
russian armor

Your opinion on "Germans" being renamed "Wehrmacht"?

23 Jun 2014, 10:51 AM
avatar of AmiPolizeiFunk
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I find it a little odd that we have two WW2 German factions and only one of them is called "Wehrmacht," which just means "Army." IMO both factions should be part of the overall "German Wehrmacht." If Relic is going to re-name the faction that fought on the Eastern Front to something, shouldn't it be something more similar to the new faction name, so that both can fall under the heading of "Wehrmacht"? Even "Ostheer" or "Anything Ost" seems more appropriate.

Furthermore, in COH1 the "Wehrmacht" was the first faction that fought on the WESTERN FRONT.

23 Jun 2014, 10:57 AM
avatar of MarcoRossolini

Posts: 1042

OKH (OberKommando Das Heeres) for the East.
OKW (OberKommando De Wehr) for the West...?

My Germans a little rusty but I think that's what the Germans officially used to name their services...
23 Jun 2014, 10:58 AM
avatar of AmiPolizeiFunk
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Yes but we don't need to follow historic names exactly (obviously Relic is not concerned about this point). Those two just sound too similar.
23 Jun 2014, 10:59 AM
avatar of StephennJF

Posts: 934

Hahaha yeah this confuses me aswell.

Personally, I would of liked it to be east front remains as Ostheer. The west front remains as Wehrmacht, just like CoH1. Long faction names are annoying and I do not like using abbreivations for the sake of confusing new players.
23 Jun 2014, 11:01 AM
avatar of MarcoRossolini

Posts: 1042

^^ That seems reasonable to me... or else is there a specific unit you could name the West Germans after which broadly fits the time and place? Say nickname it Kampfgruppe Peiper or something... hell just call it a kampfgruppe or something like that... (just random ideas here)
23 Jun 2014, 11:02 AM
avatar of AmiPolizeiFunk
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Posts: 16697 | Subs: 12

Hahaha yeah this confuses me aswell.

Personally, I would of liked it to be east front remains as Ostheer. The west front remains as Wehrmacht, just like CoH1. Long faction names are annoying and I do not like using abbreivations for the sake of confusing new players.

"remains" Ostheer? They were never called Ostheer by Relic. Just "Germans." IMO they should have been called Ostheer. Not sure what Relic has against this name but it's a good kinda-made-up name for an RTS game army.
23 Jun 2014, 11:06 AM
avatar of Spanky
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I'd love to call them Chaos space marines.
23 Jun 2014, 11:08 AM
avatar of AmiPolizeiFunk
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23 Jun 2014, 11:09 AM
avatar of BabaRoga

Posts: 829

they sort of didn't have different units nor equipment neither, because they were the same army with different theater of operations.
Wehrmacht and Panzer elite (Waffen SS) or Lufwaffe faction would be much better design IMO
23 Jun 2014, 11:10 AM
avatar of StephennJF

Posts: 934

"remains" Ostheer? They were never called Ostheer by Relic. Just "Germans." IMO they should have been called Ostheer. Not sure what Relic has against this name but it's a good kinda-made-up name for an RTS game army.

Ohh wow your right. I think I subconsciously never realised now they are completely referred to as German in-game. I did recognize that Relic did at some point in time change the automatch listing to be as 'Germans' instead of 'Ostheer', however I didn't realise everything else in-game was changed as well.

I have always called the eastern front Axis as Ostheer on my stream!

I am 100% positive they used to be listed as Ostheer in-game at some point in time. Otherwise, I am going bat shit insane! :O
23 Jun 2014, 11:12 AM
avatar of MarcoRossolini

Posts: 1042

Ostheer sounds wayyy better though Stephenn...
23 Jun 2014, 11:13 AM
avatar of KyleAkira

Posts: 410

OKW and Wehrmacht would be fine.

Doesn't matter that wehr in coh1 was on the western front. everyone will understand if you say OKW and Werhmacht.
23 Jun 2014, 11:17 AM
avatar of AmiPolizeiFunk
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Posts: 16697 | Subs: 12

OKW and Wehrmacht would be fine.

Doesn't matter that wehr in coh1 was on the western front. everyone will understand if you say OKW and Werhmacht.

I don't understand at all! Because surely OKW is also part of the Wehrmacht!!!
23 Jun 2014, 11:23 AM
avatar of Hirmetrium
Patrion 14

Posts: 179

If you play a theater of war mission right now, the army you use is called Wehrmacht.

It has been this way for as long as I can recall (try operation barbarossa for example).

It's not a name change as far as I can tell - just its never been properly made clear.

I find it easier to think of them as the same army, at different points in time. The OKW are clearly 1945, with top tier technology like IR scopes and rocket weaponry, whereas the Wehrmacht are the general army that fight on both fronts (hence always grenadiers/panzer grenadiers/half tracks/pz4s etc)
23 Jun 2014, 11:26 AM
avatar of BabaRoga

Posts: 829

Yeah, I don't remember Ostheer ever been written officially anywhere.

Think it just got started on this site until everyone started using it

something like MVGame
23 Jun 2014, 11:35 AM
avatar of Spanky
Senior Strategist Badge

Posts: 1820 | Subs: 2


you know, barton would approve! -_-

On topic: Ostheer would be much better than "germans".
23 Jun 2014, 12:10 PM
avatar of van Voort
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I don't understand at all! Because surely OKW is also part of the Wehrmacht!!!

Well Hitler did set out to make confusing.

In theory OKH reported to OKW.

However the war in the east was run out of OKH and OKW covered everything else
23 Jun 2014, 12:37 PM
avatar of alcoholic
Patrion 15

Posts: 93

To me, as a german with a background of an odd fascination for worldwar 2 during puberty, both ostheer and wehrmach as a name for a faction sound perfectly fine.

Wehrmacht is technically the term for any army as it translates to "force of defence" but in todays use of the german language it is only associated to the german army of the kaisereich and the third reich.

OKW for oberkommando west on the other hand is an odd choice. OKW during the third reich stood for: "Oberkommando der Wehrmacht" translated to "general command of the army" and it was the central command of all armed german forces.

It seems rather silly that both the actual term is already in use, it does not make sense for a fighting faction in this game either.

Thinking of a faction called Oberkommando West one would imagine a bunch of Generals and staff personell study maps in some bunker behind the frontline.
23 Jun 2014, 12:38 PM
avatar of AchtAchter

Posts: 1604 | Subs: 3

Okw doesn't make any sense and is confusing since it actually means Oberkommando der Wehrmacht.

I'd love if they changed the faction names to Ostheer and Westheer.

It would make also more sense by game design. Since soviets are called soviets and us forces are called us forces.

This okw phantasy name actually really annoys me.
23 Jun 2014, 12:48 PM
avatar of Thunderhun

Posts: 1617

Yes, it should be OKH not Wehrmacht. Wehrmacht includes OKW and all german army troops. Hell, even Africa Korps is part of Wehrmacht.
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