Relic aimed for quantity at the beginning of Coh2 cicle because they urgently needed revenue to keep business going. Meanwhile Coh2 has become a financial success (which you can see by increased quality content and the hiring of asian pro employees (Mr Lee)).
There not being a bigger playerbase has many reasons, mediocre marketing, complexity of the game, the rise of mobas etc. Apart from Starcraft, RTS-games in general do not have the biggest player base.
But, sure, opinions are many. Good thing though we can discuss them. So, which current RTS-game ("current" in terms of content is still being produced by company) is the 2nd best of the world in your opinion? 
Now we never stated it needed to be anything still in development, but if you put it that way, we only have limited games we can specifically argue about since most games are pretty much at a 100% content potential after a year and improve upon balance. Lame move by you, 10/10.
Limiting options to "still releasing content" just to get Coh2 in a better spot isn't that worthy now is it? Fair enough, in that case Coh2 is high in the ranks, but giving it this title isn't deserved neither worthy of recognition. Constantly releasing content isn't quality, it is quantity. Especially if you consider the poor status WFA were in after their releases, much balance there was indeed.
Asian pro employee Jason Lee? Lol
Increased quality of content? You mean OKW units blobbing up and roaming the field unopposed for months after their release. Truck pushing being legit, one faction having superior Veterancy and the list goes on. Not to talk about USF's horrible position right now, laughable faction design.
Then we have the debacle of releasing factions, but never expanding these factions for the sake of adding another faction just to cash again. Not even to name the Tiger Ace And Windustry doctrines totally breaking the game and remaining unchanged in order to have more sales on these commanders, only after months of whining were these commanders towed down (I presume after sales went down). Quality huh?
RTS-games have or had big player bases. Starcraft being one of them, Rise of Nations, Age of Empires and Sid Meier's Civilization all have or had big player bases. These games far exceed Coh2, but I do agree that Coh2 is different, in a good way. Does that make it the 2nd best RTS in the World right now, lol no.
If we use your dull and pretty lame excuse to get Coh2 higher in the ranks, "still releasing content hurrdurr", then yes, perhaps it is higher than the rest. But only in that spectrum, with respects to the rest of the RTS spectrum, it never gets close to being 2nd.
Is Coh2 a good game? Yes most certainly, I do enjoy it very much, but that is it. It will never get where Age of Empires, Starcraft or Sid Meier's Civilization got and still are.
Edit: I meant no disrespect in my previous posts, nor do I mean it now. I just think that you bending the specific factors in order for Coh2 to be on top, is just lame.