I just started to use them again and holy crap they feel better. Between my US teammate and my Soviet teammate who went Motor coordination....we had loads of Panthers, some Tiger Is and a KT breathing down our necks on Rzhev...We only held the north VP by late game and it wasn't looking good....until I built this thing...I forgot the exact kill count but it was something like 50+ infantry, 6 vehicles (they only had Tigers and Panthers at the time...so jesus) and 4 or 5 OKW buildings...
Protected with some ZIS guns and a couple of SU-85s and it went to town...Do not regret not going the usual IS-2/I52/KV-1/8 route...their mortars, MGs, and infantry blobs just gradually vanished from the field after the relentless abuse they suffered trying to hold VPs (had a reduced cool-down bulletin too).
Soviets are in a REALLY good place right now. Just goes to show that at least on some maps...Axis late game can be punched in the mouth pretty hard even if you have not a single heavy on your team.