
russian armor

Why Vicker HMG is so bad for its price?!!

14 Sep 2015, 06:14 AM
avatar of Rasputin

Posts: 57

the vickers cost 280 compared to the mg42's 260mp. If it's more expensive then it should be better.

By that logic the 42 should flat out beat the maxim then. Guess what. Thats not the case. Here, Ive got another one for you. The total cost of a teller mine and pak40 is lower than that of a t34. So if that t34 hits the teller, it should still be able to defeat the pak and run away. Cause price. Cause logic.

The vickers got other advantages over the 42. A more consistent damage output, longer range in buildings(and oh guess what. brits can build trenches pretty much anywhere they like), pretty nice vet bonuses, the inherent faction ability to place green cover in the form of sandbags anywhere they like - something that ostheer sorely lacks.

If you see a 42 in a building and pop your vickers in a building adjacent to it and hope to defeat it, the error was on your end. Same as when a 42 runs head on into a maxim that is already set up. Dont expect to win such an engagement.

And just like the maxim, 50 cal and 42 cant contain 5 units unless theyre all blobbed up like crazy, neither should the vickers, just because of some lousy 20 mp.
14 Sep 2015, 06:19 AM
avatar of dasheepeh

Posts: 2115 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post14 Sep 2015, 04:22 AMSierra

I'm amused. The MG 42 gets roasted by maxims so let's not even go there.

Besides both the Maxim and Vickers were built in World War One. The technologically more recent MG-34 and MG-42 would of course out perform both of those ancient and much heavier weapons by a wide margin with their much higher rate of fire and reliability.

The MG-34 was only considered lesser than the MG-42 due to being a bit more complex and over engineered in design compared to the simpler and lighter weight MG-42, though both were relatively more lightweight.

The MG-42 however was light enough to be carried around, man portable and fired without even needing a tripod, the entire assembly was about 30 or 40lbs which was lightweight for that class of weapon.

The point being that if we weren't going for "game balance" over realism, the MG-42 would be far more frightening than it is now.

As for the argument that an MG is supposed to provide suppression instead of damage. I get that from a gameplay perspective you need the suppression, but the only reason it suppresses in reality is because every bullet out of that screaming bullet hose is lethal and can and will end your life before you knew it hit you.

thanks for the history lesson, what was your point again?
14 Sep 2015, 08:13 AM
avatar of MoerserKarL
Donator 22

Posts: 1108

jump backJump back to quoted post14 Sep 2015, 02:37 AMJadame!

HMG42 in building kills Vickers in building even without incendiary rounds.

Vickers has really bad performance for it cost.

replay? Never seen this.
14 Sep 2015, 09:12 AM
avatar of OZtheWiZARD

Posts: 1439

I think Vickers are really good units. Just remember to put them in buildings every time you have a chance.
I'm not sure about the price though. I'd welcome cost changed to 260mp but not sure how this would affect the balance.
14 Sep 2015, 09:17 AM
avatar of Kubelecer

Posts: 403

thanks for the history lesson, what was your point again?

german steel> everything
14 Sep 2015, 10:14 AM
avatar of van Voort
Honorary Member Badge

Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post14 Sep 2015, 04:22 AMSierra

Besides both the Maxim and Vickers were built in World War One. The technologically more recent MG-34 and MG-42 would of course out perform both of those ancient and much heavier weapons by a wide margin with their much higher rate of fire and reliability.


Both the Maxim and the Vickers are famously reliable, so I don't think that counts as a win for the MG42

Which is better in a RW situation depends a lot on the situation
14 Sep 2015, 10:28 AM
avatar of Mr. Someguy

Posts: 4928

Did an MG test, Conscripts Oorah as soon as they get sight on the gun, see how far they get. Ran the test until I got consistent results 3 times, but never had to do it more than 4. Since the Cons were invincible, this was only a suppression test. Test was done on open ground with no cover.

First value is meters until suppressed, second is meters until pinned. 0 is when the MG can see them, 35 is MG position:

05 - 15 MG 42
10 - 15 Maxim
11 - 16 MG 34
10 - 20 Vickers
15 - 20 Browning

  • The Browning performed poorly because it took a second to start shooting.
  • The Maxim also had a delay, but made up for it with surprisingly quick pinning.
  • The Vicker's problem seemed to be a long pause between bursts, which let infantry crawl.
  • The MG 34 began firing quickly with little cooldown, it just has plain bad suppression.
  • The MG 42 suppressed rapidly, but let infantry crawl a bit before pinning them.
14 Sep 2015, 11:11 AM
avatar of ofield

Posts: 420

which still means the vicker take longer to suppress than the mg42.

Yea but that means the vickers deals more damage, since suppressed Units are harder to hit. Makes it better vs single squads less effective vs blobs. it's a trade off.
14 Sep 2015, 12:23 PM
avatar of Aladdin

Posts: 959

How ever you look at it. Its price does not justify its performance at all.
14 Sep 2015, 12:43 PM
avatar of Firesparks

Posts: 1930

jump backJump back to quoted post14 Sep 2015, 11:11 AMofield

Yea but that means the vickers deals more damage, since suppressed Units are harder to hit. Makes it better vs single squads less effective vs blobs. it's a trade off.

the entire purpose of mg is to stop blobs through suppression and then kill them. The vicker is a bad mg if it have problem handling blobs.

The vickers got other advantages over the 42. A more consistent damage output, longer range in buildings(and oh guess what. brits can build trenches pretty much anywhere they like), pretty nice vet bonuses, the inherent faction ability to place green cover in the form of sandbags anywhere they like - something that ostheer sorely lacks.

the extra range in building is a vet 1 ability. the mg42 get its awesome infantry eraser belt at vet1. It's basically extra range verus extra DPS. The mg42 incendiary are also awesome at killing light vehicle as well.

the trenches also cost 50 mp. It's not free. It's more of a bunker than a trench.

the "sandbag advantage" get thrown around a lot, but aside from the brief period of sov sandbag spam, sandbags are rarely used in the game. Not in coh1, and not in coh2.
14 Sep 2015, 13:10 PM
avatar of Barantah
Donator 22

Posts: 90

german steel> everything

That's why Allies win the war, because Germans were supperior in every way... Poor tanks, poor infs, poor arti, poor equipements, planes and so on :P. Dunno why they lost if every tanks/machine gun/cannon " out perform"/"can't be penetrated" everything :). Allies just throw naked waves of humans to detroy germans. It worked :p. We're not in 1939 or 1941 in the game, we're in 1943/44(Beside Relic don't care about realism, they said it in Brits stream with the Sniper , they use obsolete gun, but it was fun to add in the game).

To the OP :

Vickers are good, in a team game perspective, it's effective at killing(suppression is Meh), and it will win against a mg42 if both are garrisoned in a building (first vickers burst kill 1/2 models mid/far range)
14 Sep 2015, 13:23 PM
avatar of Robbie_Rotten
Donator 11

Posts: 412

jump backJump back to quoted post14 Sep 2015, 04:22 AMSierra

I'm amused. The MG 42 gets roasted by maxims so let's not even go there.

Besides both the Maxim and Vickers were built in World War One. The technologically more recent MG-34 and MG-42 would of course out perform both of those ancient and much heavier weapons by a wide margin with their much higher rate of fire and reliability.

The MG-34 was only considered lesser than the MG-42 due to being a bit more complex and over engineered in design compared to the simpler and lighter weight MG-42, though both were relatively more lightweight.

The MG-42 however was light enough to be carried around, man portable and fired without even needing a tripod, the entire assembly was about 30 or 40lbs which was lightweight for that class of weapon.

The point being that if we weren't going for "game balance" over realism, the MG-42 would be far more frightening than it is now.

As for the argument that an MG is supposed to provide suppression instead of damage. I get that from a gameplay perspective you need the suppression, but the only reason it suppresses in reality is because every bullet out of that screaming bullet hose is lethal and can and will end your life before you knew it hit you.

If we were going for realism then soldiers should become unsuppressed when the MG42 reloads so that they can advance and nade it, since that was what soldiers were trained to do at the time.

Also, ancient and heavy doesn't mean anything to effectiveness. The US army still uses the M2HB 50cal designed in 1933.

Also, your analysis of HMGs doesn't account for difference in doctrine...

This is why the historical argument is dumb.
14 Sep 2015, 21:29 PM
avatar of Looney
Patrion 14

Posts: 444

Fastest arriving hmg in the game, it's fine imo.

Remember, it has the slowest set up time of all allied hmg's, you can't A move them like a maxim and arguably the USF 50 cal.

Have to set them up first in the back, then scout with your infantry.
14 Sep 2015, 22:43 PM
avatar of Horasu

Posts: 279

jump backJump back to quoted post14 Sep 2015, 21:29 PMLooney
Fastest arriving hmg in the game, it's fine imo.

Remember, it has the slowest set up time of all allied hmg's, you can't A move them like a maxim and arguably the USF 50 cal.

Have to set them up first in the back, then scout with your infantry.

That's really not what this thread is about. It's about cost effectiveness, combat effectiveness has nothing to do with it. We all know how to use it.
15 Sep 2015, 00:29 AM
avatar of ClassyDavid

Posts: 424 | Subs: 2

Fastest arrival? MG42 nearly arrives the same time but costs 20 less MP but doing superior suppression and nearly the same damage. I'd rather have a MG42 because Germans have such high damaging weapons that you need them to be suppressed. Damage isn't so good if a Grenadier squad can walk up and rifle grenade before even being suppressed. I try to scout out the Vickers but they can simply walk out of the arc without even being troubled to be suppressed. Either decrease to 260 or slightly reduce damage but buff the suppression.
15 Sep 2015, 00:31 AM
avatar of Aladdin

Posts: 959

jump backJump back to quoted post14 Sep 2015, 22:43 PMHorasu

That's really not what this thread is about. It's about cost effectiveness, combat effectiveness has nothing to do with it. We all know how to use it.

15 Sep 2015, 04:41 AM
avatar of CadianGuardsman

Posts: 348

The thing with the Vickers is that it works as intended. It is supposed to be the anchor of a gunline. The ideal thing with a Vickers is to have it behind 2 or 3 Infantry Sections in green cover and KILL THE SHIT out of Germans. The Brits play like a World War One army, it's best people remember that. They win attacks through brute force and they hold ground through killing and causing manpower bleed, the brits don't flank, they don't close, and they don't dance around cover. They sit in cover and shoot the enemy to death with the MG staying in the rear as a line backer, The MG is not supposed to be at the front, if it's getting fraged by OKW you're placing them poorly. If you're getting OSTH Rifle nades try leaving your MG's out of cover, yes it's heresy, but if you have a good 3 sections with brens infront of it, then it will survive.
15 Sep 2015, 04:57 AM
avatar of ThoseDeafMutes

Posts: 1026

Did an MG test, Conscripts Oorah as soon as they get sight on the gun, see how far they get. Ran the test until I got consistent results 3 times, but never had to do it more than 4. Since the Cons were invincible, this was only a suppression test. Test was done on open ground with no cover.

First value is meters until suppressed, second is meters until pinned. 0 is when the MG can see them, 35 is MG position:

05 - 15 MG 42
10 - 15 Maxim
11 - 16 MG 34
10 - 20 Vickers
15 - 20 Browning

  • The Browning performed poorly because it took a second to start shooting.
  • The Maxim also had a delay, but made up for it with surprisingly quick pinning.
  • The Vicker's problem seemed to be a long pause between bursts, which let infantry crawl.
  • The MG 34 began firing quickly with little cooldown, it just has plain bad suppression.
  • The MG 42 suppressed rapidly, but let infantry crawl a bit before pinning them.

Also want to point out that either suppression or damage (or both, I forget) increases with more models, rather than scaling based on # of squads. In either case MGs are a bit better at fighting soviet squads than they are against axis squads, although I forget the precise effects.
15 Sep 2015, 07:37 AM
avatar of Firesparks

Posts: 1930

The thing with the Vickers is that it works as intended. It is supposed to be the anchor of a gunline. The ideal thing with a Vickers is to have it behind 2 or 3 Infantry Sections in green cover and KILL THE SHIT out of Germans. The Brits play like a World War One army, it's best people remember that. They win attacks through brute force and they hold ground through killing and causing manpower bleed, the brits don't flank, they don't close, and they don't dance around cover. They sit in cover and shoot the enemy to death with the MG staying in the rear as a line backer, The MG is not supposed to be at the front, if it's getting fraged by OKW you're placing them poorly. If you're getting OSTH Rifle nades try leaving your MG's out of cover, yes it's heresy, but if you have a good 3 sections with brens infront of it, then it will survive.

Nice theory, but it doesn't work in practice. Vickers without the suppression effect will get easily focused down by horde of infantry.

the infantry section also have worst close range dps than the grenadier. Imagine trying to use mg42 without its awesome suppression effect. HMG need suppression and damage to be useful.
15 Sep 2015, 07:44 AM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8

jump backJump back to quoted post14 Sep 2015, 21:29 PMLooney
Fastest arriving hmg in the game, it's fine imo.

Remember, it has the slowest set up time of all allied hmg's, you can't A move them like a maxim and arguably the USF 50 cal.

Have to set them up first in the back, then scout with your infantry.

Actually, fastest arriving one is HMG42 which is cheaper.
And you can pretty much YOLO volks vs vickers and nade wipe it(do incendiary nades have molotov range? If not, we have a big problem).
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