The bots have access to it and can call in Urban Assault Panzergrenadiere. They seem to have access to double flamer upgrade.
New commander for release I guess?

Credit to Kisiel and braciszek for the pictures.
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Posts: 2053
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Posts: 1604 | Subs: 3
Posts: 4928
Posts: 656
Posts: 824
Posts: 2070
Posts: 1248
Why do Axis get nice things
Posts: 2070
Posts: 4928
But its 1944..... where are those Allied bombers?
Posts: 239
Posts: 656
Strategic Bombing feels more like it should be a USF ability but looks like a cool doctrine
Posts: 2053
Posts: 138 | Subs: 14
Posts: 1108
Posts: 503
Another Ostheer doctrine and still only 6 for USF and OKW. :/
Do they have to meet a quota of sales for the 3 commanders in the store before they are allowed to release new doctrines for USF and OKW?
Otherwise the doctrine looks neat and depending on how powerful the bombing run is it this doctrine looks to be close in style to the Encirclement doctrine...
Posts: 2396 | Subs: 1
its a reaaaaaallly old doctrine. it was in the beta way before WFA was announced and it is awesome!!
the pgrens, the field hq that repairs vehicles! 2 points to retreat to (all units get an alternate retreat ability) and the bombing strike, which comes with a huge delay, but its like a dozen planes bombing a large area with tons of explosives. its easyly dodgeable and only useful to deny huge areas of the map or to get rid of dug-in enemies, but, boy, does it look awesome
Posts: 318