Yeap, someone tried that against me, didn't made a big problem, who knows, he probably didn't used that truck very good.
Well, that is just unacceptable, he even made volks?? Just after the kubel? Omg, so many units to build in his HQ and he build that, just dont say that he danced with a truck in front of your units and he managed to build kubel and then volks and truck was still alive, at your cutoff??
If that isn't the case, then why did u said that build order? Saying that build order makes only sense that they were all in fight while truck was still there dancing near your base. (cutoff, right?)
I dont think you got the point.
The truck ( that is supposed to be "transformed" into a base building later on ), gives you an
unfair advantage, because it can push your opponents units and make them unable to shoot at your troops. Your opponent takes damage without dealing any. And why? Because a free, unarmed support truck that is supposed to be a base building is pushing you with
low risk. Why low risk? Because only a M3 or a Dodge can kill it in reasonable time. You understand that?
You can render the enemies troops useless by using a damn support truck. And then you can combine your truck with your units, preferably a Kübel and Volks. He cant come back, because he lost the early engagements without dealing any proper damage, and because your whole army is sitting at his cutoff.
Honestly, i cant even understand why you are defending this. It is unfair. And by the way, it appears you barely played any games. You played 2 games with Allies
total. And you are trying to tell me that its fine?