
russian armor

The Jackson TD desperately needs smoke dischargers.

16 Feb 2015, 18:22 PM
avatar of Airborne

Posts: 281

It can use penatration increase, and a cost increase.
16 Feb 2015, 18:27 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

NO, we don't need to decrease the damage so Axis heavies can have more of a field day with medium armor.

You know that the Jackson is garbage versus heavy armor and that's part of the problem right? It preforms extremely well at invalidating all medium armor.

It deserves a decrease in damage and buff in ROF, that way it has more opportunity to actually penetrate and be useful against things bigger than medium tanks. I don't see why we need a tank that basically makes anything that isn't a Panther, Tiger or King Tiger obsolete.
16 Feb 2015, 18:33 PM
avatar of WingZero

Posts: 1484

You know that the Jackson is garbage versus heavy armor and that's part of the problem right? It preforms extremely well at invalidating all medium armor.

It deserves a decrease in damage and buff in ROF, that way it has more opportunity to actually penetrate and be useful against things bigger than medium tanks. I don't see why we need a tank that basically makes anything that isn't a Panther, Tiger or King Tiger obsolete.

Actually, Jackson does not have a problem with heavy armor (aside from penetration), the problem are the shrek blobs (that is why smoke is needed as other mentioned). And No, it does not deserve "Sharp" decrease in damage because that is all what we see these days "Panther, Tiger or King Tiger".
16 Feb 2015, 18:40 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

Actually, Jackson does not have a problem with heavy armor (aside from penetration), the problem are the shrek blobs (that is why smoke is needed as other mentioned). And No, it does not deserve "Sharp" decrease in damage because that is all what we see these days "Panther, Tiger or King Tiger".

How can you say it doesn't have an issue with heavy armor and then say "aside from the penetration" when it can almost never penetrate the armor on even a Panther? And shrek blob's aren't a issue for the Jackson, it can out range a shrek blob easily.

It deserves a decrease in damage because it has made Ostheer T3 literally useless, making it so it has 160 damage but better ROF would go a long way towards keeping the Jackson an excellent unit but also making it so it doesn't invalidate medium armor purchases.

The mobility of a Jackson is what makes it such a amazing unit as well, I never have an issue with shrek blobs for my SU-85s so why should your much faster and maneuverable Jackson have problems?
16 Feb 2015, 18:56 PM
avatar of WingZero

Posts: 1484

How can you say it doesn't have an issue with heavy armor and then say "aside from the penetration" when it can almost never penetrate the armor on even a Panther? And shrek blob's aren't a issue for the Jackson, it can out range a shrek blob easily.

It deserves a decrease in damage because it has made Ostheer T3 literally useless, making it so it has 160 damage but better ROF would go a long way towards keeping the Jackson an excellent unit but also making it so it doesn't invalidate medium armor purchases.

The mobility of a Jackson is what makes it such a amazing unit as well, I never have an issue with shrek blobs for my SU-85s so why should your much faster and maneuverable Jackson have problems?

In terms of damage no, Jackson does not have problem with heavy armor. Since your UP Volks get vet 4 & 5 bonuses, the long range accuracy of these shreks makes it very difficult for this glass canon.

So you are willing to nerf a hard counter and the one of the "Best" AT tank because it rapes P4s? By this logic I want Jagd's damage to be nerfed as it rapes all medium tank. Why is Axis allowed to have the best infantry, best AT infantry, best medium tank & best heavy armor but Allies cant? If you nerf the damage on Jackson than US will have nothing to quickly finish off Panthers and heavies, Zooks (pshh), AT guns (yea right).
16 Feb 2015, 19:15 PM
avatar of JHeartless

Posts: 1637

In terms of damage no, Jackson does not have problem with heavy armor. Since your UP Volks get vet 4 & 5 bonuses, the long range accuracy of these shreks makes it very difficult for this glass canon.

So you are willing to nerf a hard counter and the one of the "Best" AT tank because it rapes P4s? By this logic I want Jagd's damage to be nerfed as it rapes all medium tank. Why is Axis allowed to have the best infantry, best AT infantry, best medium tank & best heavy armor but Allies cant? If you nerf the damage on Jackson than US will have nothing to quickly finish off Panthers and heavies, Zooks (pshh), AT guns (yea right).

Wingzero. Its damage is a misnomer against Heavies. Because its ROF is low compared to all the Casemate TDs out there. And since all that damage is wrapped up into a huge RNG ball of joy the bounces of heavies soak more of the damage then the 240 a shot.

If it had 160 damage a shot with higher penetration it would actually perform better then it did with lower Pen and higher damage per shot unless RNG just loves the shit out of you.

Lower damage per shot and higher Pen to reduce RNG from the USF AT line up please. Lets take out some of the Panthers teeth and allow this unit to get Vet.
16 Feb 2015, 19:20 PM
avatar of WingZero

Posts: 1484

Wingzero. Its damage is a misnomer against Heavies. Because its ROF is low compared to all the Casemate TDs out there. And since all that damage is wrapped up into a huge RNG ball of joy the bounces of heavies soak more of the damage then the 240 a shot.

If it had 160 damage a shot with higher penetration it would actually perform better then it did with lower Pen and higher damage per shot unless RNG just loves the shit out of you.

Lower damage per shot and higher Pen to reduce RNG from the USF AT line up please. Lets take out some of the Panthers teeth and allow this unit to get Vet.

ROF is what makes this unit not particularly OP, so why not just keep the ROF and slight increase in penetration. I am willing to pay a bit more for this (just like Ez8 was changed).
16 Feb 2015, 19:28 PM
avatar of JHeartless

Posts: 1637

ROF is what makes this unit not particularly OP, so why not just keep the ROF and slight increase in penetration. I am willing to pay a bit more for this (just like Ez8 was changed).

I would say because its not really fair to Ostheer. It punishs T3 far too hard. It really does. Fighting a Jackson with T3 is akin to trying to kill a King Tiger with Shermans. Sure you may get it EVENTUALLY but youll suffer heavy losses in the meantime.

Making it weaker against Mediums and stronger against heavies solves two problems. You always have the option to buy one if he goes Tiger but if Ost goes T3 then Shermans will do (which are much better tanks then the Jackson imho anyway)

It gives Ost more viable options. While solving a problem for USF at the same time.
16 Feb 2015, 19:35 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8

It's the best TD in the game barring the heavy ones like the Jadgtiger and Elefant. All it needs fixing is a increase in ROF and a sharp decrease in damage.

Actually, JP4 is out of stock units.
Above average sight range that gets even better with vet without slowing down the vehicle itself, really decent armor, good rof, excellent penetration, great vet ability, awesome scaling, can arrive extremely early.

There is literally no downside to it and no reason not to get it if there wasn't a panther that also can fend off infantry and obers in T4.
16 Feb 2015, 19:36 PM
avatar of WingZero

Posts: 1484

I would say because its not really fair to Ostheer. It punishs T3 far too hard. It really does. Fighting a Jackson with T3 is akin to trying to kill a King Tiger with Shermans. Sure you may get it EVENTUALLY but youll suffer heavy losses in the meantime.

Making it weaker against Mediums and stronger against heavies solves two problems. You always have the option to buy one if he goes Tiger but if Ost goes T3 then Shermans will do (which are much better tanks then the Jackson imho anyway)

It gives Ost more viable options. While solving a problem for USF at the same time.

This is why I wouldn't mind for a price increase and penetration increase, I just personally think nerfing Jackson's damage will make USF AT (already limited) weak against heavies, especially against OKW. If we need to address Osth vs USF than this is a different issue and requires an over haul for every single faction as USF faces problems vs OKW.
16 Feb 2015, 19:44 PM
avatar of G4bb4_G4nd4lf
Donator 33

Posts: 658

ROF is what makes this unit not particularly OP, so why not just keep the ROF and slight increase in penetration. I am willing to pay a bit more for this (just like Ez8 was changed).

A "slight" increase of penetration won't help that much. The Jackson needs a heavy penetration buff to ~240. Damage should be reduced to 160, RoF is fine although I wouldn't mind a small buff.

If you just increase penetration but damage stays where it is, Jacksons will deny OST T3 even more even if you increase the fuel cost for it.
16 Feb 2015, 19:56 PM
avatar of WingZero

Posts: 1484

A "slight" increase of penetration won't help that much. The Jackson needs a heavy penetration buff to ~240. Damage should be reduced to 160, RoF is fine although I wouldn't mind a small buff.

If you just increase penetration but damage stays where it is, Jacksons will deny OST T3 even more even if you increase the fuel cost for it.

Yea you are paying premium price for this tank destroyer which is the same as paying for a expensive Panther for denying T3 for Soviets.
16 Feb 2015, 20:07 PM
avatar of Brachiaraidos

Posts: 627

If you just increase penetration but damage stays where it is, Jacksons will deny OST T3 even more even if you increase the fuel cost for it.


The Jackson already has horrible amounts of over-penetration for all of Ost T3 and most OKW vehicles.

Buffing the long range pen will hurt heavy tanks more, sure. But when you're never bouncing on a PzIV or StuG anyway, it's going to made nada difference to the PzIV/Jackson combat outcome.

When you only bounce 1 in 100 shots to begin with (never mind if you pop your special super rounds), the functional increase in average damage per shot is utterly trivial against medium tanks.

It's like saying that buffing Jagdtiger pen would hurt the t-70, it's not going to even begin to matter...
16 Feb 2015, 20:18 PM
avatar of Alexzandvar

Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1

In terms of damage no, Jackson does not have problem with heavy armor. Since your UP Volks get vet 4 & 5 bonuses, the long range accuracy of these shreks makes it very difficult for this glass canon.

So you are willing to nerf a hard counter and the one of the "Best" AT tank because it rapes P4s? By this logic I want Jagd's damage to be nerfed as it rapes all medium tank. Why is Axis allowed to have the best infantry, best AT infantry, best medium tank & best heavy armor but Allies cant? If you nerf the damage on Jackson than US will have nothing to quickly finish off Panthers and heavies, Zooks (pshh), AT guns (yea right).

The Jadgpanzer has nowhere near the shear damage potential that the Jackson has, you have more than enough time to pull your medium out of the line of fire. Not to mention the Jadgpanzer is the least mobile of all the medium TD's. I never said Volks are UP either, but their long range accuracy means diddly because they still can't even touch the Jacksons range.

I don't want a nerf to the Jackson, I just want it to be less RNG and more about using it smart.

Actually, JP4 is out of stock units.
Above average sight range that gets even better with vet without slowing down the vehicle itself, really decent armor, good rof, excellent penetration, great vet ability, awesome scaling, can arrive extremely early.

There is literally no downside to it and no reason not to get it if there wasn't a panther that also can fend off infantry and obers in T4.

The Jadgpanzer is the least mobile of all the stock TD's and while is does scale well (This true of literally almost every OKW unit, that's how the faction works) the lack of mobility makes it a extremely easy target for the fast and deadly allied mediums. Most people invest in Panthers and shreks because both those things are much easier to keep mobile and respond to incursions faster.

This is why I wouldn't mind for a price increase and penetration increase, I just personally think nerfing Jackson's damage will make USF AT (already limited) weak against heavies, especially against OKW. If we need to address Osth vs USF than this is a different issue and requires an over haul for every single faction as USF faces problems vs OKW.

A reduction in damage but a increase in ROF would mean it would actually be doing more DPS and be a better unit against heavies. Ostheer shouldn't need to continue to suffer extremely because people are pissed a unit in one of the fastest teching factions doesn't counter a tank that takes far more teching and fuel investment.
16 Feb 2015, 20:19 PM
avatar of PingPing

Posts: 329

I dont think the Jackson is a problem at all - the real problem is the US lacks any OTHER form of half decent AT to provide the "combined arms" that everybody loves to go on about.

You have useless bazookas and an AT gun that is pure crap until vetted.

You get 2 Jacksons up and have spotters up for them, even a Tiger is going to think twice about making a frontal attack - especially given how accurate a reversing Jackson is in motion.

It just has to be microd.

The real issue - everything ELSE.
16 Feb 2015, 20:36 PM
avatar of ASneakyFox

Posts: 365

im tired of vehicles with smoke.
16 Feb 2015, 20:40 PM
avatar of ASneakyFox

Posts: 365

I would say because its not really fair to Ostheer. It punishs T3 far too hard. It really does. Fighting a Jackson with T3 is akin to trying to kill a King Tiger with Shermans. Sure you may get it EVENTUALLY but youll suffer heavy losses in the meantime.

Making it weaker against Mediums and stronger against heavies solves two problems. You always have the option to buy one if he goes Tiger but if Ost goes T3 then Shermans will do (which are much better tanks then the Jackson imho anyway)

It gives Ost more viable options. While solving a problem for USF at the same time.

thats not comparable at all.

if you cant destroy the KT, itll go on to destroy all your infantry, defenses, and then your base.

If you cant destroy a jackson, it just sits idle with nothing to do.

(I'm not advocating any changes to the jackson though- if anything needs changes its the wolverine)
16 Feb 2015, 20:40 PM
avatar of WingZero

Posts: 1484

The Jadgpanzer has nowhere near the shear damage potential that the Jackson has, you have more than enough time to pull your medium out of the line of fire. Not to mention the Jadgpanzer is the least mobile of all the medium TD's. I never said Volks are UP either, but their long range accuracy means diddly because they still can't even touch the Jacksons range.

I don't want a nerf to the Jackson, I just want it to be less RNG and more about using it smart.

The Jadgpanzer is the least mobile of all the stock TD's and while is does scale well (This true of literally almost every OKW unit, that's how the faction works) the lack of mobility makes it a extremely easy target for the fast and deadly allied mediums. Most people invest in Panthers and shreks because both those things are much easier to keep mobile and respond to incursions faster.

A reduction in damage but a increase in ROF would mean it would actually be doing more DPS and be a better unit against heavies. Ostheer shouldn't need to continue to suffer extremely because people are pissed a unit in one of the fastest teching factions doesn't counter a tank that takes far more teching and fuel investment.

Increasing ROF would mean nothing if the shots keep bouncing off. No, USF players are pissed because they don't have Pershing tank while all other factions have a heavy tank, so we have to rely on Jacksons as only viable way to counter heavies.
16 Feb 2015, 20:44 PM
avatar of JHeartless

Posts: 1637

thats not comparable at all.

if you cant destroy the KT, itll go on to destroy all your infantry, defenses, and then your base.

If you cant destroy a jackson, it just sits idle with nothing to do.

(I'm not advocating any changes to the jackson though- if anything needs changes its the wolverine)

If you dont destroy 260 Fuel worth of Shermans they will do the same as a KT. Not sure what your getting at. Heavies make Mediums not viable. Similar to how the Jackson makes Ostheers T3 not AS viable or desirable considering they have a heavy option.

The Jackson comparison stands on the AT level. Why would you bother to go Medium if you knew it was voluntarily putting yourself on the backfoot? I sure as hell wouldnt. Give me a Tiger clone as the USF that I can stall for! I would pick it 9/10 times.
16 Feb 2015, 21:39 PM
avatar of Esxile

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

The Jadgpanzer is the least mobile of all the stock TD's and while is does scale well (This true of literally almost every OKW unit, that's how the faction works) the lack of mobility makes it a extremely easy target for the fast and deadly allied mediums. Most people invest in Panthers and shreks because both those things are much easier to keep mobile and respond to incursions faster.

Easier to blob for one and with an Out of Jail free card for the other. Easier to overcome lack of skill play.
But don't misunderstand me, here is the same for any form of blob (from rifles to cons not forgetting grenadier's one) or super unit like panther with its abilities to escape when it fail to outcome poor skill play.

Let's say in that case Jagpanthers are for skilled players. A kind of unit you can only see his strenghness while you are yourself good enough.
it's a bit the same for the Jackson in fact. But as USF you must build it and use it, there are no super easy unit that can cover the edge of your skill :p
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