still, the dlcs are for free!
to the second point:
lots of the commanders (especially for vanilla) are just a different set of abilities that were already in the game, with very few exceptions. its a better for he new factions, but not perfect (commandos, air officer, infiltration commandos, same stuff, reskinned. or the railway arty*2)
yes, i want them to make profit, but i doubt that making the hurdle that high for new players is the right approach also seeing the small playerbase
i dont know what is going on in relics mind, but i havent seen anything regarding optimization for a long time and the last couple of patches had some minor or sometimes even major fuckups to the point where it was absurd.
no, i dont want everything for free

did you even read my post????
i can only copy what im complaining about:
releasing loads of (overpriced, if you compare with EU4) microdlcs, instead of fixing the real problems(balance, optimization, bugs, small playerbase,....)
tired of stating again and again that i want (and have done so many times in the past) to pay for a good and fair product
no, angry joes video is 6 months old, warspoils are MUCH OLDER. dude, how long do you play this game? have you ever played coh1?
i have farmed for more than 2000 hours and im still not near to all commanders. for somebody who does not have a huge amount of time, warspoils is not the system to get commanders, especially good commanders
yes, new commanders may be unbalanced. but many of them have been totally overpowered in the past and what you hear from the balance devs seems to be that they are not allowed to touch them because of the sales(im not making this up). they KNOW its op. that is clearly p2w. and even if they didnt know, it still would be.
my approach would be this one:
-better optimization and better tutorial
-make soviets and wehrmacht f2p
-give all commanders away for free, get rid of the redundance of many commanders
im fine with relic selling skins and faceplates and that stuff, and with a bigger community due to f2p i thin relic might also earn enough money and more importantly coh2 might become a real esports, which woiuld be really good for relic