
russian armor

Is COH2 broken?

23 Jun 2015, 23:16 PM
avatar of Vitor

Posts: 57

Well it's not a problem per sé, it's more of an observation that keeps being confirmed because it just keeps happening.

Besides, observation is not dogmatic, if it stops happening I will adjust my view. So that's not dogmatic.

Having a general "rule" or "assumption" and sticking with it no matter what your own observation tells you is dogmatic. That's not what I'm doing here.

I originally also had the assumption that axis was generally stronger than allies but with what has happened to me recently has changed that belief (I'm not saying axis is always weaker than allies but they are certainly not stronger, at least not anymore). In other words, I experienced something and adjusted my view accordingly and that's anything but dogmatic.

Statistics gathered from many thousands of games are more reliable than your personal experience.
23 Jun 2015, 23:24 PM
avatar of TheDesertFox

Posts: 61

Than why does this keep happening? Why do I get swarmed as axis every single time, why do I swarm the axis as allies every single time why do my random teammates who play axis say the same thing I've been saying every single time? Explain that! If there is really nothing going on then why is it the same thing over and over again? I refuse to believe that that is a coincedence. It feels like a pattern. Besides, majority is not always right. Often majority get's stuck in dogma's and absolutes. Most people think like this for example: "this thing is always true" and then base their reasoning on that. In this case the notion "axis is always OP in large teamgames" is the center of most people's reasoning without taking enough variables into consideration.

You make a good point, often the majority can be very wrong.

But this is a specific case here.

This is an issue of personal performance. I cannot explain why this or why that, without concrete facts (ie, a replay...).

If you supply a replay to prove your point, the problem will be solved because then we will have the necessary facts to reach a conclusion.

Right now, you are 'claiming' xyz... yet, it is known that people greatly exaggerate their own experiences.
23 Jun 2015, 23:28 PM
avatar of Scifiroel

Posts: 47

You make a good point, often the majority can be very wrong.

But this is a specific case here.

This is an issue of personal performance. I cannot explain why this or why that, without concrete facts (ie, a replay...).

If you supply a replay to prove your point, the problem will be solved because then we will have the necessary facts to reach a conclusion.

Right now, you are 'claiming' xyz... yet, it is known that people greatly exaggerate their own experiences.

Well, I may be able to provide a few replays when I play soviet and win, I haven't saved my axis defeat replays though... I may supply them tommorow, right now I have to go to bed. And yes, I really do have to. It's 1:30 am right now in Belgium, look it up if you don't believe me, I'm not just saying that to get out of posting replays, honestly.
23 Jun 2015, 23:37 PM
avatar of pigsoup
Patrion 14

Posts: 4301 | Subs: 2

maybe you are not being dogmatic generally but you are right now.

your observation wasn't dogmatic. it is your view or "assumption" that you drew from your observation/experience that is.

stats on the paid_player's page and overwhelming majority disagree with you, yet you aren't even budging a bit. and the fact that you chose to fault the game from the get go says a lot.
24 Jun 2015, 01:04 AM
avatar of Grumpy

Posts: 1954

That's it i'm not using this forum any longer! I haven't been here long but I'm done being isulted by people calling me "ill informed" and sometimes even "stupid". I have these impressions about the game for a reason and I hate not being taken seriously!

goodbey people!

Well, I may be able to provide a few replays when I play soviet and win, I haven't saved my axis defeat replays though... I may supply them tommorow, right now I have to go to bed. And yes, I really do have to. It's 1:30 am right now in Belgium, look it up if you don't believe me, I'm not just saying that to get out of posting replays, honestly.

Wait.....you said you were done here.......

3v3 and 4v4 can go either way now, with the advantage going to the side that knows how to play together better. You can claim that it's unbalanced in favor of the allies but probably everyone else here disagrees.

I played my first 4v4 as OKW about a year ago. I didn't try even a warm-up game, skirmish, anything before playing 4v4 multiplayer. I spent the first 20 (maybe 30) minutes wondering why I couldn't build anything good, and who parked this fcuking moving van in my base. In the meantime, the two decent players on my team were going off, calling me a eff'ing newbie and worse. I finally figured out what the moving van did, built a Puma, waited a couple minutes for the next moving van, then built two Panthers and a bunch of Obers, more or less A-moved across the map and won. The game shouldn't be that unbalanced.
24 Jun 2015, 01:09 AM
avatar of Charlie_Kingsgrove

Posts: 8

just lock the thread its a L2P issue, you may as well argue with a brick wall you would get somewhere that way. The sook said he was leaving anyways so good riddence!
24 Jun 2015, 02:27 AM
avatar of Appleseed

Posts: 622

just bad teammate, if u find good teammate that help each other out it could be alot easier, but most teammates only ask you to help or they just go in alone and lose everything
24 Jun 2015, 13:19 PM
avatar of Trubbbel

Posts: 721

Broken is a game that prevents you from playing. Not broken. Frustration is what people feel at times and create threads about it. Fight smarter next time.
jump backJump back to quoted post23 Jun 2015, 15:45 PMJadame!
Wehr snipers uncounterable.

-Please granddad, tell us the story of the Vicious, almighty killer that nobody could stand against again!
-hehe oh well if you insist. The year was 2015 and in this game there was this UNCOUNTERABLE wher sniper.
-What? that sounds crazy op, devs wouldn't..
-I'M telling the story! Where you there?
-*goes quiet*
-So, this sniper chewed bullets for breakfast, laughed in the face of danger, headshot all shocktroops in 1 second, grabbed all tanks by the gun and groundslammed them on the pathetic Little jeeps.
-wow he hardcountered the hardcounter, granddad?
-Yes indeed, all you had to do was to build this one godlike, uncounterable wher sniper and it was game over.
-That sounds awesome to have such I win button. What happened to him?
-Nobody knows, I Think he might be slamming tanks, kicking mines and throwing back rockets to this day. Now sleep tight children.
24 Jun 2015, 13:22 PM
avatar of Jawohl?

Posts: 97

L2p, L2p, L2p.... come on people, none of you have seen me play so just shut up about the L2p, it's very easy to say that when you haven't seen me play. That is not helping at all. Besides, I'm not really losing, I'm actually winning, but only with one faction, a faction I used to suck with.

24 Jun 2015, 13:27 PM
avatar of Trubbbel

Posts: 721

jump backJump back to quoted post24 Jun 2015, 13:22 PMJawohl?


I wish I had such great help when I started out. I would've dominated you all. Now, look at my 50/50 stats.
24 Jun 2015, 13:35 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8

Well it's not a problem per sé, it's more of an observation that keeps being confirmed because it just keeps happening.

Besides, observation is not dogmatic, if it stops happening I will adjust my view. So that's not dogmatic.

Having a general "rule" or "assumption" and sticking with it no matter what your own observation tells you is dogmatic. That's not what I'm doing here.

I originally also had the assumption that axis was generally stronger than allies but with what has happened to me recently has changed that belief (I'm not saying axis is always weaker than allies but they are certainly not stronger, at least not anymore). In other words, I experienced something and adjusted my view accordingly and that's anything but dogmatic.

Lets theoretically assume your observations are correct FOR YOU.

You see this very frequently, but vast majority of player population don't.

The possible causes can be three:

-You always have a bad luck and play against better team, which is unlikely even if the matchmaking would be completely random.

-Your allies are always bad, which is unlikely for the same reason as the above.

-You are bad.

Going with the 3rd option makes most sense as it would mean you frequently see yourself being overwhelmed as most likely you are the weakest link in your team, which would explain you getting ass whooped despite statistics saying blatantly that axis is OP in the bracket you play.

24 Jun 2015, 14:53 PM
avatar of Scifiroel

Posts: 47

jump backJump back to quoted post24 Jun 2015, 13:35 PMKatitof

Lets theoretically assume your observations are correct FOR YOU.

You see this very frequently, but vast majority of player population don't.

The possible causes can be three:

-You always have a bad luck and play against better team, which is unlikely even if the matchmaking would be completely random.

-Your allies are always bad, which is unlikely for the same reason as the above.

-You are bad.

Going with the 3rd option makes most sense as it would mean you frequently see yourself being overwhelmed as most likely you are the weakest link in your team, which would explain you getting ass whooped despite statistics saying blatantly that axis is OP in the bracket you play.


Again, I'm not losing everytime, I just observe that I lose everytime with axis but practically always win with soviets, that doesn't make me bad. I'm not complaining in this thread or whining that I lose because I don't, not really, I can just keep playing soviets and win. Do you understand that?
24 Jun 2015, 14:54 PM
avatar of Scifiroel

Posts: 47

jump backJump back to quoted post24 Jun 2015, 13:22 PMJawohl?


Yeah we have troll! or so it would seem at least, why else would you repeat that?
24 Jun 2015, 14:56 PM
avatar of pugzii

Posts: 513

Why does this thread still exist? seriously.

Its 1 guy who refuses to budge even in the face of pure statistics and the entire forum user base who disagree.
24 Jun 2015, 14:59 PM
avatar of Scifiroel

Posts: 47

jump backJump back to quoted post23 Jun 2015, 23:37 PMpigsoup
maybe you are not being dogmatic generally but you are right now.

your observation wasn't dogmatic. it is your view or "assumption" that you drew from your observation/experience that is.

stats on the paid_player's page and overwhelming majority disagree with you, yet you aren't even budging a bit. and the fact that you chose to fault the game from the get go says a lot.

I have made a forum post about this before and there I did budge. I took in account their advice and still the same thing kept happening. What does that tell you? I'm not dogmatic in my assumption because I took in account all of this once before and it didn't change anything. Which makes the conclusion pretty easy to draw. I don't want to blame the game, I have said that before and I meant that. But everything that has happened lately has got me thinking otherwise.
24 Jun 2015, 15:06 PM
avatar of Scifiroel

Posts: 47

jump backJump back to quoted post24 Jun 2015, 14:56 PMpugzii
Why does this thread still exist? seriously.

Its 1 guy who refuses to budge even in the face of pure statistics and the entire forum user base who disagree.

"entire"? really? these few guys on this thread is "the entire forum base" not many people on this site than... anyway, give me something usefull than. My observation is there for a reason otherswise I wouldn't have posted about it. The only thing I hear is "L2p", which is actually saying "shut up, I think you are stupid". Why should that have to convince me? That particular phrase doesn't offer anything usefull. Besides, you can just leave the thread for what it is. Nobody is foricing anyone to post here, nobody is forcing you to go into discussion with me. If you have had enough that's fine for me, just stop posting here.
24 Jun 2015, 15:08 PM
avatar of AchtAchter

Posts: 1604 | Subs: 3

Why don't you just show your playercard, axis in 3vs3+ random is easy mode.
I can't recall a single loss that was not against arranged team.

Why is it easy mode? - Because you have more players, that means your team elo is usually homogeneous, that leads to unbalanced match ups where top 100 axis 3vs3+ scrubmaster just seal club Top 20000 allies player.

Arranged team is different tough.

Also feelings are not a measurement for balance.
24 Jun 2015, 15:09 PM
avatar of pigsoup
Patrion 14

Posts: 4301 | Subs: 2

I have made a forum post about this before and there I did budge. I took in account their advice and still the same thing kept happening. What does that tell you? I'm not dogmatic in my assumption because I took in account all of this once before and it didn't change anything. Which makes the conclusion pretty easy to draw. I don't want to blame the game, I have said that before and I meant that. But everything that has happened lately has got me thinking otherwise.

it tells me that you weren't too stubborn before.

it tells me that it was still YOU who took the advice and played the game and got the same result. it tells me that the only evidence you still got came from YOUR experience.

your argument that this game is broken revolves around you, you and you. that is why i think it is very important that you prove that you are not a noob. which you are not disproving at all. can you be more specific in your argument for Allies' OPness in 3v3+ 'cept saying they swarm you?
24 Jun 2015, 15:38 PM
avatar of Scifiroel

Posts: 47

Well, I may be able to provide a few replays when I play soviet and win, I haven't saved my axis defeat replays though... I may supply them tommorow, right now I have to go to bed. And yes, I really do have to. It's 1:30 am right now in Belgium, look it up if you don't believe me, I'm not just saying that to get out of posting replays, honestly.

These are a few replays. I'm not entirely sure they are the correct ones because since the last patch of yesterday I can't view them anymore.
I don't know if any of you can still view them but I'll post them anyway. I renamed them going from 1 to 4, 1 being the most recent, 4 being the oldest.

Also keep in mind, I never said I was "the best player ever", I just said that I'm not a noob. I think I have earned it to say that I have left the so called "noob stage" behind.



24 Jun 2015, 15:51 PM
avatar of The Silver Sage

Posts: 183

These are a few replays. I'm not entirely sure they are the correct ones because since the last patch of yesterday I can't view them anymore.
I don't know if any of you can still view them but I'll post them anyway. I renamed them going from 1 to 4, 1 being the most recent, 4 being the oldest.

Also keep in mind, I never said I was "the best player ever", I just said that I'm not a noob. I think I have earned it to say that I have left the so called "noob stage" behind.



If these are from before the June 23rd patch we won't be able to watch them, you'll need to play some games as axis in 4v4 and link those.

I won't make any comment until I have seen how you play the game, I really feel all these threads with such complaints should show and example of said complaint so that the other members can view and decide whether the complaint is even worth addressing.
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