
russian armor

Those stupid leiG spam

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25 Sep 2015, 17:11 PM
avatar of aaa

Posts: 1487

aditionalyy it does dmg to 3485 and rarely misses. in a tank fight its like a cheating.
25 Sep 2015, 17:34 PM
avatar of Keaper!
Donator 11

Posts: 135

Despite the ISG OP (I agree it's overpreforming for cost) OKW's win rate has continued to fall off into nothing both in the automatch and OCF despite 2 hotfix's so far so I think there is actually some serious problems that need to be addressed.

Dude we get it, you've spread the message and preached the gospel of Axis underperforming in every reply to every thread that has come up since the patch and hotfix. Most reasonable people agree tweaks/changes are needed and I'm sure Relic has access to much better metrics and are well aware of the discrepancy. We don't need to hear it from you 35 times.

EDIT: Why not create a "Win rate in current patch" thread and keep it all there? Would be easier than repeating yourself endlessly or injecting it into every other thread.
25 Sep 2015, 17:51 PM
avatar of hannibalbarcajr

Posts: 503

jump backJump back to quoted post24 Sep 2015, 18:52 PMWrath


Axis is on the bottom of every team game win/loss stat, significantly below the average.

Nerf LEIG!! What a joke. The unit isn't completely useless anymore and has a direct mirror to it so its OP? What?

OKW gets a counter vs emplacements - NERF IT
OKW gets a counter vs units in buildings - NERF IT

So ridiculous.

Soviet don't. Their mortars are outraged and get pinned by counter fire unless OKW isn't paying attention and is firing elsewhere. Only other non doctrinal counter is the Katyusha which is locked inT4 and the recent scatter to its barrage means even at mid range it can't kill more than 1-2 squad members. Gonna post a replay tonight if I can showing 3 barrages right on dual LeIG and barely scratched them probably due to green cover of gun shield again providing 50% damage reduction on blast damage.
25 Sep 2015, 17:52 PM
avatar of REforever

Posts: 314

I've played a number of 2v2 UKF's and 1v1's, and the fact is that the ISG is pretty balanced and in a good spot. Alll of my losses in 2v2 ranked for UKF weren't lost because of OKW and ISG's but because of Wehrmacht players. It's pretty easy to deal with ISG's especially in 1v1's; you just have to flank and keep your units moving.

The ISG is keeping OKW viable in the competitive scene, so nerfing it would effectively send the OKW into obscurity and it'll end up being a faction no one will play except for me and a number of other people.
25 Sep 2015, 18:18 PM
avatar of Tin Pigeon

Posts: 32

It's pretty easy to deal with ISG's especially in 1v1's; you just have to flank and keep your units moving.

Thats why the instapin of the LeIG is so annoying. You cant flank it when your troops are pinned down.

The ISG is keeping OKW viable in the competitive scene, so nerfing it would effectively send the OKW into obscurity and it'll end up being a faction no one will play except for me and a number of other people.

Thats true. Nerfing the LeIG without buffing the factions Infantry is not a good idea. But right now the LeIG is a viable resource for the OKW to freeze an allied push and creep slowly forward until the better OKW tanks can roll out. And its really a unit you just buy and barely put any micro in it. You just put it next to your MedHQ or FlakHQ and take all the points in its range while its autoattacking and aoutopinning every unit while killing half the models of a squad on a direct hit.
25 Sep 2015, 18:41 PM
avatar of REforever

Posts: 314

Thats why the instapin of the LeIG is so annoying. You cant flank it when your troops are pinned down.

You won't get instant pinned though if you keep moving. Leigs can't pin your troops and can't get shots off if you keep moving, flanking and generally putting pressure on your opponent. I would know since I've faced off against a fair number of OKW players holding out for ISG's to save them, and every time all I had to do was keep moving and flank them.

Thats true. Nerfing the LeIG without buffing the factions Infantry is not a good idea. But right now the LeIG is a viable resource for the OKW to freeze an allied push and creep slowly forward until the better OKW tanks can roll out. And its really a unit you just buy and barely put any micro in it. You just put it next to your MedHQ or FlakHQ and take all the points in its range while its autoattacking and aoutopinning every unit while killing half the models of a squad on a direct hit.

It's a pretty easy unit to counter, but people are used to the ISG being completely useless and not doing anything. ISG's are beatable, the problem is that a lot of 2v2, 3v3 and 4v4 players refuse to adapt to the meta changes.
25 Sep 2015, 18:49 PM
avatar of Danigermid

Posts: 60

I totally agree with REforever i didn't had any problem to fight against it. When i played OKW i made 1 and didn't noticed that OPness :D rly guys don't cry about every game changing mechanic
25 Sep 2015, 19:35 PM
avatar of Tatatala

Posts: 589

Lel. Are you seriously saying a LeIG cannot hit a moving target? Are you also recommending that players don't use cover, and stay on the move because someone has a LeIG?

What a joke.
25 Sep 2015, 20:04 PM
avatar of EtherealDragon

Posts: 1890 | Subs: 1

You won't get instant pinned though if you keep moving. Leigs can't pin your troops and can't get shots off if you keep moving, flanking and generally putting pressure on your opponent. I would know since I've faced off against a fair number of OKW players holding out for ISG's to save them, and every time all I had to do was keep moving and flank them.

It's a pretty easy unit to counter, but people are used to the ISG being completely useless and not doing anything. ISG's are beatable, the problem is that a lot of 2v2, 3v3 and 4v4 players refuse to adapt to the meta changes.

That's fine in theory but 2+ ISG + Med Truck + Flak Truck. No amount of flanking will save you. Want to counter it with artillery? ISG shoots farther than everything else. Once dug in they require very minimal effort and that's the problem. Doesn't help that USF and Brits have few artillery options to begin with. Secondly if you DO get hit the suppression lasts long enough for 2nd and 3rd shots to land and due to the high accuracy now its basically an auto-retreat.
25 Sep 2015, 21:10 PM
avatar of Junaid

Posts: 509

Both are over-performing right now. Super-long range instapin with model snipe. Horrible to play against, that's for sure. Comes down to broken faction design for OKW- no mg for pins means their LeIG gets suppression. Mind you, I'm not in support of this. If anything, it should only be able to suppress a blob, not well-spaced squads.

Hmm....how about adding incremental suppression modifier, with a small search radius (say 5), and lowering base suppression? That way, suppression should only happen when target infantry is clumped up?
25 Sep 2015, 23:42 PM
avatar of NinjaWJ

Posts: 2070

jump backJump back to quoted post25 Sep 2015, 17:34 PMKeaper!

Dude we get it, you've spread the message and preached the gospel of Axis underperforming in every reply to every thread that has come up since the patch and hotfix. Most reasonable people agree tweaks/changes are needed and I'm sure Relic has access to much better metrics and are well aware of the discrepancy. We don't need to hear it from you 35 times.

EDIT: Why not create a "Win rate in current patch" thread and keep it all there? Would be easier than repeating yourself endlessly or injecting it into every other thread.
26 Sep 2015, 00:09 AM
avatar of NinjaWJ

Posts: 2070

spekaing of axis winrates in 4v4.....

everyone is crying that axis need buffs now that they have lower win rates in team games.

funny thing is, months ago when OKW and Ost had winrates of 80% and higher, it was considered normal lol. People who are now complaining that Axis needs buffs because of teamgames, are the same ones defending their absurd winrates months ago
26 Sep 2015, 00:27 AM
avatar of pugzii

Posts: 513

I've played a number of 2v2 UKF's and 1v1's, and the fact is that the ISG is pretty balanced and in a good spot. Alll of my losses in 2v2 ranked for UKF weren't lost because of OKW and ISG's but because of Wehrmacht players. It's pretty easy to deal with ISG's especially in 1v1's; you just have to flank and keep your units moving.

The ISG is keeping OKW viable in the competitive scene, so nerfing it would effectively send the OKW into obscurity and it'll end up being a faction no one will play except for me and a number of other people.

Then thank youself for how lucky you were. Flanking the LeIG as brits?! What are you even talking about. How am I supposed to flank a mobile support weapon which has laser accuracy even when moving due to its projectile speed. Oh and my infantry are worse than ostruppen when they're not in cover. That means if they are met by volks/sturms I have to find cover and shoot back, which then means the sniper artillery begins firing and my squad instantly are pinned and wipped. Please add me on steam so I can please play you as OKW because I'd fucking love to see this 'brits the worst mobile assault army flanking the OKW LeIG' tactic your talking about.
26 Sep 2015, 00:36 AM
avatar of Hawking

Posts: 113

Just played a 1v1 on Angoville against an OKW guy who camped out the bottom right point with a flak HQ and two ISGs. Thankfully my sappers were able to be on 24/7 repair duty for my Mortar emplacement, but, Jesus Christ. If he hadn't ran them forward at one point, where I roasted one with a wasp and the other with a Comet...

These things could really use some looking at. My Tommies were almost useless given the laser JDAM accuracy of these things, only my hold of the left side won me the game.
26 Sep 2015, 01:01 AM
avatar of REforever

Posts: 314

That's fine in theory but 2+ ISG + Med Truck + Flak Truck. No amount of flanking will save you. Want to counter it with artillery? ISG shoots farther than everything else. Once dug in they require very minimal effort and that's the problem. Doesn't help that USF and Brits have few artillery options to begin with. Secondly if you DO get hit the suppression lasts long enough for 2nd and 3rd shots to land and due to the high accuracy now its basically an auto-retreat.

Obviously, if they have a flak HQ then it's not really viable to flank. The idea is to put immense pressure on the OKW player and to get more map control/resources so you can get vehicles out much faster. I should note that I almost always incorporate a sniper into my build when fighting OKW players.

People are definitely over exaggerating the projectile speed of the ISG. If you take a shot with your sniper, then move him there's absolutely no way the ISG can hit your sniper; I've done this in all of my 1v1 and 2v2 matches where I simply wear down the OKW player with my sniper while using an infantry section or two to screen any infantry advances, while my other units cap around the map.

If this thread is still running a week-ish from now I'll post replays of me beating high ranking OKW players as the British just to prove my point, and quell these statements of the ISG being OP.
26 Sep 2015, 01:33 AM
avatar of voltardark

Posts: 975

jump backJump back to quoted post26 Sep 2015, 00:09 AMNinjaWJ
spekaing of axis winrates in 4v4.....

everyone is crying that axis need buffs now that they have lower win rates in team games.

funny thing is, months ago when OKW and Ost had winrates of 80% and higher, it was considered normal lol. People who are now complaining that Axis needs buffs because of teamgames, are the same ones defending their absurd winrates months ago

So true.
26 Sep 2015, 01:48 AM
avatar of Robbie_Rotten
Donator 11

Posts: 412

jump backJump back to quoted post26 Sep 2015, 00:09 AMNinjaWJ
spekaing of axis winrates in 4v4.....

everyone is crying that axis need buffs now that they have lower win rates in team games.

funny thing is, months ago when OKW and Ost had winrates of 80% and higher, it was considered normal lol. People who are now complaining that Axis needs buffs because of teamgames, are the same ones defending their absurd winrates months ago

Interestingly enough 4v4 and 3v3 win rates are more even. Its 1s and 2s where the problem is :snfPeter:
26 Sep 2015, 04:25 AM
avatar of Arclyte

Posts: 692

jump backJump back to quoted post26 Sep 2015, 00:09 AMNinjaWJ
spekaing of axis winrates in 4v4.....

everyone is crying that axis need buffs now that they have lower win rates in team games.

funny thing is, months ago when OKW and Ost had winrates of 80% and higher, it was considered normal lol. People who are now complaining that Axis needs buffs because of teamgames, are the same ones defending their absurd winrates months ago

nah dude, those 80%+ winrates and constant 90% population were just due to axis being "cooler". The germans had awesome uniforms, after all.

Now that the axis are rocking 60% winrates, the sky is falling.
26 Sep 2015, 04:41 AM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post26 Sep 2015, 04:25 AMArclyte

nah dude, those 80%+ winrates and constant 90% population were just due to axis being "cooler". The germans had awesome uniforms, after all.

Now that the axis are rocking 60% winrates, the sky is falling.

26 Sep 2015, 05:38 AM
avatar of Arclyte

Posts: 692



axis are 60% in 4v4, USF/Sov are 63%, and UKF is at 70

Looking back, axis were consistently in the high 80% winrate (many times, in the 90% range) as far back as the chart allows (July 1st). Allies were lucky to be around 50%, until UKF were added to the game.

Common sense and personal experience is telling me that A) UKF was a new faction and everyone wanted to play it, coupled with B) US and Soviet were being propped up in 4v4 by the UKF.

Now that the new faction smell is wearing off, and things like the crippling brace nerf, the needed bofors and partisan nerf and vickers bug fix is in place, I think we'll see axis return to 4v4 dominance, and the leiG is going to be a major unit to carry them there
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