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Watching SPrice play Symbiosis and RE upkeep so low

21 Sep 2015, 04:33 AM
avatar of ThatRabidPotato

Posts: 218

That's the risk he took when he called for the bombs.

"But if he didn't call for the bombs he would have lost."

Then he lost the game anyway, the bombs were just a high risk second chance that did not pay off.
Quite true. It comes down to RNG, which is why it leaves a sour taste in the mouth that a match that good was decided due to a derp in the matrix.

I personally feel like Price earned it more than Symbiosis did and just had a lot of bad bounces in the last 10 minutes. Even leaving aside the ridiculous arty shells, how many squads did that Tiger wipe on retreat?
21 Sep 2015, 05:07 AM
avatar of hubewa

Posts: 928

Personally, after watching that game, I felt it was evenly matched.

I disliked how Price was abusing Vehicle Crews as USF to increase MP income. Its essentially pretending units that are there aren't whereas the Wehr have to foot the entire bill for MP.

Its not really Price's fault - its Relic's Oversight and their initial gameplay plans to do with MP that kinda fucked this up really.
21 Sep 2015, 05:53 AM
avatar of JohnnyB

Posts: 2396 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post21 Sep 2015, 01:20 AMNeo
Justice vs. abusing blobber noob. Happy to see that.

WP Symbiosis, quit this game plx SPrice.

SPrice a noob? Lol....:o
21 Sep 2015, 06:06 AM
avatar of ManicMonkOnMac
Donator 11

Posts: 92

one of the best game ever indeed, wp both!
21 Sep 2015, 07:23 AM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17908 | Subs: 8

So, we're drooling over a good game or complaining that USF have more then 1 valid opening now?

I'm still not sure.
21 Sep 2015, 07:43 AM
avatar of Carlos Danger

Posts: 362

Quick, somewhat off-topic question, but could somebody please explain to me what the actual purpose of unit upkeep is? As far as I can tell, it's an arbitrary method of punishing good unit preservation.
21 Sep 2015, 07:59 AM
avatar of cr4wler

Posts: 1164

Quite true. It comes down to RNG, which is why it leaves a sour taste in the mouth that a match that good was decided due to a derp in the matrix.

I personally feel like Price earned it more than Symbiosis did and just had a lot of bad bounces in the last 10 minutes. Even leaving aside the ridiculous arty shells, how many squads did that Tiger wipe on retreat?

to be fair: how many low health squads did price keep on the field, knowing that there was a tiger around?

also: can't really follow the argument of price deserving it more... symbi had the entire map at some point, he had 4 paks and a tiger and still got raped every time by the m10 train. and when there was no tiger on the field? oh, lemme just pop out of these useless metal shells and gain a few more capping squads... for free... did i say for free? oh foolish me... they aren't free, they GIVE you manpower the longer you keep them, and they cost negative popcap. new tiger on the field? just hop back in, kill the tiger in a "drive by shooting", rinse and repeat.

symbi had to keep 4 paks, which is over 1k manpower and god knows what in popcap and upkeep just because price had some empty husks that cost him nothing to park in his base.

this is not me trying to talk bad about price's play, he just used flawed game mechanics (super cheap/low upkeep REs, crew popout) to the fullest (which is fine with me as long as they exist, even if i don't agree with them).

edit: what i forgot to add: using these "flawed" game mechanics alone isn't a sign of skill in and off of itself. symbi on the other hand displayed that he is at least a decent player by beating a top10 1v1 player with all factions in a BO3 (mind you, he managed to beat him TWICE), despite barely playing coh2 (at least to my knowledge)
21 Sep 2015, 08:09 AM
avatar of CaptainSPrice

Posts: 182 | Subs: 2

Permanently Banned
the truth is i will win this game - but my own Rail Altilery Wiped wiped 2 Important Riffleman Squads- of course no one of the shells land on German Units --- WTF RNG and most funny thing i throwed that arty far away behind VP http://www.twitch.tv/sundaynightfights/v/16967071 06:49:00
21 Sep 2015, 09:19 AM
avatar of squippy

Posts: 484

Quick, somewhat off-topic question, but could somebody please explain to me what the actual purpose of unit upkeep is? As far as I can tell, it's an arbitrary method of punishing good unit preservation.

In a sense. The fact that a player who loses a lot of units gets a lot of income allows for them to recover, meaning that a game is not decided by one lucky early engagement, frex. It makes comebacks possible, allows players to take more risks.
21 Sep 2015, 09:22 AM
avatar of squippy

Posts: 484

As far as the personal side of this discussion goes, not long ago I watched one of Dane's casts in which SPrice killed a KT with just a pair of Zis's and a T-70.
21 Sep 2015, 09:25 AM
avatar of Von Kluge
Patrion 14

Posts: 3548 | Subs: 2

One offtopic post invissed. Don't make it easy on me Katitof.
21 Sep 2015, 10:59 AM
avatar of BeefSurge

Posts: 1891

the truth is i will win this game - but my own Rail Altilery Wiped wiped 2 Important Riffleman Squads- of course no one of the shells land on German Units --- WTF RNG and most funny thing i throwed that arty far away behind VP http://www.twitch.tv/sundaynightfights/v/16967071 06:49:00
21 Sep 2015, 11:17 AM
avatar of tuvok
Benefactor 115

Posts: 786

Quick, somewhat off-topic question, but could somebody please explain to me what the actual purpose of unit upkeep is? As far as I can tell, it's an arbitrary method of punishing good unit preservation.

It prevents early advantage snowballing in mid game dominance and makes comebacks easier.
It also punishes you for spamming low-tier units and ecnourages teching (yeah sure :p)
21 Sep 2015, 18:42 PM
avatar of Woschte

Posts: 54

While they may be RNG Bombs, Price knew what they did, knew where he aimed them, knew the danger zone, and took the risk. The risk was low, but ultimately he paid the Price :sibHyena:


also keep in mind while talking about RNG:
Did you watch the teller went off when the M10 love train went over it? No? Maybe because it malfunctioned?

If that teller exploded, the train would come to a sudden stop infront of 2-3 paks and the game would only went for 40 min.

But no one sees that :foreveralone:
21 Sep 2015, 20:12 PM
avatar of siuking666

Posts: 707

Do you have any idea how hard it is to keep REs alive long enough for them to vet up? If he wasn't good, he'd never have been in that game to start with.

If you've actually watched him play you'd realize that he CAN win conventionally. He just prefers RE spam. With good reason, because it's the only viable late game US strategy.

Oh, also, if you'd even watched that one game you'd recognize his skill. Again, LATE GAME USF COMEBACK AGAINST DUG IN AXIS. That doesn't happen no matter how hard you blob. That only happens if you are DAMN good at this game, and even better than your opponent.

yeah. right. sounds legit...from your skill level's perspective.

as a side note, RE spam is not the ONLY VIABLE late game US strategy. + Symbiosis is the top few players in CoH 1 ;) i doubt Price is better than him in any way.
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