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People are probably taking this game too seriously

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20 May 2015, 17:27 PM
avatar of turbotortoise

Posts: 1283 | Subs: 4

People take forum posts too seriously.
20 May 2015, 17:31 PM
avatar of JohnnyShaun

Posts: 144


Don't make me lol, you're the first crying about axis bad state at each post about balance/units.

20 May 2015, 20:21 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

People take forum posts too seriously.

Forum pvp, best pvp.

Scrub can fight with a pro, drag him down to his level and overwhelm with bullshit :)
20 May 2015, 20:27 PM
avatar of Tea Maker Machine

Posts: 270

Don't make me lol, you're the first crying about axis bad state at each post about balance/units.


20 May 2015, 20:47 PM
avatar of Trubbbel

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21 May 2015, 02:45 AM
21 May 2015, 15:16 PM
avatar of luvnest
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jump backJump back to quoted post20 May 2015, 11:57 AMspajn
Here we go again, someone claiming coh2 can not be an esport because it has RNG. So then... how can Poker be a competitive sport? I would argue there is a much bigger luck factor in Poker than there it is in coh2. Also coh2 doesnt have pure RNG... it will be more likely to land hits after several misses.

Reason of its lack of success as an esports has more to do with the game itself does almost zero support for competitive play. The ladder is a joke and there is no tournament system inside the client and relic have given very little support for outside run tournaments. There is no encouragement in the game to keep playing and improving. The low playernumbers for multiplayer is also a huge problem which is a result of Relics inability to decide what they want coh2 to be and promote it. They want it to be a singelplayer game... with casual compstomp but also ESL... well something gotta give with such a small studio.

21 May 2015, 15:48 PM
avatar of GiaA

Posts: 712 | Subs: 2

Well, people go crazy about all kinds of irrelevant stuff. Sports for example, have you ever been to a soccer game ? The hardcore fans get seriously mad all the time for completely irrational reasons. It's probably the same with the other sports.
21 May 2015, 17:55 PM
avatar of daspoulos

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Lol its not that relic isn't trying to become esports with coh2. Its that they can't. If your game is an esports title, that just goes to show its properly balanced. With all the patches and fucked up shit the game has had to suffer through, you honestly think relic hasn't tried and failed these past 2 years.

The games gotten better, but the only reason its taken this long is because relic can't balance. They make some good changes then cover it with shit erasing some of the progress but not all of it. Slowly the good outweighs the shit. But had there been no shit in the first place, or atleast better patch frequency that would of made up for it.

They sure are lucky coh2 is basically the only quality ww2 rts in the past 5 years, any competition and this game would go down the drain. Either starcraft 2 or this game. Grey Goo is basically dead. Atleast the round the clock sales and fun comp stomp keeps this game somewhat relevant.
24 May 2015, 01:59 AM
avatar of meh

Posts: 59

jump backJump back to quoted post21 May 2015, 15:48 PMGiaA
Well, people go crazy about all kinds of irrelevant stuff. Sports for example, have you ever been to a soccer game ? The hardcore fans get seriously mad all the time for completely irrational reasons. It's probably the same with the other sports.

This isn't a Soccer Game, there is nothing they have in common other then 2 teams, and even the teams are hardly random. They way the scoring system is different, the way they win is different. Soccer had Refs, and if you wanna call refs RNG, then maybe....
24 May 2015, 02:10 AM
avatar of Ace of Swords

Posts: 219

jump backJump back to quoted post24 May 2015, 01:59 AMmeh

This isn't a Soccer Game, there is nothing they have in common other then 2 teams, and even the teams are hardly random. They way the scoring system is different, the way they win is different. Soccer had Refs, and if you wanna call refs RNG, then maybe....

If people play automatch, they play to win, they want to rank up, it's normal to be angry when you lose, even more so if you lose for some bullshit way like RNG, bugs, random drops or a bad team mate, sometime it's justified to vent your rage other times it isn't, though, the best option is to always to stay silent.
24 May 2015, 03:25 AM
avatar of elchino7
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jump backJump back to quoted post24 May 2015, 01:59 AMmeh

This isn't a Soccer Game, there is nothing they have in common other then 2 teams, and even the teams are hardly random. They way the scoring system is different, the way they win is different. Soccer had Refs, and if you wanna call refs RNG, then maybe....

Coin toss at beggining of game :D
Although in the pass, coin toss has defined the winner of a match.
24 May 2015, 03:54 AM
avatar of meh

Posts: 59

Relic is working for the game to come out on Apple Computers. You'll see this game on a Imac or Macbook before you see it as a Serious Esport. What's that really tell you?
24 May 2015, 04:18 AM
avatar of meh

Posts: 59

People take forum posts too seriously.

You have 'Writer' next to your name.... Need I say more?
24 May 2015, 04:46 AM
avatar of Loki

Posts: 96

You play to win, you play automatch to rank high.
As long as it's possible to win or lose its competitive. There's competition.

It's not DOTA but we are competeing against each other in a battle of micro and strategy to see who will prevail.. Not seeing who can make the biggest wall of tank traps or something

And really RNG isn't that bad.
Certain things Have wayyy too much uncertainty such as penetrating the rear armor of a heavy with a medium tank, immobilize crits from a panzerfaust, plane crashes(which isn't RNG actually)

Those things cost you games, which is what pisses people off.

I don't think people are too upset about the RNG in cons vs grens, or Sherman vs P4... Engagements like that are what make coh great.

Now a Jackson bouncing and missing 4 rear shots on a KT during an hour long game doesn't make coh great.


But really,
I love this game
24 May 2015, 05:31 AM
avatar of turbotortoise

Posts: 1283 | Subs: 4

jump backJump back to quoted post24 May 2015, 04:18 AMmeh

You have 'Writer' next to your name.... Need I say more?

yeah, what's ur point?
24 May 2015, 08:22 AM
avatar of Sierra

Posts: 432

Cookieez got it right, it's competitive. When you've got thousands of little snakes all abusing the cracks that make this game as shitty as it is, it becomes an un-fun shitstorm.

To elaborate, I'm getting really tired of this shitty T-34/85 Call-In Meta, I'm also EXTREMELY tired of how Allied tanks can effortlessly run over infantry and give no fucks like it's Grand Theft Auto.
24 May 2015, 09:51 AM
avatar of GiaA

Posts: 712 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post24 May 2015, 01:59 AMmeh

This isn't a Soccer Game, there is nothing they have in common other then 2 teams, and even the teams are hardly random. They way the scoring system is different, the way they win is different. Soccer had Refs, and if you wanna call refs RNG, then maybe....

So please tell me, what does the fact that CoH2 players take their game too seriously have to do with RNG ? The similiarities to sports games couldn't be more obvious. And I'm not reffering to the players here because for them football is a profession so it's completely logical that they take it 100% seriously. But think about the fans. There are plenty of people who consider their day ruined when their team lost even though it has zero actual impact on them.

Your point is basically that you shouldn't take CoH2 seriously because due to the high RNG factor you don't have enough influence on the outcome of the game. (which is bullshit btw) So how much impact does a soccer fan (or any sports fan for that matter) have on the game he's watching ? None, literally no impact at all. And yet it's completely normal in germany to get worked up over a soccer match.
24 May 2015, 11:19 AM
avatar of meh

Posts: 59

yeah, what's ur point?

My point is a you're a Hypocrite, thats my point.

a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.

24 May 2015, 11:26 AM
avatar of meh

Posts: 59

jump backJump back to quoted post24 May 2015, 09:51 AMGiaA

So please tell me, what does the fact that CoH2 players take their game too seriously have to do with RNG ? The similiarities to sports games couldn't be more obvious. And I'm not reffering to the players here because for them football is a profession so it's completely logical that they take it 100% seriously. But think about the fans. There are plenty of people who consider their day ruined when their team lost even though it has zero actual impact on them.

Your point is basically that you shouldn't take CoH2 seriously because due to the high RNG factor you don't have enough influence on the outcome of the game. (which is bullshit btw) So how much impact does a soccer fan (or any sports fan for that matter) have on the game he's watching ? None, literally no impact at all. And yet it's completely normal in germany to get worked up over a soccer match.

Do you know how dumb it is to get emotionally invested into something you have no control over? You're probably one of those people, and if so, you are retarded. Any true man who has a true sense of logic would not get that emotionally invested to the degree you are talking about. To give you an example go talk to a Surgeon, or better yet talk to a Cardio Surgeon. (My father is one) and he'll tell you (as he has raised me) that the most important thing is 'state of mind', and not to get too high or too low, if you let petty issues (Such as a soccer game result) control your emotions you're bound to have screw ups in life, in driving, in working, in relationships with others, everything and anything. It's one of the major causes along with substance abuse that drives people to make poor decisions. People who grow up tend to be able to make that differentiation, but then again not everyone grows up (Which is probably true for the majority of the COH2 community).

If you still disagree, I would love to see you go under the table with a surgeon who is emotionally invested and is having your definition of a 'Bad Day.' Sure you can sue him for Malpractice etc. etc. etc. but it still goes back to why you don't get emotionally invested into things to which you have no control over.

Each individuals has a capacity to which they can have pure focus/concentration and energy. What you choose to 'waste' yours on, is up to you, but those decisions can easily affect your life and where you end up in the grand scheme of things.

If you know a surgeon, go ask him yourself, if you don't know one, try to find one ask them. I promise you he will tell you that if anything he enjoys watching soccer, has a favorite team etc. etc. But he won't let the outcome of a match adversely affect his overall emotions. I'm over 1,000 miles away from you and I'm certain if you talk to one he'll say exactly that.
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