credits: Capiqua, Burts, SwonVIP, Sirlami, Nebaka and Whoa.
I will update this post with more leaks if they come to us

11095510 (H) Desert Yellow
11095511 Primarily in use from 1939 until about 1943; this basic shade was used on vehicles in service in the Middle East and North Africa. It was often used in combination with other shades when creating disruptive patterns.
11095516 (H) Caunter Scheme
11095517 Composed of disruptive diagonal lines painted across the vehicle in a splinter pattern. The blue-ish hue was actually silver grey paint faded from the desert sun.

few bulletins and probably few new abilities of the OKW commander
(source free trial game files)

the 3 USF commander names are as follows:
Forward Assault Company - Coordinate your army with aerial support to help maneuver through the battlefield.
Advanced weapons such as the M1919A6 and the M5 Halftrack help infantry to hold the line while mobile artillery units move into place to break the attack.
Field company with p-47 recon runs and anti infantry strafes, also M3 halftrack with off map smoke barrage
And also a "cavalry company" althought its unspecified.
new community maps
11098172 (2) Sturzdorf
11098173 Company of Heroes map recreated by STAHLHAGEL
11098174 (2 - 4) Ecliptic Fields
11098175 Company of Heroes map recreated by Wolfie88
11098176 (4 - 6) Montherme
11098177 Company of Heroes map recreated by MonolithicBacon
11098178 (2 - 6) Achelous River
11098179 Company of Heroes map recreated by Ecarus & Cpl.Cookie
11098180 (6 - 8) Red Ball Express
11098181 Company of Heroes map recreated by Grandmaster B & zupadupadude
USF Rangers in multiplayer
11095435 Test Ranger Commander
11095436 Ranger Company
11095442 Calls in a squad of Rangers to be deployed to the battlefield. Rangers are an elite unit trained in all aspects of combat, such as marksmanship and demolitions.
11095443 New unit - Rangers - available for deployment. Click and select location to deploy.
11095444 Deploy Rangers
11095445 Calls in a squad of Rangers to be deployed to the battlefield. Rangers are an elite unit trained in all aspects of combat, such as marksmanship and demolitions.
11095446 Deploy Rangers
Flame Hetzer
By Sirlami
There was also a ton of new bulletins and victory strikes, didnt want to add them because they are not "that" important. Also some of the images suggested that abilities will also get bulletins.
And about sound files, there are sound files for wiberlwind, ba 64 armoured car, staghound and nashorn.
Custom commander in-game?
Custom commander symbols
source: 2015 sept 3 patch gamefiles
king_tiger_fortress ability sounds fun
Something like that exists in game files but this is in "Custom commanders" folder.