all make aggressivity the staple of their playstyle, this resulted in short games, that sometimes looked disappointing because of what look like silly mistake that a conservative player wouldn't make. It's hard to understand as a viewer how much harder is to stay on top of things with such a different playstyle but I'm sure this also shows that things can be improved further and the skill cap can rise much more.

Romeo is by far my favourite caster and I was very happy to hear him cast the finals, his insights are on point and he knows how to pace things so that the awkward silence or awkward lack of action are never apparent. I didn't have a problem when Ami took entertaining duties, he was much more focused than last weekend and it showed, he obviously needs to play the game more to understand better what viewers want to see.
But sometimes it's good to have someone that doesn't know as much between the casters, not all of the 4K viewers are pros, and asking 'this thing does that, right?', or 'this unit should beat this one, right?' actually could save lots of people some headaches.
Ciez and Festive also make two great co-casters but together they lacked the aforementioned drama factor.
The triple cast was a bit awkward because of co-casters starting to talk over each other, but with some rehearsing it's something I wanna see again for sure.
29 Sep 2015, 11:17 AM
avatar of hubewa

Posts: 928

I feel qualifiers could have been split over two days. Playing for 12 hrs is the kind of thing ppl do for fun for marathons, not proper tourneys.

Other than that, it was pretty good :) I enjoyed watching the games and learned a fair bit from them.
29 Sep 2015, 11:26 AM
avatar of ghey boi

Posts: 61

Tournament Format:



Ami- :foreveralone:
Lord CieZ- kreygasm
Romeo- kreygasm
Festive- kreygasm
Honorable mention- #BrownTeam (Momo, dusty) Lets build a clock
Most entertaining- VonIvan :sibHyena: #BeveragesOPrelicpleasenerf

Best troll:

GG WP 10/10 would binge on OCF again :romeoMug:
29 Sep 2015, 11:34 AM
avatar of Flamee

Posts: 710

Small round-up from here as well (nothing that haven't been said yet):

- Too many games in one day, it's a pity that it might affect on some of the performances
- Not big fan of invites, atleast on this scale, was it that 4 got invites, 8 got in from qualifiers and 6 got money?
- Great casting all around. I liked that there was also alternatives. Mr Sotko deserves coco jambo award of casting!
- Great games and awesome lineup
- This also touching to the invite policy, I like that winner fought through the whole series.

Congratz DevM and GJ whole team!
29 Sep 2015, 12:05 PM
avatar of KurtWilde
Donator 11

Posts: 440

jump backJump back to quoted post29 Sep 2015, 06:46 AMWiFiDi

like this janitor just trust me you'd rather not know.

for those that want to know anyways. ;)

im fien with you guys criticize the tournement. Hell that is the whole point of this thread, what are your thoughts on the event good or bad positive or negative. though preferably constructively as its more polite and less likely to break the rules. ;)

I understand but why edit Von's post? I think you went overboard
29 Sep 2015, 12:11 PM
avatar of KurtWilde
Donator 11

Posts: 440

I also feel he comes off as rude at times, not intentionally, but when he made fun of Luvnest's accent and forced him to say words he couldn't pronounce so he could rip on him, it wasn't fair to Luvnest who just wanted to co-cast CoH2 and not be publicly insulted.

Indeed, that pissed me off so much, i stopped watching for a while. Get good casters, garden ask Tommy and Fatal to come and cast. As much as you hate him, Dane would have been a million times better
29 Sep 2015, 12:13 PM
avatar of spam.r33k

Posts: 503

i only have to say one thing (cause i decided to avoid getting involved in all the drama, that surrounds the players who partook in this tournament)

i would be very, very upset to go through the whole main event without losing a single series just to be the only player who gets effing eliminated with only one series lost (even if its the so-called grand finals). its called DOUBLE elimination for a reason, boys.

oh wait i had map and faction choice? WOW what an advantage considering that you play as both allies and axis anyways (and the ace games factions were decided by vps anyways, werent they?) and that the map pool isn't big enough to enable me to "outpick" my opponent (who might be lacking experience with certain maps, IF the pool was bigger)

other than that: awesome shit right there. pls do again
29 Sep 2015, 12:26 PM
avatar of Porillio

Posts: 66

Big up to the Dusty+Momo(brown bois shoutcast). Awsome commentary and kids: dont take drugs just whatch the dizzy cam from Dusty.

29 Sep 2015, 12:44 PM
avatar of vietnam_giap13

Posts: 197

29 Sep 2015, 12:46 PM
avatar of vonAsten

Posts: 462 | Subs: 4

I dont see how we had to play untill sunday in the night, alot of players had no time to play those games.
why not play on saturday like last weekend?

I really had to hurry vs Sprice, giap played at 6am vs paula...

Luvnest earned himselof 100$ by losing 2x and winning 1x.. is that fair?

devM losing to paula, and still able to win this tournament..

also the seeding.. Vindicare had to beat so many good players compared to aimstrong for example

yet aimstrong is the one walking away with alot of money...

IMO, this tournametn is a big failure

29 Sep 2015, 13:19 PM
avatar of Robbie_Rotten
Donator 11

Posts: 412

i honestly disliked the finals, only the 1st game was somehow good. the other games were just stomps and boring sniper wars, same stuff every single game. i was really tired of it when game 4 started because i knew exactly what would happen... i really couldnt share the excitement about the finals as apparently some others did.

the real gems of this tourney were games with players like vindi or barton for me, very entertaining games, hell we even saw a god damn jagd tiger in ocf. these kinds of games are what makes coh2 so exciting for me, not the boring stomps for 5 games.

Can you imagine how boring it could have been without our lord and savior :hansRNG:

But anyways yea, the first day was too long. I was just watching and I got exhausted. Spread it out over 3 weeks, and why are finals always on mondays? It makes it tough for those of us who work for a living to enjoy.

So maybe spread it over 3 weeks, and no seeding in the future, it spreads :sibToxic: ity
29 Sep 2015, 13:29 PM
avatar of Spanky
Senior Strategist Badge

Posts: 1820 | Subs: 2

The first day was too long indeed, I personally lost concentration quite quick that day, but some guys had to play over 8 hours and deserve a medal!

Overall I think there's a lot to learn from this tourney so in the end i find this to be a successful attempt and can't wait for the future ones. :)
29 Sep 2015, 14:17 PM
avatar of Cultist_kun

Posts: 295 | Subs: 1

I hate 2 things really:
1) This tourney forced players to play non stop, without any normal breaks. This is pure BS. VonIvan is already said that. I forget nickname of the guy, who was stomped by DevM USF in first 5 mins, but rifle rush and cut off, but it is best example really.

Sure DevM is better then him, but really this dude showed great 1 hour game, he play really nicely and watching how he gets stomped like a scrub in first 15 mins is BS to be honest. Sure DevM could be better, but watching how top (who rested btw) player raping tired unknown guy who managed to get almost to the grand finale, is crap. And during all of this we hear crying Ami who screams "WOW LOOK AT THIS BEST USF PLAYER LOOK AT HIM". To be honest, I was really pissed off.

I will repeat my self. DevM could be better player, but hell, give his opponent f*cking time to rest, he already played few hours of hard games, and now you throw him vs top player. This is basically free win.

2) Last grand finale game was pure example of RNG of shitty balance. Aimstong lost simply because his sniper was counter-sniped by DevM sniper. So super game was basically lost in first 5 mins. You got counter sniped? Well GG for you, you wont be able to make a comeback if your opponent would play safely.

Of course we could say "Don't pick brits" and its true. But again how could we speak about serious tourneys in game where 1 lost sniper mean GG for you. This is best example how shitty Brits are in their nature and not competitive at all.
29 Sep 2015, 15:12 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7

jump backJump back to quoted post29 Sep 2015, 08:02 AMHorasu
Well, I might as well add my 2 cents:

The good:
Lots of really good games from top players, loved to see them duke it out for $$$

The bad:
Honestly, I didn't like Ami as a caster. He talks over actual commentary and interjects with his own pointless narration. His co-casters try to do play-by-plays and he literally talks over them about how cool the trees are or something. We don't care about your self-appointed houses in Arhnem checkpoint! He zones out of the action to wistfully look at some insignificant detail for way too long! He reminds me of someone who's just bored of his job and tries to pass the time by doing literally anything but his job.

Okay this kind of turned into a "flame ami" post, but I hope I didn't come off too mean and this can be taken as constructive criticism on how to improve his casts for the future. More analysis, more play-by-plays! Less talking about dumb houses. Literally nobody cares but you, dude

Maybe you dont care, but many people may care.

Imagine situation: Somebody is on youtube and randomly start watching for him completely boring video (because its 2 AM and he dont know what to do with life) and he can see 2 thinks.
1. casting by romeo and ciez and well their talking about something i dont understand so i just close the channel (nothing wrong guys you were great im just saing it from normal not coh2 guy perspective)

2. Ami´s cast, that are half to game and half about houses , nice trees , lake , nice glider falling down , dongs to tiger etc. and the guy will say hey , this game looks awesome , its from ww2 , its strategy game and have PERFECT graphics i must buy it.

Or if you dont undesrtand this i cant tell you something about football.

Do you want to hear about player that kick the ball to other player and then agiain again again , or you want to look at it ,then sometimes look at mad fotball fans with helmets, tatoos and i dont know what + good comentary that will tell yoy something about players previsions carrier etc.?

I think ami is fine , yes you get more info from some other casters but his faith to game and how he lives with that game MUST hype you + it really is more interesting for no COH2 players (my friend watched it with me and he said ami was better than rome os i dont know maybe he has talent to bring people to game).

29 Sep 2015, 15:46 PM
avatar of Looney
Patrion 14

Posts: 444

I dont see how we had to play untill sunday in the night, alot of players had no time to play those games.
why not play on saturday like last weekend?

I really had to hurry vs Sprice, giap played at 6am vs paula...

Luvnest earned himselof 100$ by losing 2x and winning 1x.. is that fair?

devM losing to paula, and still able to win this tournament..

also the seeding.. Vindicare had to beat so many good players compared to aimstrong for example

yet aimstrong is the one walking away with alot of money...

IMO, this tournametn is a big failure

I agree with Asten here.

Imo players had to play way too much.
Hell, I get fatigued after playing two 1 vs 1 games vs good players. I have such huge respect for all players who went full days playing.
29 Sep 2015, 16:03 PM
avatar of samich

Posts: 205


Whilst your football analogy is good and could be used to make an argument for zooming in and looking at stuff i've never heard a football commentator say "ok guys, we're going to call this goal Hectors goal and this corner flag is Looney's hotel"

Also the zooming in equivalent would be a football commentator (who magically controls the camera) focusing in on the guy with the viking helmet whilst a crucial corner is being taken that results in a goal while cutting off the colour commentator whos trying to tell us about the action.

I didn't love ami's enthusiasm (its not for me really), but I can completely appreciate that a lot of people do.
I didn't like his random stories/zooming in, but I can appreciate that a lot of people do.
But missing the action to do those things was objectively bad.

This isn't intended to hate on him though, he has a lot of good qualities and put a hell of a lot of work in for the tournament which i'm massively appreciative of but he needs to get over the whole "im going to zoom in screw the haters" thing and just stop it in the middle of the games.
29 Sep 2015, 16:16 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7

jump backJump back to quoted post29 Sep 2015, 16:03 PMsamich

1.Whilst your football analogy is good and could be used to make an argument for zooming in and looking at stuff i've never heard a football commentator say "ok guys, we're going to call this goal Hectors goal and this corner flag is Looney's hotel"

2.Also the zooming in equivalent would be a football commentator (who magically controls the camera) focusing in on the guy with the viking helmet whilst a crucial corner is being taken that results in a goal while cutting off the colour commentator whos trying to tell us about the action.

3.I didn't love ami's enthusiasm (its not for me really), but I can completely appreciate that a lot of people do.
I didn't like his random stories/zooming in, but I can appreciate that a lot of people do.
But missing the action to do those things was objectively bad.

4.This isn't intended to hate on him though, he has a lot of good qualities and put a hell of a lot of work in for the tournament which i'm massively appreciative of but he needs to get over the whole "im going to zoom in screw the haters" thing and just stop it in the middle of the games.

1. Wait isnt something in football like Maradona hand ? i dont know im not big fotball fun , just many people like it.

2. In coh2 there is always something going on , so then you cant even once zoom units, again i think ami can bring more coh2 to masses while coh2 pros should have another casters so there are totaly 2 cast at same time (for example one with luvnest + emi and second with ciez and romeo at same time)

3. Personal preference

4.Yes looking at nature while tanks are fighting isnt great so he should give players this wiev in begining where are only build orders. And also i think casting is more "like for fun "
than i will see thins and get better in game because in cast you can see only what thewy will give but you cannot see importatnt thinks like capping orders (minimap so small), background fights while capping , and simpli i think replay has more strategical depth and cast is more for fun. So im fine with that ,I want to see there nice match in final with lot of emotions not strategy , while after few day i look at those matched via replays to analise and learn something from those players
29 Sep 2015, 16:46 PM
avatar of US3K
Patrion 15

Posts: 104

Imagine situation: Somebody is on youtube and randomly start watching for him completely boring video (because its 2 AM and he dont know what to do with life) and he can see 2 thinks.
1. casting by romeo and ciez and well their talking about something i dont understand so i just close the channel (nothing wrong guys you were great im just saing it from normal not coh2 guy perspective)

2. Ami´s cast, that are half to game and half about houses , nice trees , lake , nice glider falling down , dongs to tiger etc. and the guy will say hey , this game looks awesome , its from ww2 , its strategy game and have PERFECT graphics i must buy it.

This. I managed to convince a couple of friends to watch the finals who have no real interest in Coh2 beyond "what game are you in, why aren't you playing CS:Go with us?" I gave them the link saying it was the BIGGEST COH2 TOURNEY EVER GET HYPE and they didn't seem too interested, had it playing in the background whilst playing other games. Then the Final Final Best of 5 started, Ami returned, and one says "Oh I like this guy, he's got the hype." Through the finals they were deffo taking more of an interest and actually asking me some questions.

OCF was as much about showcasing CoH2 to a wider audience as it was about running a professional tourney. Ami was definitely the right person in that respect.

As a more experienced player I liked the play by plays, and if you're someone who gets involved with the community and watches Ami a lot you probably pick up on his faults more often. But as someone dipping in just for the finals the CoHmunity has nobody better.
29 Sep 2015, 17:09 PM
avatar of daftwhat
Patrion 14

Posts: 35

I'll just agree with everything that has been said so far regarding the invites and qualifiers.

As for what is said about Ami and his casting, the way I look at it is COH2 would have nowhere near the hype or community if not for Ami, streamers, casters, COH2.org, etc etc etc.
I have always enjoyed Ami's casts. Yes he can be a little over the top but he brings the community together and hypes them up, always supports other tournaments that people host and is just an all-around likeable guy.

I can agree some of his casting was annoying at times but every event needs a hype man :snfAmi:
29 Sep 2015, 17:17 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7

Tourneys are about bringing coh2 to masses and make em more e-sporty and to show the best player in coh2 world right now , not about giving mid=players guides how to play pro games (but the can help em of course but its not main reason of tournaments).

And by this definition i think this tournament was really really great.
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