
russian armor

Aftermath's Feedback/Wishlist

24 Mar 2023, 22:15 PM
avatar of Aftermath

Posts: 82

Feature: Configurable Audio Cues

It would be nice if for each unit we could configure not only which Audio cues we get but also at what point. For example, I might not ever care to hear that my Panzer Pios have been upgraded or that the Enemy has more Victory points than me. So if these audio cues are just noise to me, I would like to be able to switch them off. It would also be great if I could configure at what point my units make Audio cues, either configured to be when they reach certain health percentage thresholds, when they receive certain types of critical or if they lose models. I myself would probably only want to get combat cues for squads whenever they drop a model or reach 25% and having that configured means that when I actually do get that cue, I actually have to look at what is happening instead of the other engagements I could be micromanaging. And obviously, what audio cues you'll want to hear might change in the course of a game...so profiles...

24 Mar 2023, 23:08 PM
avatar of EtherealDragon

Posts: 1890 | Subs: 1

Feature: Configurable Audio Cues

This would be the dream! I feel like COH3 is a lot more noisey and I either miss import stuff like grenade warnings or they don't trigger.
25 Mar 2023, 09:38 AM
avatar of dasheepeh

Posts: 2115 | Subs: 1

relic should hire you to single-handedly fix the game at this point
25 Mar 2023, 13:47 PM
avatar of Aftermath

Posts: 82

relic should hire you to single-handedly fix the game at this point

That made me laugh. I haven't got any offers yet, but if I do....

Support will probably veto any offers as they are probably sick of me raising support cases.

It goes to show just how easy it would be to fix most of the faction design issues would be though if someone can do it in the MOD tools in the space of 2 weeks. Let's see what the patch brings!
25 Mar 2023, 20:17 PM
avatar of Aftermath

Posts: 82

Bug: Unable to Assign Control Groups to Subselected Units

So let's say we have 2 squads, both of which I have selected, perhaps I used select all infantry or select all on screen:

I want to give the Pioneer one control group and the Panzergrenadier another control group without a mouse click. How would I do it?

So I tab, this way I only have the Pioneer subselected:

You would think from here I can just control + 1 and this would assign a control group to that unit specifically, but...

Coh3 says no. This is a problem in Coh2 as well and we ought to fix it this time.

Bug: Select Next/Select Idle Etc Also Focus

So within the controls there are two hotkey mappings.

The first is 'Select Next Infantry' and the second is 'Focus Next Infantry'. My expectation of what these would do is Select Next would just select the next infantry squad whereas Focus Next would not just select but also focus the camera on the unit. However this is not what select next does, it in fact focuses the camera on the unit as well. Therefore, there appears to be not functional difference between these hotkeys commands and therefore select is bugged.

Bug: Remapping Subselect Next Is Impossible

This is a fun one, you cannot remap subselect next, but you can accidentally unmap it, meaning you can't use tab in that layout anymore and have to remake it from scratch:

The same happens with orbit.

Bug: Unable to Rename Hotkey Profiles

You can only delete and redo.

Bug: Profile Templates Do Not Actually Work

The profile that gets created has nothing in common with the template you select.

Feature: Remove Unit From Control Group

You can only add or clear right now.

Bug: Battlegroup Abilities Map to Random Hotkeys

So let's say you're playing a match and you go down the right side of a battlegroup, so your hotkeys look like this:

Now let's say the next time you play, you go down the other side of the tree, now your hotkeys look like this:

Now the abilities have mapped to the order you unlocked them. This makes absolutely no sense as the whole point of hotkeys is muscle memory selection, how are you supposed to do that if it changes every time and you have to check?

This is the solution: https://community.companyofheroes.com/coh-franchise-home/company-of-heroes-3/forums/9-coh3-feedback/threads/4952-feature-request-and-bug-fix-request-compendium?page=1#post-24346

But the default should be that the hotkeys stay static relative to the position in the tree and not based on the order you unlock them.
29 Mar 2023, 18:05 PM
avatar of Aftermath

Posts: 82

Feature: Default Control Group Assignments

Yet further control group improvements!

It would be great if you could set in the settings the default control group of specific units. What I mean by this, is that when I build, for example, a Sherman, it gets automatically added to control group 1 (or multiple control groups, if the player wants, ie '1,2'). I'm a type of player where when I build certain units, I always put them in the same control group, for example, ATGs are always 7 in my World. But if these were assigned automatically, that would be a nice QOL change. I can't see any argument for manually setting control groups being a vital skill factor of the game and of course all of this would be optional, required setting in settings.

I feel it would also be good to have a hotkey to turn off 'default control group assignment', as if the game doesn't go to plan, you'll want to turn it off so it doesn't mess up your ad hoc control group layout.

Feature: Hotkey To Show Unit Hit Points Above/On the Unit Icon

I've said it once, I'll say it again, Coh3 features should be designed in a way that if you need information/to perform an action, you should not have to use your mouse or move your eyes away from the centre of the screen. To this end, checking unit health is cumbersome, being both at the edge of the screen and requiring the player to hover over the portrait.

A nice feature would be being able to press a hotkey to see the unit's health directly over their icon while the hotkey is pressed. That way, you get the best of both Worlds, an uncluttered UI most of the time, but a highly informative one when you need it.
30 Mar 2023, 16:08 PM
avatar of Aftermath

Posts: 82

Feature: Build Order Visualiser

One of the aspects of Coh2 which I quite liked was the bulletin profiles feature. Match making could take time and it was features like this that were perfect for killing a few minutes between games and tinkering with interminably. So the feature I'm about to describe fits into that mould of something you do between games. I'll show the diagram first and describe after:

Basically I want a 'Build Orders Screen', where for each map and by each factions, I'm able to 'Create a build order'. The meat of this screen would be a graph of time in minutes, with a slider at the tope which I can drag. When I drag the slider, my resources tick with it in accordance with territory percentage that I can adjust. Then I have the options of adding units to my composition, or build order, and see what the earliest point I can build certain units, what my composition will look like at certain points of the game and what options I have for the next unit in my build order are.

Looking at the example above, I have the build order slider at 6 and a half minutes. I can see the units I built already and I can see the options I have for what units I can can build next and how early they can be built. I have the territory control I will have at that point, which feeds my resource income, ideally we should be able to adjust this to be either a percentage or can open up the tact map for the map in question and select the territories we will control directly. This should be smart enough to prevent us from inputting territory control that is genuinely impossible (like 90% within 1 minute).

We also should be able to add upgrades, tech, casualties etc to feed into the projections of our build order. Then ideally we can continue adding blocks to the build order unit we are fully maxed out on pop cap.

The use case for this tool is mostly around planning, as I myself always forget my build orders and record then in a rough and ready way in notepad on my machine. That's quite unsophisticated though so having a tool like this where you can calculate your build orders and see what your projected unit timings would be given a certain amount of map control would be really useful. You can then adjust the map control to see how this would effect your unit timings, useful information to have. Once I have a collection of build orders, I can come back later and be like 'yeah this build order doesn't work, let me change it'.

Some other nice features to have would be a log which you can add your own notes like 'struggles around 7 minute mark due to Greyhound' etc, for your own reference. Then also being able to compare the build order vs your actual games, getting a side by side comparison of your unit composition in the plan vs reality, your resources planned vs what actually happened and your territory control projected vs in game, so then you can do analysis on what went wrong/went better than expected. Finally, at the end of a match, along with 'record replay' options, you would have 'log build order', where the game is added to a win/loss ratio for that build order and you can watch back the replays for that build order to remind yourself how it plays/analyse how it fails.

Finally, having the tool automatically analyse your build order and composition for weaknesses and make suggestions like 'weak against vehicles' etc would be the icing on the cake.

I feel a tool like this would not only draw attention away from match making times but also allow players to have a record of their build orders so when they leave the game and come back, they don't forget them! I always play Coh2 for a day, come back 3 weeks later having completely forgotten what my build orders were, my timings etc.

Feature: Cap Order Visualiser

Similarly, it would be nice if we had a tool where we could create our own capping orders on a per map, per faction, per build order basis.

This tool is simpler, in that we would basically have be able to have a diagram for the cap orders of say our first 5 units. This would allow us to project:

- What territory we would have for a cap order within a certain time period.
- What resources this cap order would produce.
- How long it would take for all the territories in the order to be captured.

Even better would be if you could click a button where, given a faction, build order and a map, it spits out what the optimum cap order would be for fuel accumulation/munitions accumulation. Again, you would be able to save these cap orders as 'my cap orders' to remind yourself, add notes to them, log games against them, see the win/loss ratio etc. Just another analysis tool to tinker around with between games.
5 Apr 2023, 13:49 PM
avatar of Aftermath

Posts: 82

Feature: Ability to See Allies Queued Commands

In Steel Division 2, you can click an ally's unit and when holding shift, see their queued commands. We should really have this in Coh3!
27 Apr 2023, 21:14 PM
avatar of Aftermath

Posts: 82

Feature: Prioritise Vehicles on Units in Halftracks

Units in open top vehicles such as Panzerjägers in 250 halftracks would be much more useful if you could apply prioritise vehicles to the unit within the halftrack. This way, when doing chase downs of opposing vehicles, the AT squad doesn't shoot at random infantry.

Feature: Replay Tools to Show APM of Players

In Starcraft II, you can see the APM of the different players in the reply tools. This would be neat information to see in Coh3.

Feature: Replay Tools to Show ELO & Rank of Players

It would be nice if the replay tools, once they are finally created, showed the ELO & Rank of the players at the time of the game, so you don't have to look this up afterwards.

Feature: Replay Tools to Show Total Munitions, Total Fuel Accumulated & Total Reinforcement Expenditure

Again, in Starcraft II you have total resources gathered stats. It would be great if you could see the complete munitions and fuel accumulated by each player through the match, for analysis purposes. Another interesting statistic would be total manpower spent on reinforcing.

Feature: Postgame Stats/Replay Tools to Show Ratio of Time Spent in Tact Map to Normal View

Another interesting statistic would be a breakdown of Clicks on the Standard Interface, Clicks on the Minimap, Clicks on the Tact Map.

Feature: Postgame Stats to Display UI Element Click Frequency and Hotkey Usage Frequency

A great statistic to have would be to see which UI Elements you clicked on the most so you can determine which hotkeys mapping are clearly too cumbersome or where you need to focus your own hotkey training. Another one would be seeing which hotkeys and actions you execute the most so you can consider remapping the actions you perform the most to more tactile hotkeys. It would also be great if when you're watching from the player's perspective you could not only see their cursor, but when they use a hotkey, this is highlighted to you in either the command panel or on a separate display. This makes it easier for a player to break down exactly how a player executed a manoeuvre. The cherry on the cake would be if the game recommended hotkeys that were underutilised in the game.

Feature: Postgame Stats To Show Resource Usage

Some great piecharts would be to see for munitions, what proportion was spent on mines, upgrades, unit abilities and battlegroup abilities, as general headings, and then more granular information on the exact abilities/upgrades where munitions were spent. For example. if I'm spending a majority of my munitions on Grenades and none on mines, that's useful information to reflect on. Then also being able to compare how effective these expenditures were for abilities, say a comparison of total damage possible of grenades thrown vs actual damage received, and also being able to compare that to damage dealt by squad upgrades (pintle MGs etc), would be magnificent. This has the benefit of allowing you as the player to determine if your mine/grenade placement is actually effective or not and whether you're getting more value from your abilities or upgrades etc.

Then for fuel, same sort of idea. I'd want to see how much of my fuel is spent on teching, upgrades or units.

Finally, same again for Manpower, which of my units did I reinforce the most, did my manpower got mostly into new units, upgrades, teching or reinforcement.

The coup de grâce would be being able to compare this information with the other player in the game.

Feature: Postgame Stats to Show APM Graph

I'd want to be able to see at what points my APM spiked and where it was worse relative to my opponent.

Feature: Merit Earn Rate Visible in Store

It would be great if you could see what your average merit earn rate per hour of play is and then in the store, being able to see roughly how many hours of play would be required to unlock each item, would be great information to have when making decisions as to whether to buy War Bonds or not. For instance, if a Battlegroup is going to take 15 hours of play for me to unlock it, that would make me think twice as to whether they want to wait that long or not. In most situations I wouldn't care, but if I really wanted some content specifically, this information would be handy.

Feature: Substitutable Vehicles

This feature from Coh1 should just come back. From my perspective its a win-win for everyone for a number of reasons:

For the game developer, it can be integrated directly into the Game store and Merit system, therefore providing a further means of revenue diversification. I'd imagine players would be a lot more motivated to grind in Coh3 if they knew they could get a whole new unit to play with. The upfront cost of new content with a feature like this is relatively cheap compared to say the cost of developing a whole new battlegroup, so new units could be added frequently (say 1 unit for each faction each quarter) and this would drive not only media opportunities (all that YouTube hype from the players) but also allow John to do a PR vid everytime. This would all contribute to players either returning to the game to play the new units or drawing new players in entirely. The other benefit for devs is that as a mechanism by which new content is added, this is relatively low risk, as the substitute units would basically perform the exact same function as existing units in the faction, albeit at different price points and power levels, so 'Pay to Win' should ideally be less of an issue relative to say battlegroup which have a grander impact on how a faction plays.

Then for players, one of the obvious advantages is more units! This would further add to the diversity of build orders possible with a faction and presuming its not clear on the loading screen which units your opponent has in their loadout, it adds an element of unpredictability to the game (which is fun!). Again, as a means by which new content is added, this would be lower risk, meaning the balance & meta should not be affected as much whenever new content hits. If the new units have different abilities from the ones they replace, it could make entirely new strategies possible and would lead to the flavour of the faction being different. It adds a better reward for playing than just cosmetics and increases the longevity of the game (it stays fresh as you unlock new units after continuous play). Its yet another feature to play around with while waiting for games, as you mix and match between batllegroups, units and bulletins profiles in between matches.

In terms of implementation, I think that merit should be refactored to be more similar to Coh2, its pretty lame that you don't get merit just for playing the game, the challenges should be an extra and not the primary way by which merit is earned. All substitute units should be purchasable with merit, I feel it should go without saying how much of a PR disaster it would be to put up a pay wall. Should. Then in terms of what units should be substituted, the World is your oyster. Here are some examples:


- M17 -> Greyhound

- M22 Locust -> Greyhound/Chaffee

- M10 -> Hellcat

- .50 Cal ->.30 Cal

- M2 Mortar for M1 Mortar (former having a shorter range but faster ROF).


- Daimler Armoured Car -> Stuart.

- AEC -> Stuart.

- Valentine -> Crusader.

- Universal Carrier -> Dingo.

- Cromwell -> M3 Grant.


- Granatwerfer 42 -> Granatwerfer 34 (former having more damage, slower ROF).

- 30 cm Nebelwerfer 42 -> 15cm Nebelwerfer 41 (former having more damage, longer recharge, shorter range perhaps).

- Pakwagen -> Marder III (former being cheaper and weaker).

- Stuh 42 - Brumbar (former having less frontal armour, cheaper).

- Ostwind -> Wirbelwind.


- MG81 -> MG34 (former being more expensive, more cumbersome but with better suppression).

- Pak36 -> Pak38 (former being more manoeuvrable and higher ROF, worse pen and damage).

- Sd.Kfz. 7/2 (37mm Flak) -> Flakvierling HT (former being better against light vehicles, worse suppression).

- Panzer II -> 8 Rad.

- Panzer III N -> Stug III D (former having rotating turret, worse frontal armour, more expensive, fully rotating pintle MG)

You get the idea.

Feature: Custom Voice Lines

Before, I wrote about the importance of being able to configure specific voice lines off and configuring when they are triggered. This request is more geared towards replacing the voice lines entirely.

We're in the third instalment of the game now and several of the units in the game have been in the series from the start (Infantry sections, PGrens, Snipers, Shermans etc). What would be really cool would be if you could configure which voice lines from the alternative games you could use for each unit. For example, if you could use the voice lines for Coh1 for Riflemen, the Churchill voice lines from Coh2 and the Pak voice lines from Coh3, this would be just amazing. This gives the player total flexibility and more control over the experience.

This could also be easily enough be integrated into the Store where specific voice lines require merit/war bonds (for example, all the Coh1 Gren voice lines being a package). This way we get a better experience and Relic get yet further revenue diversification.

Feature: Custom Sound Effects

Similar to the custom voice lines, it would be nice if could pick which sounds effects we preferred for different weapon types. For example, I know a lot of players prefer the MG42 from Coh1 and being able to configure this would make a lot of people happy. Again, can be hooked straight into the store.

Disclaimer: I recommend features that involve micro transactions primarily because I see Relic's profit as equating to more resources spent on improving the game, resulting in more content, more balance improvements and more time spent on features that indirectly improve the game (like enhancements to control groups, hot keys, post game stats etc).
27 Apr 2023, 21:58 PM
avatar of donofsandiego

Posts: 1391

Agree with everything but especially the substitutable units! Big yes from me. Now that would be an interesting addition to the game as far as gameplay goes.
29 Apr 2023, 12:42 PM
avatar of Aftermath

Posts: 82

Feature: Global Upgrades To Have Visual Indicators on Units

If you look at other Strategy games, such as Kane's Wrath, the global upgrades in those games generally have some visual indicator on the units to show that they are in fact upgraded. However, with Coh3 this is quite hit and miss, some upgrades do have an indicator (such as Side Skirts) but others such as Smoke Dischargers and Emergency Survivability for DAK do not, the only way you can determine that they have the health buff is by clicking on the unit and looking at the hit points (which you need to have memorised). This is not only unintuitive, it raises the difficulty curve unnecessarily for new players but also doesn't lead to a great viewing experience when you watch casters fumbling around trying to determine if units are upgraded or not.

I would argue therefore that all Global Upgrades should update the model of the unit they upgrade so both your opponent but also viewers can determine that the unit is upgraded, with the potential exception of grenades.

Feature: Structures Should Have Visual Indicator for Side Tiers

One of the nice features of Coh1 with say the Supply Yard, was that after you upgraded certain upgrades, it would visibly change the building. This was not only made the lives of casters easier but also made base scouting more rewarding as you could determine precisely what they had upgraded. Therefore it would be great if structures for Brits, Wehr and Dak had visible tells when they had gone down certain teching paths. US kinda already has this with their Support side tiers. It doesn't need to be much, a flag here, an engine on a bench there, and it would make a World of difference.
11 May 2023, 17:23 PM
avatar of Aftermath

Posts: 82

Feature: Toggle Show Unit Range
It would be really nice if you could press and hold a key to see the range of the selected unit, in 5 metre gradations. Currently you basically have to memorise what is ‘10 range’ in the game, but this feature would allow you to quickly confirm it. Once you’re practiced, you wouldn’t need this, bit it will certainly help accelerate this education.
14 May 2023, 09:56 AM
avatar of Osinyagov
Senior Modmaker Badge

Posts: 1389 | Subs: 1

Definetly one of the most detailed threads i've ever seen! Amazing work, keep it going!

P.S. In case you didn't do that before, recommend to double this thread to official coh3 forum, so Relic can see it as well
18 May 2023, 22:47 PM
avatar of Aftermath

Posts: 82

Feature: Configurable Event Queue Prioritisation and Event Notification Durations

One of the changes described in a coming update is that a system of prioritisation is being added to the events queue, where certain events will take higher priority of others. However, the problem with this is what is considered 'the priority' will change from player to player, who is to say that a grenade thrown is 'more important' than a mine being detected, so it would make more sense if we could set the prioritisation of event queues ourselves.

Equally, there is another change where when you interact with an event by clicking on it, it disappears more quickly. It would probably be better though if you just allowed players to configure themselves how long they want event queues to stay before disappearing, both initially and after being clicked, so that what is 'quickly' can be decided by the player. Ideally this would be at the notification type level and these would be just more columns on the screen I did here:


This implicitly implies then, due to the profiles, that we can change what our priorities and what the delays are at certain points of the match via hotkey.

Feature: Prioritise Infantry, Prioritise Buildings & Custom Priorities

Before I talked about having a 'Firing Mode', as a replacement for having 2 separate controls for Prioritise Air and Prioritise Vehicles on AA units. Having thought about this some more, it would make more sense if this also included 'Prioritise Infantry' and 'Prioritise Buildings' options so when you want vehicles like for example Shermans, to very specifically target the infantry, or base buildings when attempting to do an Annihilation victory, it does that. Again, rather than having a pile of Boolean controls for this, if could be all rolled into one control with several modes.

Even better, would be if you could have a 'Custom' option, where for certain units you could configure the unit they should prioritise when in that mode. For example, take the M8 Greyhound, if I wanted a mode where they specifically target Pak 40s or AT Guns more generally, and nothing else, that would be extremely useful. Also imagine how much of a QOL improvement it would be if you had a mode where Panzer IVs targeted specifically AT infantry, so you could kite blobs more effectively and not have to click the unit you want to target directly. Since this custom priority may change during a match, it would be great if you had a hotkey allowing you to switch priority profiles on the selected unit and this profile switch showed up in the event queue.

Feature: Custom Zoom Maximum Setting

I don't know if I'm touching a sore spot with this one, but in the most recent livestream a lot of hay was made about finding the right balance between zoomed in to far and zoomed out to far for all players. I don't understand though why a setting can't be added which allows players to customise just how far they can zoom out. Zoom is such a personal preference thing that it would make so much sense. The zoom level of the next patch would be the default max zoom and players who really want to zoom out further can dive into the settings and change it. Its a win/win for everyone.
23 May 2023, 11:55 AM
avatar of Aftermath

Posts: 82

Feature: Granular Events

The events feature has been poking around in the back of my head lately and I've thought of a bunch of new ways to make it better, on top of what I already suggested (which you should check out first!). Let's look at one of the current ones:

Would you ever realistically navigate to any of these? Let's say you know one of your capping units needs further orders as none are queued up and you want to get there faster than using the tact map (which is basically the competitor). When you're getting spammed with these notifications, you'd have to cycle through all of them to find the unit, which is not as efficient as just using the tact map. However, if it looked like this:

This is much more useful information. So now if you know your krad capping the high munitions needs more orders, using the hotkey to navigate to this event and having the unit automatically selected or using 'select all on screen', using a custom selector or a control group would be genuinely faster than using the tact map. This equally applies to losing territory:

Depending at what point of the game you're in or your strategy, knowing which territory type is being lost is crucial information, one could easily imagine a player using this event to quickly navigate to a VP, but if you don't know which event corresponds to which territory type, that's not as reliable as the tact map.

Then you have this event type:

I imagine this would end up being an event type most people filter out as you're constantly spotting units all the time. The situations I imagine this being useful are at the start of the game and after a lull in the action. However, if it was more granular:

This is far more useful. For instance, if you're microing and M8 and you want to avoid the Pak or if you don't even know there's a Pak, this notification will make it far easier for you to locate it in the heat of the moment. Same applies to an MG when you have rifles trying to flank. This is made even more useful if you could see the unit in question's health and vet. I would also imagine, referencing one of my previous requests, that if you could filter out certain units being spotted (for example, you don't care if you spot Pioneers), these events would be only the curated events you care about, meaning less noise, more interaction. Particularly if using profiles, like I detailed before, which events you get can be altered mid flight, giving players total control.

The same sort of logic applies to the unit under attack event:

In this one, we not only get information about which type of unit is under attack, the health of the unit under attack and also the control group of the unit (via the control group colour association I detailed before). So if I know that orange corresponds to Control Group 2, all I need to do to retreat that damaged squad is press 2 and R. I wouldn't even need to open the tact map or navigate over to that side of the map. I imagine this would also be useful for casting as the caster could create a sniper under attack or sniper killed event and thus we as viewers would be less likely to miss these highlights.

Finally for other events like engine damage and hitting a mine:

If I could see which vehicle has what crit, this is useful information, maybe I care more about my P3 here or maybe the 250. Since no control groups are assigned here, we could use our custom event hotkeys (such as Ctrl+alt+m to navigate to 'Focus Mine Hit event') to navigate directly over there without clicking anything.

You get the idea, if the events were more granular they would be far more useful, particularly when combined up if the functionality I outlined before.

Feature: Custom Event Notification Colourisation.

It would be nice if we could decide what background colours the event notification had, so we could come up with our own system of priority. For example, if I wanted losing fuel to be green, losing munitions to be salmon and losing VP to be black, we could make it as we saw fit.

Feature: Custom Event Triggers

Similar to my request regarding audio queues, it would be nice if we could control when events are triggered, for example when 'Infantry are in danger' it would be great if we could specify the damage threshold or when models drop to decide when that event fires. Similarly, with territory, if you got notifications once territories are 90 percent capped, that might be better than once its already capped.

23 May 2023, 13:17 PM
avatar of Vermillion_Hawk

Posts: 224

This game doesn't deserve you.
23 May 2023, 13:38 PM
avatar of Aftermath

Posts: 82

This game doesn't deserve you.

One of these days I will get bored, go off to do something else and come back in a year or two to see what they did/if the game is dead.
29 May 2023, 10:22 AM
avatar of Aftermath

Posts: 82

Feature: Tact Map No Longer Stacks Icons

One of the problems with the tact map is that when you have 2 or more units beside each other, in the tact map, one of the icons will occlude the other(s), making it impossible to read. It would be better, say if the units are within a certain range of each other or if the icons reach a level of occlusion, that their icons in the tact map become arranged in a row so that they no longer occlude each other, making it easier to read.

Feature: Remove Last Queued Command

So let's say you queue up a bunch of commands on a unit and then accidentally queue up a command by mistake. The only way to remove that last command is to essentially clear all commands and re-issue them again. This is annoying and finicky. It would be much nicer if there was a hotkey to cancel the last issued command on a unit so you can keep the list of commands and remove the mistake.

Feature: Time to Defeat/Time to Victory Counter

Currently we have the VP counter, which is all well and good, however one of the features of the VP counter is that it abstracts away how long in seconds it will take for you to either win the game or lose the game. You basically have to do an on the fly calculation to work out how long is left. It would be nicer though if you had a timer underneath the game timer with a countdown showing you how long until you win/lose in seconds with the current VP control, as this would allow you to make much more accurate decisions and nail home what your priorities are in that moment. I feel removing that layer of abstraction will make the last few minutes of the game that much more intense as players will react more intensely, 'I have only 20 seconds left or I lose, I need to do something'.

Feature: Prioritise Infantry/Vehicles/Custom On All Units

One of the quirks of the game I noticed recently is that when you give infantry an attack move command, if they run into a tank, they will start shooting at it even though they can't damage it. Sometimes though you know that a vehicle is there (say a tank destroyer) and you don't care, you just want your unit to continue until it can find a target it can do damage to. So it would be nice if all units had the ability to prioritise certain target types (in this case infantry) so that the squads more precisely do what you want without requiring that extra micro management.

The reverse is true for AT infantry, when you want they to ignore infantry squads and just target vehicles.

Finally having the custom priority would be handy when say you're attack moving into an area where you know there's a sniper or an MG and that's what you specifically want them to shoot at without you having to issue that command specifically (as you might not be able to see it in the FOW but you know its there). This kind of functionality gives you much finer grain control without as much of a micro burden.
29 May 2023, 10:37 AM
avatar of Fantomasas

Posts: 122

Feature: Prioritise Infantry/Vehicles/Custom On All Units

One of the quirks of the game I noticed recently is that when you give infantry an attack move command, if they run into a tank, they will start shooting at it even though they can't damage it. Sometimes though you know that a vehicle is there (say a tank destroyer) and you don't care, you just want your unit to continue until it can find a target it can do damage to. So it would be nice if all units had the ability to prioritise certain target types (in this case infantry) so that the squads more precisely do what you want without requiring that extra micro management.

The reverse is true for AT infantry, when you want they to ignore infantry squads and just target vehicles.

Yep, the way units shoot in CoH doesn't make sense: neither thematically, nor design wise.

It should be by-default, units with small arms never attack targets that they cannot damage. It is like field training: soldiers are instructed to not engage tanks with carbines. Not a single unit should ever waste reload cooldown/attention attacking targets they cannot damage. I know my noob friend though that because soldiers were shooting at the tank, it did something. Visually it sounds like it is damaging it, it is a bad game design.

Same goes for the bazooka squads or AT rifles. At the core, the game should be designed with AT weapons being reserved only for the vehicle/fortifications. Even the bazooka carrier should switch to some low-damage profile pistol when attacking infantry squads.

Game would be more intuitive, balance would go up, same for immersion. Now you can finely balance those pistol profiles instead of fucking with the splash damage of bazooka to infantry.
29 May 2023, 11:12 AM
avatar of Aftermath

Posts: 82

Yep, the way units shoot in CoH doesn't make sense: neither thematically, nor design wise.

It should be by-default, units with small arms never attack targets that they cannot damage. It is like field training: soldiers are instructed to not engage tanks with carbines. Not a single unit should ever waste reload cooldown/attention attacking targets they cannot damage. I know my noob friend though that because soldiers were shooting at the tank, it did something. Visually it sounds like it is damaging it, it is a bad game design.

Same goes for the bazooka squads or AT rifles. At the core, the game should be designed with AT weapons being reserved only for the vehicle/fortifications. Even the bazooka carrier should switch to some low-damage profile pistol when attacking infantry squads.

Game would be more intuitive, balance would go up, same for immersion. Now you can finely balance those pistol profiles instead of fucking with the splash damage of bazooka to infantry.

I agree the default should change, squads shooting tanks is just annoying and silly. Having a control though would also be good as sometimes you have vehicles small arms actually can damage (like halftracks) and you may want your squad to priortise that or not depending on the situation.
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