I would like to see diffrent builds beside Grens... some people are using PGrens (but more in teamgames) and some dudes are using Assgrens... but Osttruppen and Storm troopers are quite underused imo. Especially due to the new tech change (last patch: MG to T0) diffrent builds beside Grens are definitely viable (e.g. Osttruppen + skipped T1).
The problem about a mg supported Osttruppen build is the lack of the Panzerfaust which requires a T1 building (totally senseless imo

Another problem Osttruppen wont get the attack/dmg buff (when in cover) if they are in a building (so far I noticed maybe im wrong...)
Maybe give them the option to create some sort of cover (beside bunkers/ trenches)
Storm troopers are fine imo. They are as expensive as PGrens but they have much more diffrent abilities and sections you can use them... but I would decrease the cost of their upgrades (compared to PGrens the Stgs are totally overpriced) (STGs 100 -> 60 - 80, Panzerfaust 75 -> 60).
Or increase MP cost to 360 - 390 but they will come with the STG upgrade (Panzerfaust will be able as an additional upgrade)
Tell me what you think about those units I would really like to see them beside Grens and MG spam

*based on Osttruppen doctrine