aka Some Suggested Soviet Sniper Solutions
Are you having fun playing against sniper + scout car into double sniper all the time? Enjoying praying to the RNG god to bless your mortar/MHT? Or are you just loving getting bled dry of manpower without being able to actually counter it?
I didn`t think so.
Here go the suggestions, from the least interesting to perhaps more interesting:
- The simplest one: remove 1 squad member. Reducing survivability so that even just a lower blessing of the RNG god may suffice. But we know how Relic loves this asymetrical sniper situation, what a clever innovation compared to coh1! So this is not gonna happen.
- Make soviet snipers doctrinal. Swapping with the 45mm AT gun would work very well. Soviets would get another non-doctrinal AT which they desperatly need and going for snipers would mean no call-in tanks, IL2, PPSHs etc. So it would be an indirect nerf by forcing a trade-off. But we know that Relic doesn`t really want to change the commanders, who knows where would that rabbit hole lead. So that is not gonna happen.
- Set a limit to having max 1 sniper squad at the field at any given time, same as the artillery officer. Doesn`t really solve the OP problem, but it`s definitely easier to live with the bleed from just 1 sniper squad. Plus the forced insta-retreats on german 4-man squads caused by double sniper wouldn`t happen.
- Add set-up time to sniper squads, same as HMGs and mortars. Not only its more realistic, but it would mean less flexibility and higher fragility for the snipers compared to the current run-around-shooting-gallery + insta-retreat style. The result would be obvious - defensive use of snipers rather than an offensive one. Also sniper flanking would become a thing. Now even when flanked one guy usually survives if retreat is popped instantly.
- Change the german mortar ability, instead of the mostly useless counter-barrage, lets have something like "sniper watch" - the mortar only fires at sniper squads but has significantly increased accuracy, lets say 70% for example. That way you actually have a way of countering snipers by creating a no-go zone with your mortar instead of just praying to the RNG god. Switching mortar modes and trying to bait the snipers in might become a nice piece of micromanagement. Plus we would get rid of the current and mostly useless german mortar ability so it`s two birds with one stone.
Discuss if you feel like it and have nothing better to do.
Actually Yes I am having Fun if you like I can give you some replays of how to deal with this including countersnipes with the German sniper.
Not only that if you get a German sniper to vet 1 You can one shot the Soviet sniper with the vet ability incendiary round making soviet snipers have to actually be more afraid of your german sniper then you need to be of theirs because the german sniper has a faster rate of fire but even more important a faster cloak with a larger radius. In short it is much easier to camo the german sniper and keep him camoed then it is with the soviet sniper.
I find the Sniper dynamic in this game topnotch and fun. Yes Soviet sniper is slightly advantageous early but so fucking what!? Germans have their advantages I.E. Much stronger armour while soviets get a sniper that has slightly more survivability. And this slightly more survivability advantage only actually exists against noobs that rather complain on the forums then come up with solutions in game.
Here is how to countersnipe with your German sniper(you need to play with patience and thoughtfulness) get your sniper close to the vicinity of the soviet sniper with hold fire and of course in handy camo. The closer you can get the better then throw in the bait to get the soviet sniper to take a shot this is the most important part if you dont let the soviet sniper take a shot at a bait unit first then yes your going to get your sniper killed. After the soviet sniper takes a shot then you snipe one of his units your German sniper will cloak before the soviet sniper can shoot agian. Now once this happens the soviet player has two options immediately hit retreat, If he does hit retreat if you got your sniper close enough you might be able to snipe the second unit on retreat you will be able to take a second shot just in time to finish the soviet sniper if you got your sniper close enough to have range and los. Now this is a luck factor I think you have a 50/50 chance of connecting. The second option the soviet player has is to immediately hold fire himself and try to hide and if he does this use your bait unit to flush him out to get the second unit. It works and makes for intense and very fun cat and mouse gameplay that is much better then vanilla vcoh sniper combat because it takes more skill now that the cloak is passive and requires cover. I absolutely love this aspect of the game. And remember the German sniper is slightly better then the Soviet sniper in everyway he just doesnt have two men you have to use that
Oh yeah if you puts his sniper in a scout car this is even better because he cant hide his sniper and you use your sniper to snipe his out of the vehicle this works as well just make sure you wait for the soviet sniper to shoot at something else first same as above and also make sure you have your bait gren or whatever in a position to be between your sniper and enemy scout car for a faust or just travel disruption just incase he tries to charge.
So you see guys with an open mind and a desire to improve and play well and outdo your opponent you can achieve much .... much more then you can just coming on the forums and complaining about everything in game because it is something that damages your army this is war people and strategy

For me right now there is nothing more fulfilling in game then owning soviet snipers with Germans snipers it just feels epic!
Oh and P.S. no I do not like any of your change Ideas this is one of the best and funnest dynamics in the game and is absolutely brilliant and fun the way it is you guys just haven't caught on yet because apparently you haven't put to much effort into actually trying and putting your German snipers strengths to good use.