
russian armor

"UKF SO OP".... well is it really?

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6 Sep 2015, 22:02 PM
avatar of steffenbk1

Posts: 139

People are complaining about how OP the UKF faction is, the problem is that most of those who claim this have most likely not played UKF. UKF is no OP at all, in fact they are actually the worst faction you could pick 1v1. They are to costly and the buildings takes so much of your pop cap that you are so limited to infantry and vehicles. As it stands UKF is a team based faction in my view. Thing is with UKF you have nothing to counter things in early game like snipers or the luchs, and they are so easy to base rush that it is laughable, and you can't leave any infantry in the open if they dont have cover, they will lose everytime . So to those who say UKF is op..... is really not, it is a hard faction to play because if it high cost and lack of counters early game.
6 Sep 2015, 22:05 PM
avatar of Robbie_Rotten
Donator 11

Posts: 412

Im sure this thread will be productive. In the off chance it isn't, the patch will fix things with brits somewhat. 'so lets just hold off until it gets here.
6 Sep 2015, 22:09 PM
avatar of Neffarion

Posts: 461 | Subs: 1

"the problem is that most of those who claim this have most likely not played UKF"

Buy me the UKF and I will play.
Doesn't take an idiot to realize a tank like the crocodile or bofors are op
6 Sep 2015, 22:12 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

"the problem is that most of those who claim this have most likely not played UKF"

Buy me the UKF and I will play.
Doesn't take an idiot to realize a tank like the crocodile or bofors are op

Well, patch addresses both, doesn't it?

How about weakness to snipers?

How about immense bleed?

Lack of menpower?

Extreme fragility of emplacements to flames?

Scoped lee enfield being a downgrade instead of upgrade?

Patch will nerf the op stuff, leave the up stuff and we'll have the shortest lived hype for new army ever in coh series.
6 Sep 2015, 22:35 PM
avatar of Looney
Patrion 14

Posts: 444

"the problem is that most of those who claim this have most likely not played UKF"

Buy me the UKF and I will play.
Doesn't take an idiot to realize a tank like the crocodile or bofors are op

A single mortar/howie counters the bofor, it keeps it braced indefinitly.
The Crocodile arrives at the same time as a Tiger/Panther.

Imo Bofor's fine, the Main gun on the crocodile should probadly be removed and make it cheaper togheter with lower CP. So it'll be a KV2. But Crocodile kinda fine as well imo, in 1 vs 1 you get forced to at least get a Centaur/Cromwell else you will get overrun easy, which delays the Crocodile alot.
6 Sep 2015, 22:45 PM
avatar of ElTirador

Posts: 27

Played the UKF, if they lose is because most of people ends trenching too hard that they have no popcap left to attack, for the rest of the time, 1 cocodrile and 1 or 2 upgraded fireflies can kill an entire enemy player without too many effords if they are not dumb
6 Sep 2015, 22:48 PM
avatar of BrutusHR

Posts: 262

Cant say UKF is OP, true they need little adjusting but not anything gamebreaking, but i find it fun to play against them, it feels competitive, in a good way. And im glad a lot of players are using them, not USF or soviets, so dull factions.
6 Sep 2015, 23:18 PM
avatar of GLBZ

Posts: 54

I think the problem is in Axis players. I mean they was not ready to face faction that have stock lategame units(comet/cherch) and can go defence. It's very different frome soviets (realay on commander heavaly,esp. in late game) and usf (early pushing and mobile force). It's need some time to understand who are they realy are.
6 Sep 2015, 23:26 PM
avatar of QueenRatchet123

Posts: 2280 | Subs: 2

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jump backJump back to quoted post6 Sep 2015, 23:18 PMGLBZ
I think the problem is in Axis players. I mean they was not ready to face faction that have stock lategame units(comet/cherch) and can go defence. It's very different frome soviets (realay on commander heavaly,esp. in late game) and usf (early pushing and mobile force). It's need some time to understand who are they realy are.

Give this man a cookie
6 Sep 2015, 23:30 PM
avatar of NightGale

Posts: 18

I find the best way to deal with UKF in early game was to use assault grens because you can bleed there mp so they cant build most emplacements with out losing and insane amount of map control
6 Sep 2015, 23:31 PM
avatar of Appleseed

Posts: 622

well UKF is very weak in 1v1 the MP bleed hurts very bad. but from 2v2 and up it just become very strong as long as they are not all ukf. UKF alone is pretty weak due to MP bleed. the UKF base infantry (forget the names) feels worst than volks, (except when they are in green cover which is dam strong)

UKF definitely in a odd situation. there is many unit to be address. on top of crocodile and bofors, i think AVRE also need some adjustment, in a 2v2 game my avre arrive about same time as their ST, AVRE and ST exchanged fire, both lost about half of health, AVRE have more hp left, his ST pulling back, my AVRE chase the ST and finished reloading in middle while taking all the shreks from their Volks and fired 2nd shot and finish the ST, then pull back to safety and still have 1/4 hp left. the UKF problem right now is their unit is either very OP or useless. pretty much all their units and trenchs need rework, like trench can take a stuka dive bomb still have 2/3 of its hp is definitely not right, while air raid destroy everything in the huge area.
6 Sep 2015, 23:39 PM
avatar of BrutusHR

Posts: 262

jump backJump back to quoted post6 Sep 2015, 23:18 PMGLBZ
I think the problem is in Axis players. I mean they was not ready to face faction that have stock lategame units(comet/cherch) and can go defence. It's very different frome soviets (realay on commander heavaly,esp. in late game) and usf (early pushing and mobile force). It's need some time to understand who are they realy are.

I think not, UKF late game is not stronger than soviets had it couple of patches ago, yes Soviets need commanders for good stuff but also u need to sacrifice late game as UKF if go sim city but cant hold your ground. UKF is good, some things to adjust but generally ok.
6 Sep 2015, 23:50 PM
avatar of Kubelecer

Posts: 403

Look, ukf units weren't german so that means they weren't made of superior german steel which means they should be shit, because thats how it was IRL. As simple as that.

Keep nerfing UKF while hans the sniper gets 50 kills each game, turbo mortar has laser guided missiles and can shut down an emplacement forever even with the current brace. Thank you very much relic I always wanted to be forced to play axis for the bullpudding.

Some units need adjusting like the instagib building bofors, but complaining about brit tanks when you have a pakwall with stun available takes quite the cake. The 20 pen USF at gun? Noone cares because it's not german. Paper infantry no longer becoming paper? Nerf that shit please relic I want to be able to win while playing with my feet.
6 Sep 2015, 23:50 PM
avatar of pussyking
Donator 11

Posts: 551

Brits cant keep up with ost/okw on build time and MP bleed. Cant afford to lose a single inf section. One damn volk nade can gg a game.
6 Sep 2015, 23:55 PM
avatar of GLBZ

Posts: 54

I think not, UKF late game is not stronger than soviets had it couple of patches ago, yes Soviets need commanders for good stuff but also u need to sacrifice late game as UKF if go sim city but cant hold your ground. UKF is good, some things to adjust but generally ok.

i don't think ukf lategame power or something,but one of the things that change game from soviets that you have much stronger 34/85 or kv1 in any case.
The point is : for axis it was normal that they get panther and even superior to 34/sherman pnz4 in every game, while any ml 20 soviet player have only t34 and su85 .
In the end- it's very different from any other nation so it's need time to understandt what it is.
look - there is many "ukf op" and "ukf up" threads
7 Sep 2015, 00:15 AM
avatar of ThoseDeafMutes

Posts: 1026

The UKF is definitely "the most unbalanced" faction, but not exclusively in the OP direction. It's horrifically terrible against ostheer early game. It also has a variety of mediocre units. But then it also has some batshit crazy stuff like the Churchill croc and Commandos that are kind of broken in terms of how good they are. Some of the commander abilities are also stupid good (Tac Support regiment :hansWUT:).

OH Sniper situation needs to be fixed its too gardening powerful and wrecks British. Inf section reinforce cost is mostly ok until you take into account how quickly snipers wipe your models regardless of cover.

Bren carrier could use more durability. In exchange, the flamer should not go quite as far or do a bit less damage. Basically even with extra accuracy vs snipers it's just hopelessly fragile, and gren fausts = gg. It's also the case that you can't even repair it until vet 1 or tier 2 which means chasing that sniper and getting engine damage, EVEN IF YOU SURVIVE, means that you've lost your only good chance. Because now it will be protected by more grens and eventually paks or a scout car.

Armoured car could actually be altered to be a bit of a sniper counter if its pintle mg got extra damage bonus? Not sure just spitballing here. It's 60 fuel and would really help out if it wasn't hopeless at killing snips.

Churchill croc needs toning down. Health reduction is coming, but it may not be enough. 5 range reduction too? Might be reasonable.

Commandos do wierd damage spikes and I find it hard to predict what they're going to do. But sometimes they just melt a whole squad in a second flat. It also has FANTASTIC grenades. 500mp per squad is not unreasonable, but vanguard commander gets to crank them out of the glider hq for 350, which is fantastic value. I suggest upping cost to 360, reducing Glider call in cost (for commando doctrine) to 460, and then making their damage more consistent and less weird. Overall I want them to have a nerf but if its predictable how much damage they do, it will be easier for other players to cope with.

7 Sep 2015, 00:44 AM
avatar of blitz1337

Posts: 184

Commandos do wierd damage spikes and I find it hard to predict what they're going to do. But sometimes they just melt a whole squad in a second flat.

I think you'll find its when they are staionary and close up that they excel, they suck at firing on the move.
7 Sep 2015, 05:52 AM
avatar of Junaid

Posts: 509

UKF as a faction is NOT OP. In fact it has several weakness (mp bleed; snipers, gimmicky emplacements) which need to be addressed.

Some UKF units though, are bloody well OP (e.g. Churchill croc/AVRE; not regular churchill) or have such extremely good synergy in numbers (e.g. 2 FF + 1/2 tulip shots = bye bye any axis tank or FF backing up churchill/AVRE/Croc etc) that yeah, it might seem OP to the other guy facing the heat :p.

IMO both these need to be redressed.
7 Sep 2015, 06:08 AM
avatar of TheMux2

Posts: 139

Its not a axis faction so it needs to be nerfed into the ground right? Bofors and centaur need to be fixed but i dont see UKF being op.

Axis players should: pop smoke and flank it and #Adapt
7 Sep 2015, 06:25 AM
avatar of MoreLess3rd

Posts: 363

Well Brits aren't THAT op..they just had a good late game..which u can prevent it
i lose like once to a double UKF today..cause i was too scare to push incase there was any more Pounder or a tank..while i dint have any tank at the moment..boy was i wrong about that.

i watch my replay n they kinda only have like 3 IS 1 crom for the 1st Brits.
while the 2nd Brit had a Centaur n 3 IS 1 Commando n 1 Engi i think..

they were lacking of Unit..but they nail it..cause we give them time to make Comet n FF..


soo..just keep hammer them..
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