OKW is an ill thought out faction that decries tactics and cohesion in favour of gratuitous unit design. The feeling that no direction was formed with the faction design is totally apparent, and reinforced when one looks back on it's development which was wrought with sweeping changes.
But this is our lot, and we should all agree that such a faction is better to be left somewhat UP rather than OP, lest we see the swathes of thoughtless players that rely on the two hit Obersoldaten and Volksgrenadiere combo, that were so common until recently, back in business.
A cheesy strategy is frustrating to play against, and it can be defined as a strategy that:
-is very simple to pull off
-relies on innate unit mechanics and metagaming rather than deft play
-forces the opponent to work hard to defeat it
Which, I will argue, was the OKW playstyle in essence, and all that patches have done is diminish this, and I am extremely glad of it.
Honestly those three traits sound like an ideal strategy. Anyone with an interest in victory makes strategies that are simple, force your opponent to work, and can be pulled off without great difficulty. As someone who ignores meta whenever possible (to this day I avoid call-in armor whenever possible), all of my most common strategies fit your description.
Personally, I would define a cheese a strategy as something that only works because your opponent isn't expecting it, and would be easily defeated if it wasn't so far out of left field. Like for example starting with an army of all helicopters in Wargame and rushing your opponent's spawn; it's a terrible strategy that would never work in a real fight, but because a balanced army is designed to counter many different things it stands no chance against such concentrated air power.
Defining cheese is hard, because if you look at the traits that make a cheese strategy and one that makes a good strategy they're basically the same. Cheese strategies have to be effective by definition, after all. It's a fine line, but I guess the defining trait of cheese is that it just isn't fun to play against.