I won't, for sure. Good bye Jagdtiger. You served das Vaterland well. Part of your legacy will be carried on by Pak43 and the other part by command Panther.
or maybe the elefant. He doesen't get nerfed
Posts: 1108
I won't, for sure. Good bye Jagdtiger. You served das Vaterland well. Part of your legacy will be carried on by Pak43 and the other part by command Panther.
Posts: 2396 | Subs: 1
or maybe the elefant. He doesen't get nerfed
Posts: 1604 | Subs: 3
Posts: 2115 | Subs: 1
Thinking about it now, sorry , but these super units are now totally useless, it's impossible to hit anything with them.
I do agree they needed a big nerf, but i think this is too far.
It's a good thing relic made this beta, and right now, these units are clearly underperforming.
Posts: 1702
Id rather see them require some actual user input and skill to use, than slightly reduce their effectiveness or whatever.
And to be honest, im so happy about this change. No more Jagd or ISU ridiculousness.
Posts: 2396 | Subs: 1
Id rather see them require some actual user input and skill to use, than slightly reduce their effectiveness or whatever.
And to be honest, im so happy about this change. No more Jagd or ISU ridiculousness.
Posts: 2053
Aham, and what about their costs? Why should you spend such a huge amount of resources for something that will create more trouble for you than any other unit and will need alot of babysitting? Why would you do that?
Posts: 2280 | Subs: 2
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Posts: 115
played a game in beta. put double bars on any unit that coould carry them. It is like i had elite squads running around everywhere. All the squads my opponent had to fight. had double bars. This make USF very playble now.
Posts: 2070
Price never justifies performance
Edit: Im sure there will be more to it later.
Posts: 112
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Posts: 589
They should just make you have to rightclick the unit you want to fire on after every shot for JT and ISU. That way it requires some micro to fire each shot but you are pretty sure to hit.
Posts: 42
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Posts: 971
Unless A move works with the JT/152 the 152 got a really massive nerf. the jt has always been a very specific tank destroyer and only has to target 10 % of all units on the field while the isu 152 was a general going to fuck everything up in my sight. this requires massive amount of micro skills on the soviet players part to make the most use out of a 152.