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soviet cheese

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14 Aug 2014, 20:38 PM
avatar of Bulgakov

Posts: 987

Soviet cheese dictionary definition:

Stilton: sniper, sniper, clown car flamer, guards, guards, fuel cache, fuel cache, fuel cache, big mortar, extra-units-as-needed, ISU, ISU.

Repeat every time. Somehow enjoy the repetition the repeition the repetition the repetition the repetitionnnnnnn. "It's not totally boring, I'm pr0 espurts"

When someone complains reply:

"it works"
"It's all sovs can do, lol"
"Omg, you have OP OKW t4, stop whine"
"generic sarcasm e.g. *yes, we should nurf conscripts and engineers next kappa*"

14 Aug 2014, 20:43 PM
avatar of NinjaWJ

Posts: 2070

Everything that is not conscript spam is cheese. Unless you spam too many conscripts; then there is only cheese.

all t1 units "omg this soviet cheese!! nerf!!!"
Maxim: "too much maxim spam!! nerf this bullshit!"
ZiS: "wtf this at counter my armor!! soviet is OP a-move faction! noob!"
Guards: "Soviet noob. Why you use guards? You spammer!!"
Shock troops: "omfg shocks op. they kill my blob of LMG grens so fast! NERF THIS CRAP!! why you spam shocks soviet noob?"
T34-76/85: "wow so many t34s. you spam too much"

14 Aug 2014, 20:44 PM
avatar of elchino7
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2

You forgot to add conscripts in that mix, unless you want to get overrun by a flank on the first minutes.
14 Aug 2014, 21:07 PM
avatar of FriedRise

Posts: 132

jump backJump back to quoted post14 Aug 2014, 20:43 PMNinjaWJ

all t1 units "omg this soviet cheese!! nerf!!!"
Maxim: "too much maxim spam!! nerf this bullshit!"
ZiS: "wtf this at counter my armor!! soviet is OP a-move faction! noob!"
Guards: "Soviet noob. Why you use guards? You spammer!!"
Shock troops: "omfg shocks op. they kill my blob of LMG grens so fast! NERF THIS CRAP!! why you spam shocks soviet noob?"
T34-76/85: "wow so many t34s. you spam too much"

lol that's pretty much what 90% of my in-game chat looks like. It's never their fault or the fact that they're getting outplayed or punished for blobbing but rather that the other faction is OP / you're a noob + other insults involving the c word / something about your mother. Sometimes it's hilarious, but there are moments where you wish you have a mute button.
14 Aug 2014, 21:23 PM
avatar of Romeo
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Posts: 1970 | Subs: 5

It's pretty sad that penal battalions are the only unit left not considered "cheesy" by somebody.
14 Aug 2014, 21:26 PM
avatar of MajorBloodnok
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Complaint made. Considered groundless. Rejected.

Please stop reporting posts, simply bcs a poster expresses a view which does not accord with your standpoint.

There are new signals on the way to help you....not nearly as interesting as what is going on at gamescom, but a few of you may need to be aware....just sayin'
14 Aug 2014, 22:11 PM
avatar of dasheepeh

Posts: 2115 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post14 Aug 2014, 21:23 PMRomeo
It's pretty sad that penal battalions are the only unit left not considered "cheesy" by somebody.

Seriously, combat engineers are also cheese. Spam 7 or 8 of them and win the game. If you havent won by 4 minutes, spam t70's. And dont forget to tech to at nades.

Nerf pls.
15 Aug 2014, 08:00 AM
avatar of Cannonade

Posts: 752

Tbh its Ost that is mostly locked into spam builds.

Almost completely reliant on LMG Grens.
And though everyone is screaming that if Maxim is nerfed, Cons need to be buffed (or some, even more crazily, just want a Cons buff, and leave Maxim alone), AT THE SAME TIME as they want LMG nerfed, its kind of a crap chute, isnt it.

Why is nobody arguing for PGren buff for example?
I mean wth else is Ost supposed to build for infantry?

There is so much deliberate sarcasm (read: beligerent misrepresentation), that its no longer possible to talk about things as they actually are, because of all the sarcastic "hurrdurr im so clever and politically correctly offsneive, xos sarcasm" derailing.

I mean whats the point?

Do people want the game to be balanced SARCASTICALLY, or something?

"Sarcasm is "a sharp, bitter, or cutting expression or remark; a bitter gibe or taunt."

Do people seriously think that throwing sharp, cutting, bitter gibes and taunts around, is a way to have a respectful, constructive and as objective as possible discussion on balance and how to improve the game?

15 Aug 2014, 09:34 AM
avatar of GustavGans

Posts: 747

Tbh its Ost that is mostly locked into spam builds.

Almost completely reliant on LMG Grens.
And though everyone is screaming that if Maxim is nerfed, Cons need to be buffed (or some, even more crazily, just want a Cons buff, and leave Maxim alone), AT THE SAME TIME as they want LMG nerfed, its kind of a crap chute, isnt it.

Why is nobody arguing for PGren buff for example?
I mean wth else is Ost supposed to build for infantry?

There is so much deliberate sarcasm (read: beligerent misrepresentation), that its no longer possible to talk about things as they actually are, because of all the sarcastic "hurrdurr im so clever and politically correctly offsneive, xos sarcasm" derailing.

I mean whats the point?

Do people want the game to be balanced SARCASTICALLY, or something?

"Sarcasm is "a sharp, bitter, or cutting expression or remark; a bitter gibe or taunt."

Do people seriously think that throwing sharp, cutting, bitter gibes and taunts around, is a way to have a respectful, constructive and as objective as possible discussion on balance and how to improve the game?


I wouldn't call it spam. It's just that there isn't much worth building for Ostheer except Grens, Pak 40 and the P4. Everything else is highly situational and often bound to a very high risk.

The overall problem I see with the game is the huge inf dps gap between the vanilla and the WFA factions. This kinda ties Ostheer to lmg-grens and Soviets to "cheese" strats such as sniperspam, maxim spam conspam or whatever else.

15 Aug 2014, 10:20 AM
avatar of Cannonade

Posts: 752

I wouldn't call it spam. It's just that there isn't much worth building for Ostheer except Grens, Pak 40 and the P4. Everything else is highly situational and often bound to a very high risk.

The overall problem I see with the game is the huge inf dps gap between the vanilla and the WFA factions. This kinda ties Ostheer to lmg-grens and Soviets to "cheese" strats such as sniperspam, maxim spam conspam or whatever else.

I agree completely.
And yet the irony we see is masses of Sov posting for Cons/Penal/Guard/Shock improvement, when infact it is Ost that is shoehorned into relying on Gren LMGs to deal with those options.

It is Ost that actually has no option.

That is the actual issue all this endless Sov sarcasm is intended and deliberate for hiding, derailing and stonewalling discussion on.

Buff any of the above Sov infantry options, and what is the result? An even harder reliance, even more limited meta, for Ost, forcing it into even more LMG Gren builds.
15 Aug 2014, 10:23 AM
avatar of FrikadelleXXL

Posts: 390

Permanently Banned
It's very boring because you just HAVE to build LMG's every game... On some maps like Bahnhof Ettelbrück it's also okay to build G43 but mostly LMG > all.
15 Aug 2014, 10:37 AM
avatar of TheMachine
Senior Caster Badge

Posts: 875 | Subs: 6

The reason why Cheesey play styles is such a problem for Soviets is because all of their core standard units such as Conscripts, Penals, Combat Engineers and Shocks are not only really crappy, but also don't scale well at all into the late game otherwise you wouldn't always see Soviets depend on Maxim/Sniper/Guard/M3 play.

Even Penals are okay but really cheesey with the flamer, but the rifle damage is just atrocious. It should be evened out.

But I agree, it's also the same for Wehrmacht. Wehrmacht is just spam LMG Grens all day, but everything else is rather underwhelming. The problem is though the nature of WFA armies and their high DPS means balancing the factions around them compared to the core factions is going to cause a lot of problems.
15 Aug 2014, 10:40 AM
avatar of Cannonade

Posts: 752

What about Ost though?

They are shoehorned even harder into the same LMG Gren build, everytime, vs everything.

Sort of a relevant and primary problem. Dont you think?
15 Aug 2014, 13:02 PM
avatar of Vaz

Posts: 1158

The reason why Cheesey play styles is such a problem for Soviets is because all of their core standard units such as Conscripts, Penals, Combat Engineers and Shocks are not only really crappy, but also don't scale well at all into the late game otherwise you wouldn't always see Soviets depend on Maxim/Sniper/Guard/M3 play.

Even Penals are okay but really cheesey with the flamer, but the rifle damage is just atrocious. It should be evened out.

But I agree, it's also the same for Wehrmacht. Wehrmacht is just spam LMG Grens all day, but everything else is rather underwhelming. The problem is though the nature of WFA armies and their high DPS means balancing the factions around them compared to the core factions is going to cause a lot of problems.

Shocks are crappy to you? They are pretty awesome to me. Throw some smoke in front of obers and if they don't move they all die. Hide them behind a fence and bait the enemy with some weak con squad or something, and the enemy squad...they all die. I don't know what kind of monsters you need to make up a good squad, shocks are pretty damn good.
15 Aug 2014, 13:57 PM
avatar of NinjaWJ

Posts: 2070

I agree completely.
And yet the irony we see is masses of Sov posting for Cons/Penal/Guard/Shock improvement, when infact it is Ost that is shoehorned into relying on Gren LMGs to deal with those options.

It is Ost that actually has no option.

That is the actual issue all this endless Sov sarcasm is intended and deliberate for hiding, derailing and stonewalling discussion on.

Buff any of the above Sov infantry options, and what is the result? An even harder reliance, even more limited meta, for Ost, forcing it into even more LMG Gren builds.

i think a soviet player could say the same thing that their own faction is the core issue. I don't play ostheer so i'll take your word that there is something wrong with that faction. Since balance can affect the relationship between multiple factions, it is important to look at the unintended consequences between factions when buffing and nerfing units
15 Aug 2014, 14:07 PM
avatar of Cannonade

Posts: 752

jump backJump back to quoted post15 Aug 2014, 13:57 PMNinjaWJ

i think a soviet player could say the same thing that their own faction is the core issue. I don't play ostheer so i'll take your word that there is something wrong with that faction. Since balance can affect the relationship between multiple factions, it is important to look at the unintended consequences between factions when buffing and nerfing units

Well said.

And I appreciate it especially because I also am a primarily (not entirely) Ost player, so I know what it means to "stick your neck out" abit in favor of overall balance, which makes you vulnerable to haters from all sides.

That is good courage, and commendable.

I really hope we can all get down to some real nitty gritty balance talk, without all the sarcasm and other bullshit (as I outlined in my previous post).

We all want a better game, and a better balance.

Lets make a real effort to consider all sides, as much and as best we can.
15 Aug 2014, 14:28 PM
avatar of heals93

Posts: 59

jump backJump back to quoted post10 Aug 2014, 09:51 AMKhan

Faced the exact same shit yesterday. Snipers + Guards and heavy mortars from Guard Motor. I did the exact same thing as you, got stuka and luchs. Even managed to catch his snipers with my luchs and killed 2 of them only to have them replaced. Eventually double T34s sealed my fate. Even though I killed 2, they were replaced immediately because he was floating so much fuel thanks to the fact that he doesn't have to tech. What pissed me of most was the fact that it was obvious he wasn't very good; He was losing squads here and there etc but his cheesy tactics allowed him to win.


So sick of losing to shit players just because I choose to play OKW its not playing the way it should, atm more tweaks for balance are desperately needed. Losing my fucking mind taking losses in this game it's why I take month long breaks and only come back to play after a balance patch.
16 Aug 2014, 07:04 AM
avatar of Hitman5

Posts: 467

soviet cheese:

shock troops spam + maxim spam + zis spam on semois > double IS2

imagine axis player trying to play without using fuel for teching and relying on call ins... that's pure lol
16 Aug 2014, 08:00 AM
avatar of lanciano

Posts: 210

@Aerohank: I know that this is a viable strategy, but I guess no one build more than 2 StuG E's. Which is not StuG-spam, as lanciano claimed.

If any, there is gren-spam for OH. But this comes from the fact that you're fucked vs sov if you try to build grens, MGs, snipers and mortars due to the danger of double/triple sniper / M3 / Maxims...

actually i played against 3 to 4 stug E's in numerous games and is every effect against USF. ow and thats in 1000+ 1v1 ranking games
16 Aug 2014, 08:21 AM
avatar of lanciano

Posts: 210

jump backJump back to quoted post14 Aug 2014, 20:43 PMNinjaWJ

all t1 units "omg this soviet cheese!! nerf!!!"
Maxim: "too much maxim spam!! nerf this bullshit!"
ZiS: "wtf this at counter my armor!! soviet is OP a-move faction! noob!"
Guards: "Soviet noob. Why you use guards? You spammer!!"
Shock troops: "omfg shocks op. they kill my blob of LMG grens so fast! NERF THIS CRAP!! why you spam shocks soviet noob?"
T34-76/85: "wow so many t34s. you spam too much"


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