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Relic, the Community, and the NDA

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8 May 2015, 01:20 AM
avatar of daspoulos

Posts: 1116 | Subs: 1

Permanently Banned
Whether I am wrong or not I don't care. I couldn't care less about the alpha, i didnt even apply for it anyway because alpha tester feedback is usually ignored anyway, plus I'm not gonna waste my time trying to play a game thats even more badly balanced than the vanilla game. What I am right about is the absolute shitstorm of balance this game has had to suffer through since release. Atleast I'm not blindly supporting everything relic does, despite them clearly not giving a shit about multiplayer for the longest time. Relic is shit, coh2 would be better in another devs hands.

@Ciez, don't get butthurt, me thinking relic does a shit job isn't because all my friends in the alpha who leaked me the notes on the british are supposedly lying to me and altered all the notes. Its because balance has been so shit and relic purposefully ignores or just is so incompetent that when they do try to change shit they hardly get it right the first time. Shit patch quality, and shit patch frequency. Whats truly laughable is trying to balance another faction when relic can't even handle the 4 already in game. Hurr #lelic
8 May 2015, 01:28 AM
avatar of turbotortoise

Posts: 1283 | Subs: 4

Whether I am wrong or not I don't care. I could care less about the alpha, i didnt even apply for it anyway because alpha tester feedback is uusally ignored anyway, plus I'm not gonna waste my time trying to play a game thats even more badly balanced than the vanilla game. What I am right about is the absolute shitstorm of balance this game has had to suffer through since release. Atleast I'm not blindly supporting everything relic does, despite them clearly not giving a shit about multiplayer for the longest time. Relic is shit, coh2 would be better in another devs hands. Fuck em.

there's something to be said about forgiveness and progress moving forward.

the biggest issue with this whole debacle in my mind is relic didn't advise community sites on how to deal with this. that would have been a great show of outreach and cooperation, but it'll take time. i hope we figure it out.
8 May 2015, 01:42 AM
avatar of Lichtbringer

Posts: 476

Should the press tell the public about the Secrets that Edward Snowden leaked? The Secrets that their own government didn't tell them, about practices that were not approved of by the Public?
Yes, the people have a right to know them.

Should CoH2.org inform the Community about leaks from the Alpha about new Units?... No.

I hope you now understand the difference Basilone.
8 May 2015, 02:04 AM
avatar of Jaedrik

Posts: 446 | Subs: 2

Should CoH2.org inform the Community about leaks from the Alpha about new Units?... No.

By "no", you don't mean that CoH2.org should suppress the information, right? You just mean that they shouldn't go out of their way to spread the information?
8 May 2015, 02:28 AM
avatar of What Doth Life?!
Patrion 27

Posts: 1664

Whether I am wrong or not I don't care. I could care less about the alpha
Eexactly how much less could you care about it? :snfPeter:
8 May 2015, 02:48 AM
avatar of QueenRatchet123

Posts: 2280 | Subs: 2

Permanently Banned
Eexactly how much less could you care about it? :snfPeter:

LOL very clever +1
8 May 2015, 06:55 AM
avatar of Esxile

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

Whether I am wrong or not I don't care. I couldn't care less about the alpha, i didnt even apply for it anyway because alpha tester feedback is usually ignored anyway, plus I'm not gonna waste my time trying to play a game thats even more badly balanced than the vanilla game. What I am right about is the absolute shitstorm of balance this game has had to suffer through since release. Atleast I'm not blindly supporting everything relic does, despite them clearly not giving a shit about multiplayer for the longest time. Relic is shit, coh2 would be better in another devs hands.

@Ciez, don't get butthurt, me thinking relic does a shit job isn't because all my friends in the alpha who leaked me the notes on the british are supposedly lying to me and altered all the notes. Its because balance has been so shit and relic purposefully ignores or just is so incompetent that when they do try to change shit they hardly get it right the first time. Shit patch quality, and shit patch frequency. Whats truly laughable is trying to balance another faction when relic can't even handle the 4 already in game. Hurr #lelic

There is personal opinion and there are agreements. I don't have a high opinion of Relic and its capability to manage their game. I don't think the game will be more balance when the Alpha will be release and I'm pretty sure its going to be a mess for months. In fact I don't like much what I see in the alpha except from some specific points that could have been release in a simple patch and have nothing to do with the aspect number 1 purpose of the alpha.

But that doesn't give me the right to breach their NDA. Same if I found those NDA pretty stupid as well.
8 May 2015, 07:37 AM
avatar of Von Kluge
Patrion 14

Posts: 3548 | Subs: 2

there's something to be said about forgiveness and progress moving forward.

the biggest issue with this whole debacle in my mind is relic didn't advise community sites on how to deal with this. that would have been a great show of outreach and cooperation, but it'll take time. i hope we figure it out.

This is absolutely true. We've had two NDA periods ( WFA and UKF) and because we lacked proper guidelines, senior staff took actions we deemed were the best for the situation.
We're trying to avoid situations like this by asking Relic for proper guidelines regarding how they expect us to enforce their NDA on our site. In the end, how stupid or lame this might seem, coh2.org has always had a special connection with Relic and we try to look for the best compromise to keep all parties happy. And yes, our community here on .org is very much part of that.
8 May 2015, 08:47 AM
avatar of nee

Posts: 1216

IMO Relic probably had some sort of bad experience in the past due to disclosure issues and they just don't want to take any risk whatsoever.
I mean if you were robbed by a black guy dressed like a gangster, it doesn't matter what other people say or write about how dumb or paranoid you are, end of the day you look at that black guy looking like a gangster with hands in his pockets walking towards you differently, because you learned the hard way what might happen because it actually happened.

I'm not saying Relic shouldn't do more about what they can do regarding sharing information at a more public level, because I think they're better off if they did (depends a lot on the info and subject matter, of course). I just think it's not surprise that they are hush hush due to experience garnered from past projects.

At least one way they can do something about this is to make more use of the beta game variant, whatever wild ideas they are considering at the informal level they could put it into that game and let everyone try it out for themselves. Alpha projects could be reserved for something more substantial like DLC or expansion campaigns, whereas betas could be slight changes to unit XYZ. I'm not sure why they abandoned the beta after they did exactly what I just suggested last year, the only problem with it was that it was a pretty big change in multiple things that tempted too many people to abandon the public version.
8 May 2015, 08:58 AM
avatar of The amazing Chandler

Posts: 1355

Whether I am wrong or not I don't care. I couldn't care less about the alpha, i didnt even apply for it anyway because alpha tester feedback is usually ignored anyway, plus I'm not gonna waste my time trying to play a game thats even more badly balanced than the vanilla game. What I am right about is the absolute shitstorm of balance this game has had to suffer through since release. Atleast I'm not blindly supporting everything relic does, despite them clearly not giving a shit about multiplayer for the longest time. Relic is shit, coh2 would be better in another devs hands.

@Ciez, don't get butthurt, me thinking relic does a shit job isn't because all my friends in the alpha who leaked me the notes on the british are supposedly lying to me and altered all the notes. Its because balance has been so shit and relic purposefully ignores or just is so incompetent that when they do try to change shit they hardly get it right the first time. Shit patch quality, and shit patch frequency. Whats truly laughable is trying to balance another faction when relic can't even handle the 4 already in game. Hurr #lelic

And wtf are you still doing here if the game/Relic sucks so much????
8 May 2015, 09:02 AM
avatar of van Voort
Honorary Member Badge

Posts: 3552 | Subs: 2

You need idiots to help test things. Ever heard of the phrase "idiot proofing"?

It's impossible to be idiot proof because idiots are so ingenious
8 May 2015, 09:20 AM
avatar of Nuclear Arbitor
Patrion 28

Posts: 2470

And wtf are you still doing here if the game/Relic sucks so much????

8 May 2015, 10:27 AM
avatar of carloff

Posts: 301

Yes I'm excited,Cynthia and relic aren't lying when there saying there's reason to be excited. This game is going in the right direction.

More new skins for tanks? Cool.
8 May 2015, 10:46 AM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

You need idiots to help test things. Ever heard of the phrase "idiot proofing"?

Explains why they got you before Hans.

8 May 2015, 10:52 AM
avatar of turbotortoise

Posts: 1283 | Subs: 4

jump backJump back to quoted post8 May 2015, 08:47 AMnee
IMO Relic probably had some sort of bad experience in the past due to disclosure issues and they just don't want to take any risk whatsoever.
I mean if you were robbed by a black guy dressed like a gangster, it doesn't matter what other people say or write about how dumb or paranoid you are, end of the day you look at that black guy looking like a gangster with hands in his pockets walking towards you differently, because you learned the hard way what might happen because it actually happened.

That cringe worthy metaphor not withstanding... It's not as though they benefited by staying idle. It would have helped to've been even the slightest bit proactive.

I don't think the player base is large enough to be running both a beta and standard edition of the game, unless they were to have a small beta test group, but that really should be internal, and having volunteers for that role is really unrealistic.

Explains why they got you before Hans.

coppertone, rub it on. O.o
8 May 2015, 11:21 AM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

Explains why they got you before Hans.

Nah it was because my taste in anime is superior. I think Hans was the only .org anime poster to not get in.

It's impossible to be idiot proof because idiots are so ingenious

Still gotta try, say what you want about USF or OKW but they are fairly easy for new players to pick up.
8 May 2015, 11:28 AM
avatar of HelpingHans
Strategist Badge
Donator 11

Posts: 1838 | Subs: 17

These Relic NDA's are absolutely ridiculous. If the game's audience wasn't small enough already, these NDA just worsen that fact. It baffles me why Relic never want to create any serious hype over new content. They have plenty of resources and free resources at that to help create hype but alas Relic has it's mind stuck in the past...

Anyway on the NDA, these leaks are bound to happen if you just invite anyone into the alpha. Relic shot themselves in the foot again it seems.

Just my two cents.
8 May 2015, 11:48 AM
avatar of Nuclear Arbitor
Patrion 28

Posts: 2470

having thought about this some more, my main issue is that they have such a widely (for something relic does) publicized alpha and yet they won't release any information about what's actually going on in it even though a large portion of the community is involved in it. if they don't want to talk about it they shouldn't publicly advertise it (and with such excitement!) nor make it as big as it is. and despite it's size it's apparently still hard to find games in the alpha. PoE has a beta for their newest expansion going on right now and while it's a close beta there's no NDA involved. i don't really care whether or not i'm in the CoH2 alpha, i know i'll get to play the content in a couple of months and i have other things i can do until then, but i want to know what's going on in it; particularly wtf is being alpha "tested" (i want to know what the brit faction looks like and any other significant changes they've made, like the whole "snares don't snare above a certain hp%".
8 May 2015, 11:53 AM
avatar of carloff

Posts: 301

These Relic NDA's are absolutely ridiculous.

I think NDA method is the only way to keep this very small community not to throw this game away...and buy next DLC.

Nothing personal - just bussines.
8 May 2015, 11:58 AM
avatar of GustavGans

Posts: 747

Yes I'm excited,Cynthia and relic aren't lying when there saying there's reason to be excited. This game is going in the right direction.

I wish I could share non idiotic alpha details with you without being burned at the stake,but it is what it is. Just be patient and don't believe everything you hear from some idiot leak source.

Apparently you're not in the same alpha as I am.
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