
russian armor

Aftermath's Feedback/Wishlist

27 Feb 2023, 21:30 PM
avatar of Aftermath

Posts: 82

Hotkey for the Armoury

Seems like a weird thing to leave out.

Select All/Select Next/Select Idle X

I basically want to be able to configure hotkeys for being able to select specific types of units. Select of vehicles/infantry etc is okay but I would like a lot more granular control than that.

If I want to select next Panzer Gren etc, or all idle Shermans, it would be useful if there was a hotkey for it. Ideally we should just have the option to add these as we see fit, rather than having a static list of all possible selects in the settings. Here's a mock up of the screen:

The 'condition' gives you a lot more flexibility for the selector as you can have 'Idle' as you already have but also a whole bunch or other states like 'On screen', 'Off screen', 'In Base', 'Damaged', 'In Friendly Territory', and then also have logic gate AND, OR, NOT etc built into it. So the selectors will read basically like a SQL statement:


Naturally, casual players wouldn't play with this much but it gives endless flexibility to more advanced players.

Focus Selected Doesn't Work With Sub Selected Units

So focus selected is an interesting hotkey, however, it seems to have a bug, or a defect that was never considered, in that when you have two units selected and then sub select one of them (tab) and then press focus select, it doesn't pan the camera to the sub-selected unit. I would have thought this to be this to be one of the main use cases of this function so kinda surprised it doesn't work.

Select All/Select Next/Select Idle Engineers

I have no idea why this was removed, I used it all the time. The feature I describe above would make this obsolete.

Optional Control Group Colour Association

It would be amazing if in the settings you could set certain control groups to have a colour outline around the unit icon in the tact map and bottom left (or right depending on where you put it that line of units).

I've made a super rough outline of what that would actually look like:

The use case for this is mostly the tact map, although you might be able to make it work for the mini map. I feel something like this would make it much easier to locate quickly where that control group is on the map.

Currently in Coh2, if you have two units of the the same type bound to different hot keys, its really easily to mis-select the wrong one in the heat of the moment, as you have to look for the small number. If it was colour distinguished, this would be less of a mental tax on the player. Not everyone would like this though or would want certain control groups to have certain colours, so it would be better if all of this was configurable. Especially if you could configure the colour to your taste.

Hotkey to Cancel Build Queue of Structure or Unit

You can't cancel the Coh2 build queue (in structures) with a hotkey. So you can add units to the queue via a hotkey but you have to click on it to cancel it. This also applies to squad upgrades. It would be so much better if you had a hotkey for this.

Random Factions and Random Doctrines in Automatch.

I want to be able to start automatch searching and not know what faction I will play and what doctrines I will have. It would be also nice if there was random Axis and random Allies. See Halo Wars/C&C KW for a reference.

We should also be able to add random battlegroups to our roster. So basically, we can select whatever battle groups we want but can also add 'wild card' battlegroups, which are random battlegroups picked once the game loads.

On top of that, out of all our battlegroups, we should then be able to veto whichever ones we definitely don't want to play. Look at the screenshot attached, we have two battlegroups selected and a wildcard battlegroup. Then in the settings, I have 2 battlegroups ticked, which reflects the ones already selected and then I veto the one I definitely don't want to play. This means I could randomly get either of the two other battlegroups.

More Control Groups

Ideally it would be nice if we could have as many control groups as we like. Especially now that you can have units in more than one control group, having a limitation of 10 feels fairly suffocating. It would be way better if this was doubled to 20 or perhaps be unlimited (having some sort of add control group button in the settings). This way players are not limited and if they want to use a lot of control groups they can.

This is basically what I would do to the control groups screen:

Note this allows us to configure what the symbol for our control groups are. For instance, if I want to order my army by roman numerals, Latin alphabet or Greek alphabet, this would be really nice! Obviously, being the ID, this would need to be unique. But its not hard to imagine that I would want to order my infantry 1-4 with standard numbers and then order my vehicles A-D, with those control groups perhaps mapping to different buttons entirely.

Another thing, if you're using the colour associations for control groups, what happens if a unit is in two control groups with different colours? Naturally, I think this should be configurable, with the options being:

- First Set - Whatever the colour of the first control group applied to this unit.

- Last Set - Whatever the colour of the last control group applied to this unit.

- Stacked - The first colour outline and then the next colour outline surrounding that. So units may have triple outlines which act as a code for the player (orange - purple - black means Engineer - Repair Unit - Flamethrower) but obviously it would get illegible if there are too many.

- Horizontal Split - Split the Icon outline horizontally into the different colours.

- Vertical Split - Split the Icon outline vertically into the different colours.

- Diagonal Split - Split the Icon outline diagonally into the different colours.

Improved Panning to Alert Hotkeys

Currently the issues I see with this shortcut are:

- It's not the most responsive when there are multiple alerts, it usually takes several presses to get it to react.

- It doesn't cleanly moved between the latest notifications, each press doesn't move onto the next notification and you can sometimes be sent back to the previous notification, which is not great. Makes it quite unpredictable.

- There are a plethora of alerts that appear in the in the top left in the heat of battle, so knowing which one the function is going to pan to is not dependable in the heat of battle.

Presuming the responsiveness issues get ironed out, I still think we should strive to be able to configure separate hotkeys for each notification type, as I suggest in my original post.

Being able to do something like Crtl+Tab+G (the exact keys being arbitrary ofc) to pan to that 'grenade thrown' alert would be so much more useful and faster than this fairly unsophisticated hotkey we have now. Ideally we should have the option of having a hotkey for all alert types.

I feel another must is that when we do pan to an alert it should is disappear from the list.

Attack Ground on MGs
Basically allowing you to provide area suppression through smoke, but obviously can be dodged. Just adds that extra skill differentiation.

Toggle Squad Spacing

I notice that squads are much more spread out in Coh3 relative to Coh2, more like Coh1.

I know from experience how annoying it was in Coh1 for a single rifleman to go miles away from the rest of the squad and get supressed.

I also know from experience how annoying it was in Coh2 for squads to clump up and get wiped in one shot.

So could we have a toggle for spacing on the squad so we as the player have control over whether we want the squad to bunch up (to avoid and MG arc) or to spread out (when a getting mortared).

I feel this granularity of control would raise the skill ceiling of the game and make it less frustrating. You could even have configurable formations (V, diamond, 3x3) and that would be yet more interesting.

Timed Hold Position/Wait Command

So this feature requires a bit of contextualisation.

Normally when you want to queue up capping points, you have to select the flag of each point. However, often you want to cap the point a certain way, either from behind cover, in a certain spot, on the edge. Queuing that up though is a lot more difficult as the squad will just move on once it reaches the spot you waypointed.

So it would be nice if you could queue up 'Hold position for 3 seconds' (especially if you could configure the duration yourself!). This way you can cap from the edges of points and queue up the appropriate wait so that they actually finish capping before moving. It would also make flanking more interesting, as you could way point the squad to come into the fray 'after waiting 5 seconds'.

I feel this is another feature that would raise the skill ceiling of the game.

Emplacement Scuttling

If you look at other strategy games, I've really got C&C3KW in mind here but it applies to others, defensive structures like MGs and AT play a lot more of a role. For me, I feel this is the case because selling structures and getting some of the resources back features significantly more.

I feel MG bunkers would get a lot more play if you could sell them and get back a fraction of the resources relative to the amount of damage they received. Likewise with arty emplacements, AT emplacements etc.
4 Mar 2023, 07:21 AM
avatar of Aftermath

Posts: 82

I thought of some more features:

Control Group/Mark Opponent's Units

Why? Well it would make it much easier to keep track of your opponents units if you could mark them in some way. For example, if I mark all my opponent's 4 rifle squads 1-4 and I notice 1,2 are on the left part of the map and 3,4 are on the right, if I note that 3 has come over to the left, I know that 4 is on its own, so I can send a vehicle over or whatever.

Another example, I mark my opponent's first Panzer IV when it comes out, but then another P4 shows up with no marker, I can deduce that they're on their second medium tank.

It would be great then that if I double tapped 4 it would pan the camera to the opponent's unit if it is within LOS, so I can quickly note 'okay, there's the Tiger, let's go over to the other side of the map'.

This feature really depends on the extra control groups feature being implemented.

More Alerts Improvements

It would be great if you could filter out certain types of alerts that you don't care about. For instance, if you don't really care that much when 'Enemies are spotted', in the settings, if you could configure that Alert type off, that would be great as it reduces noise.

Even better if you had hotkeys to toggle 'Alert profiles'. An Alert profile is basically a collection of alerts and whether they are toggled on or off. The basic idea is that; you may want to see a certain group of alerts at different points in the game, for example, at the start of the game you might care about Enemy being spotted or territory being captured, but you probably don't care later on in the game as its not your priority, so if you had a 'Late game alert profile' where these alerts don't show up and was triggerable via hotkey (because nobody wants to dive into the settings mid game), this would be quite useful. Having this tied to your hotkeys profile would make a lot of sense.

Also having a one time alert notifying you that an Alert profile is active would also make sense:

This is what the alert screen would look like:

As you can see, it also allows you to colour code the alert text as you like.

Improvements to the Minimap

I thought of another idea in this field, it would be great if you could toggle (via hotkey) 'show control group numbers on minimap'. Some players might want to see where their control groups are on the minimap at a glance. It would be better if it was a toggle as you probably wouldn't always want to see this, as its noise, so having the colour distinction would still be useful.

Looking at the map below, if you always have your pioneer on control group 1 and this is configured to being purple, you can tell at a glance that if your light vehicle at control group 3 has engine damage, where you need to reverse to/where your pio needs to come from.

It would also be nice if in the settings, you could configure whether or not 'control group numbers appear on the mini map' is on at the start of the game.

7 Mar 2023, 16:51 PM
avatar of Aftermath

Posts: 82

Cancel Construction Hotkey On Engineer Units

It would be great if there was a hotkey on Engineer units to cancel mines directly on the unit building them rather than just pause. Having to pause the mine and then click on the mine directly to cancel it is quite finicky. We should just have a hotkey on the engineer to cancel the mine directly. It would be a nice QOL change. Probably applies to all construction.
7 Mar 2023, 17:18 PM
avatar of Hannibal
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 3118 | Subs: 2

I thought of some more features:

Control Group/Mark Opponent's Units

Why? Well it would make it much easier to keep track of your opponents units if you could mark them in some way. For example, if I mark all my opponent's 4 rifle squads 1-4 and I notice 1,2 are on the left part of the map and 3,4 are on the right, if I note that 3 has come over to the left, I know that 4 is on its own, so I can send a vehicle over or whatever.

Another example, I mark my opponent's first Panzer IV when it comes out, but then another P4 shows up with no marker, I can deduce that they're on their second medium tank.

But that's part of the point of strategy and tactics: Properly realizing where and when your opponent probes and pushes.
I don't think this would add more than it took away from the strategy of the game.

Anyway, technically you can already do it (or at least could do it in CoH2), but you'll have to remember the veterancy progress of the squad. Not feasible for infantry, but for tanks it is. CoH3 should actually make it even easier with the added weathering on vehicles.
8 Mar 2023, 02:40 AM
avatar of Kothre

Posts: 431

The camera not panning to sub-selected units when you double-click the icon is one of my biggest annoyances with the UI. I can't believe it doesn't work, and it forces you to instead click the icon in the entire unit icon list.

I also really want to an option to disable the ability to set units to multiple control groups, and for retreating unit to be automatically deselected. Furthermore, I'd really appreciate the option for units in your unit list to be ordered by chronological build time within the same unit type (like in CoH2). Right now, it's reversed, and sometimes different infantry squads get ordered between two of the same type in control groups (e.g., riflemen -> scout -> riflemen instead of riflemen -> riflemen -> scout). I can't make sense of how exactly unit cards get ordered in 3.

The old playable alpha displayed vehicle penetration and damage alongside the armor values. I don't understand why this was removed and would love to have it back.

Engineers should require a hotkey click to board a vehicle. I almost never want to put them on there; I just want to repair them. Also, it's silly that you can't board vehicles that aren't fully repaired. Really annoying with DAK's 250 halftracks.

Kill count should be visible at a glance. And fixed, too. I swear the numbers are always wrong, alongside the post-game stats screen.

Also, the team colors and lack of player names need fixed ASAP. It really is just unacceptable that this wasn't fixed by release.
8 Mar 2023, 14:47 PM
avatar of Aftermath

Posts: 82

But that's part of the point of strategy and tactics: Properly realizing where and when your opponent probes and pushes.
I don't think this would add more than it took away from the strategy of the game.

You could make this argument in favour of abolishing the tact map though right? It also helps you in 'realizing where and when your opponent probes and pushes'. Ultimately these QOL changes in effect are productivity tools and which, while making your life easier in some regards, free your mental resources up to concentrate elsewhere. Auto reinforce is another good example.

Its not a hill I would die on though, I'd much prefer to see the control groups functionality, selector and events functionality fleshed out.
8 Mar 2023, 18:42 PM
avatar of Hannibal
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 3118 | Subs: 2

You could make this argument in favour of abolishing the tact map though right? It also helps you in 'realizing where and when your opponent probes and pushes'. Ultimately these QOL changes in effect are productivity tools and which, while making your life easier in some regards, free your mental resources up to concentrate elsewhere. Auto reinforce is another good example.

Its not a hill I would die on though, I'd much prefer to see the control groups functionality, selector and events functionality fleshed out.

There's a lot of aspects - some already implemented - that go either way. I don't share your comparison to the tac map or auto reinforcing. The 'mechanics' and impact are just too different. The mini map does not show you new info, it is just an overview of what is going on. It reduces the micro of needing to skip to three different positions on the battlefield to get all the info and lets you focus on overall unit movement. The auto reinforcement reduces mindless clicking. In short, they both reduce things that I would not call a core feature of RTS games and free up time for the core loop itself.

Marking and tracking units however is different. I see this as a core mental part of RTS: Being able to estimate the enemy's strength in a position, weak points, how far you can push etc. Because this info directly influences your decisions, movement and positioning. Auto reinforcement and having a mini map do not change the core gameplay, they remove tedious tasks.

There is a point however that I think is much closer: Being able to see which player controls each unit, as well as stats like the aforementioned veterancy status. These also allow you some form of unit tracking. However, e.g. being able to see the enemy's vet vastly reduces frustration and imprpves readability, because the vet provides an explanation how the fight plays out. You could argue that you should not be able to see who the unit belongs to, since you'd then need to figure out yourself by sheer unit presence if you're beingteamed up on or not. Technically, it would be good for gameplay, but not fair for mixed teams, since teaming up on one single player would be obvious by the units you see.

That would be closer to ypur original point. However, just like for yout would not be a major point of discontent for me, but I weight the downsides heavier than the advantages.
13 Mar 2023, 16:22 PM
avatar of Aftermath

Posts: 82

There's a lot of aspects -etc

I thought about this one for a bit and I'm still on the fence. I actually realised the situations where this feature would be useful are so minimal that it wouldn't be that useful but also I still think it would be better overall. It really only provides the benefit of making it easier to notice when your opponent brings in new units and also be able to navigate to your opponents units more easily. The Tact Map also does this, in fact better. You also see this feature in other RTS games like TA, so I don't buy into the idea that it goes against RTS fundamentals. Again though, the benefit is more minimal than when it loomed large in my imagination when I first suggested it.
13 Mar 2023, 16:24 PM
avatar of Aftermath

Posts: 82

Minimise Control Panel

One that would be really nice is if you could use a hotkey to minimise the control panel in the bottom right. As you can see it takes up a lot of space:

And once you know all the hotkeys, you really don't care about the information it displays 95% of the time. As you can see from the screenshot, it sometimes displays no information at all. So if you could minimise it like this:

With a maximise button for more casual players but bound to a hotkey for more advanced players, this would allow you to see much more of the screen at any one time.

It would also be great if in the settings you could configure whether or not this is always minimised or maximised.
14 Mar 2023, 09:49 AM
avatar of Aftermath

Posts: 82

Feature: Remember Camera Position Per Map

Currently in Coh2 and Coh3, whenever you load into a game, the camera angle is set to the default camera angle for that map. This is annoying if you like to have your camera set to a certain direction every time you play that map, for example, facing the opponent's base. It would be nice if in the settings you could tell the game to 'Save camera direction' so that each time you play on that map, the camera is in the same position as the last time you played it.

Some players might want it to reset to the default each match though so it would be better if this was configurable.

Its also important to stress that it has to save the direction on a per map basis, as the default direction you want might change depending on the map.

Bug: Custom Games/Skirmishes Don't Remember Preferences

This is a problem in both Coh2 and Coh3, where whenever you load into a skirmish, it defaults the AI to be Wehr on Hard difficulty. This is regardless if you habitually play against some other faction. The game should be smart enough to remember your preferences such as difficulty, the last faction you played against, etc without you having to set it everytime.

Also entering a skirmish feels like it takes one screen too many. This screen here for example is totally pointless:

You could just add the load button to the lobby screen.

Feature: Customise Command Panel

So currently you have a fair bit of hotkey customisation, relative to Coh2. But yet, when it comes to the command panel, with the grid keys (QWERT etc), you can't customise them. Let's say for example that you want to be able to remap the build command on engineers from S (the default) back to A (the Coh2 default), there's no way to do that. What would be great would be in the settings, we had a screen in the controls section, where we could swap commands a unit has to whatever grid key we want. It would look a bit like this:

This would allow players to keep retreat separate from reverse, move abilities to wherever they feel makes sense, its total control to the player and reduces maintenance for the developer as you can just say back 'it doesn't matter that the command mappings don't make sense, you can change them yourselves!'.

This right here: https://youtu.be/0RZrOTK2yc0?t=2199

Is exactly why this functionality is important.
16 Mar 2023, 12:31 PM
avatar of Aftermath

Posts: 82

Feature: Hotkeys for Battlegroups

One of the things I just don't understand is why there are no hotkeys for selecting/unlocking battlegroup options. Navigating this menu is one of the only things you can't do via hotkey, so really this is would benefit from being added to the Control management of settings. I've done a simple mock up of the screen:

So as you can see, its possible to choose battlegroup via hotkey, which we can customise. However, we can also map the selection of each individual ability in the tree. The white ones denote the hotkey for unlocking the ability and the yellows ones are the hotkeys for actually using the ability, which already exists. This way the player can navigate the entire battlegroup interface without using the mouse and total control over what hotkeys enable it.

Also it should be possible to close the battlegroup menu via a key, ideally escape. Once the battlegroup menu is open its basically impossible to close without clicking the X, why esc doesn't just close the battlegroup menu, seems to be an oversight.

As a general comment, all UI functions should be possible to use via keypress, I should never have to use the mouse to directly click on something.

Feature: Quality of Life Improvement for Hotkey Mapping

Currently when mapping hotkeys, if you reuse a hotkey that you have already mapped to about function, it will give you no warning that you're about to override what that key does. Ideally the controls panel should prompt an 'Are you sure? X is used for Y' menu when you're about to override a hotkey function, as keeping track of which hotkeys you have already used, is a nightmare.

Feature: Resources Panel Added to the Tactical Map

One of the main benefits of the tact map is that it keeps your attention focused on the centre of the screen, getting what would be usually peripheral information (the mini-map) right front of you. So it would make sense that it also displays your resources at the bottom:

This would make keeping track of your resource count easier and reduce floating. I feel this feature is straight forward enough that I don't really need to elaborate any further.

Seeing your production queue would also be really useful.
16 Mar 2023, 14:03 PM
avatar of Aftermath

Posts: 82

All of the feedback in this post are directed towards the mod tooling specifically.

Bug: Cloning Breaking References

So it seems whenever you do a clone, the reference within the game switches to the new file that you created. However, for some reason, when an original file references a cloned file directly, then the whole thing just breaks. How to make it work is to switch back the reference to the original file and then the cloned file will override the original at build time, however this makes no intuitive sense, is cumbersome and makes it hard to find to keep track of what cloned files you’re actually using.

So, fixing this is a must.

Bug: Creating New Files doesn’t Work

Currently its impossible to create new files of any kind, you basically have to hack the game by recycling existing files. This is particularly notable in both abilities and upgrades.

Bug: HQ Buildings are ‘Resistent’ to changes

From my experience, basically trying to change anything in the HQ building is impossible, none of the changes ever seem to register.

Bug: Adding/Removing Abilities to An Army Doesn’t Work

Changing the Halftrack Deployment system seems pretty difficult if not impossible right now, for example, you can delete all references to abilities within an army and yet the faction will still have those abilities in game. Also adding new abilities, which exist in the files but are not in the army loadout, don’t get registered in game.

Bug: Battlegroup changes are Unintuitive.

So updating the abilities on a battlegroup is done via tech_tree files, but these files have no means of updating the ordering or structure of the battlegroup. The upgrades themselves within the battlegroup, have no reference to XP cost or anything like that, so you basically can’t change it.

Bug: Ability Effects are Unintuitive or Imposssible to Change

So there’s this proper on abilities called ‘global_tree’, which is basically the magic field which controls what the ability actually does. But there are countless problems with this field:

- Its undescriptive, almost cyrptic.
- Its not clear at all what the possible options for this field are, its just a string value.
- You can’t create new effects, for example if you wanted to create a new call-in.

The whole thing lends itself to making updating abilities and seeing exactly what they do, hard. For instance, updating call-ins is to change what unit(s) they call in, is impossible.

Bug: Ability Requirements don’t include Veterency Requirements

On abilities, you have pretty flexible logic for being able to set the requirements for an ability. However, if an ability requires verterency, this is impossible to update. So if you want to remove the veterency requirement on an ability or move it to a different level of vet, this is impossible.

Bug: Veterency Effects are Impossible to Update

On unit files (sbps files), you can change the descriptions and veterency requirements easily enough. But what the veterency levels actually do, is impossible to see or update. I reckon the effects are hidden by state_tree_references.

Bug: Upgrades Have Random Effects Which Are not Registered anywhere.

There are a lot of player upgrades in the game which do random things. For example, there ability for DAK called ‘hq_rare_infantry_munitions_deployment_ak’, which upgrades all Panzer Pioneers with MP43s but this is listed no where on the upgrade or on the sbps file for Panzer Pioneers, so its essentially impossible to change and you can’t see what else its doing. Again, I think state_tree_references is hiding functionality.

You also can’t introduce global upgrades to health, accuracy or whatever for the same reason, as these effects are hidden.

Bug: Upgrades Cannot be Made to Replace Existing Upgrades

For example, on Panzerjägers, you can add an upgrade to give them Panzerschreks, but you can’t configure this to replace their existing weapons, so they end up with 2 AT rifles and 2 Panzerschreks. Its annoying that you can’t configure this.

Bug: Speech Code Options And Icon Options are Hidden

Again, you can’t see what the speech code options are on most things, its string value and not a select. Likewise with Icons.

Bug: Halftrack Deployment Changes Are Awkward

You can’t add or remove halftrack abilities to the UI. It has a menu that can be edited but the changes don’t register at all. So if I wanted to make it so that there are 5 callins and not 5, this is impossible.

Bug: Adding New Production Buildings is Impossible

This just doesn’t seem possible, so experimenting with new tech trees is impossible.


I might be wrong about some of these so if someone can correct me, please do so!
21 Mar 2023, 20:00 PM
avatar of Aftermath

Posts: 82

Bug: Friendly Units flash Red on the Minimap

This is utterly confusing.

Bug: Tact Map Focus

When you click on a unit in a building on the Tact map, it doesn't pan the camera to that unit.

Bug: Construction Requirements Cannot Depend on Squad Upgrades

It appears that you cannot make unit construction abilities dependent on squad upgrades in the MOD tools.

Bug: Battlegroup Command Points Cannot be Changed

The MOD tools don't allow you to change the command points for a battlegroup ability, or the ordering for that matter.

Bug: Resource Points Capped by Kettenkrad Do not have their Resource Increase Reflected in the Tact Map

It's not consistent though, sometimes happens, sometimes not.

22 Mar 2023, 19:01 PM
avatar of Aftermath

Posts: 82

Feature: Queued Commands Display Configurable Duration

One of the nice QOL improvements of Coh3 over Coh2 is the ability to see what your queued commands are in the mini and tact maps:

However, this only stays visible for so long before disappearing. This is good in a way because you wouldn't want this to be around for too long. But how long is too long? How long is a piece of string? This should be configurable in the settings so players can decide, with also options to configure it off or configure the duration to be indefinite.

Bug: Cannot Queue Commands for Retreating Units

So you're able to queue up commands after a unit has retreated, for example, you can tell a squad to:

- Cap a point -> retreat -> cap another point.

However, you can't issue commands to a unit while it is retreating, which seems odd since you can select the unit. Why give the player the ability to select retreating units if you can't queue up commands? Seems like a bug to me.

Feature: Hold Shift to See Queued Commands

Currently the only way to see the queued commands of a unit is when they are given initially but also when you click on the unit. This isn't the most convenient, as it could disappear before you see it and then you have to re-click them, so it would be nice that when you hold shift it to queue up commands, it shows you all the commands that are already queued up.

Feature: Hotkey to See All Queued Commands of All Units

Currently you can only see the queued commands of the unit you last selected. It would be nice if there was a hotkey to see on the tact map all the queued commands for all your units, so you can get a feel for what your army is doing.

It would be also great if you could configure whether this was a toggle, ie all the queued commands only disappear once you re-press the hotkey, or a hold press, where all the commands are visible while you hold it.

Feature: Selecting Points Show Their Capture and Decapture Times

Feature: Selecting Resource Points Show Their Cached Incomes

Feature: Seconds to Completion of Queued Commands on Tact/Minimaps

I want to see in seconds how long it will take in realtime for my queued commands to complete. See screenshot below.

Feature: Configurable Colourisation and Icons of Queued Commands

Currently, the only way to distinguish between an Attack move or movement command in the Tact/Minimap is the colourisation of the dot at the end. Retreats are indistinguishable. I not only want this to be more clear but I also want to be able to configure the colour scheme to my taste. Looking at this example:

I can configure the entire line to have a specific colour, in this case:

- Green: Movement
- Red: Attack Move
- Blue: Retreat.
- Capture: Purple.

I also have configured the line style, to be either solid, dotted or dashed, to my taste.

As you can see, the duration in seconds until completion of the commands is visible and also the icons of construction commands are visible as well. All these changes make it much clearer what the unit is going to do at a glance and since its configurable, you can turn it off if you don't like it.

Feature: Percentages/Progress Bars/Seconds of Commands in the Tact/Minimaps

It would be great if we could configure whether we see the progress of caps/constructions etc as being either a progress bar, percentage or in seconds.

All of the above basically produces the below screen in the settings:

23 Mar 2023, 21:32 PM
avatar of Aftermath

Posts: 82

Bug: Medics Can Prevent Points from Being Captured.

24 Mar 2023, 09:35 AM
avatar of Aftermath

Posts: 82

Feature: Retreat and Stop Commands in Build Menu

One of the annoying parts of Coh2 and what is still a problem in Coh3 is that while you're in the build menu, you can't issue squads retreat or stop commands. So often you find yourself building a mine and want to retreat instantly, but hammering R does nothing because you have to leave the build menu first!

This would be just a nice QOL feature. Halt would also be nice but it conflicts on the hotkey currently. I think this is where a feature to 'Customise Command Panel':


Would be absolutely worth it's weight in gold.

Feature: Firing Mode

There are a number of units which are soft counters to different units. The Wirbelwind is a good example as it is good against Infantry, soft skin vehicles and air. And while we have Target and Target Air Toggles, there's no Target Infantry toggle. Which makes me think, for AA units, it would be so much easier if it was a firing mode with multiple settings, infantry, vehicle and air, rather than a bunch of boolean controls. Obviously hold fire should stay separate.
24 Mar 2023, 15:50 PM
avatar of Aftermath

Posts: 82

Bug: Misleading Voice Lines

Sometimes when you loose a team weapon, the gun and crew get blown up. However, the voice line says that we have 'only lost the crew' and should 'recover the weapon'.

Feature: Configurable Voice Lines

It would be nice if we could configure off the voice lines we don't like.
24 Mar 2023, 16:13 PM
avatar of OKSpitfire

Posts: 294

Bug: Misleading Voice Lines

Just to add to this. I've had the squad lost annoucement when nothing has died, but I've also had times when a squad has been attacked, died in some corner of the map somewhere, and they never said anything at all. I think there was a bit clarity with this in the previous game, it might be small but you'd usually get at least some kind of audio cue that they were being attacked/lost a man, etc.
24 Mar 2023, 19:07 PM
avatar of Aftermath

Posts: 82

Bug: Flak 36 Not Defaulting to Prioritise Vehicles

Seems to happen whenever you unload the gun.

Bug: Flak 20 and Flak 36 Do not have Prioritise Air Modes

Seems like an oversight.
24 Mar 2023, 19:09 PM
avatar of Aftermath

Posts: 82

Just to add to this. I've had the squad lost annoucement when nothing has died, but I've also had times when a squad has been attacked, died in some corner of the map somewhere, and they never said anything at all. I think there was a bit clarity with this in the previous game, it might be small but you'd usually get at least some kind of audio cue that they were being attacked/lost a man, etc.

Yeah and sometimes they shout 'man down' when you haven't even lost a model.

It ideally they should make it consistent that whenever you lose a model, then it does an audio queue, or let us configure it so we can decide either 'every model drop' or 'every 25% health', etc.
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No ProfanityNumber of ShoutsRefresh Shout Box
Soheil: Coh2 still broken server ?
Yesterday, 18:27 PM
Rosbone: Congrats to Relic. Looks like Coh3 has finally usurped Coh2 s the popular Coh. You smell terrific. :snfQuinn:.
Last Monday, 02:46 AM
Nickbn: and again someone else replies. I mean come on guys. Give @adamírcz a chance
Last Saturday, 14:00 PM
Willy Pete: @Nickbn you didn't ask a question, and this is a chat box...
Last Thursday, 13:11 PM
Nickbn: @Rosbone it's incredibly rude to speak on someone elses behalf, especially when a question is directly adressed to them. I understand your passion for the subject at hand but I want to hear from him.
Last Thursday, 10:16 AM
Rosbone: @Nickbn No, I am just saying people should not be using any Relic owned forum since they have proven they ban anyone who says true things about Coh3.
18 Mar 2025, 19:01 PM
Nickbn: @Rosbone do you speak on his behalf? I didn't know. In that case keep us updated please.
18 Mar 2025, 16:47 PM
Rosbone: #RelicModdedEchoChamber
16 Mar 2025, 17:54 PM
Rosbone: @Nickbn True except, the only people on the Relic Discord/Reddit/Steam are brain washed monkey zealots. They wont even understand what @adamírcz is talking about. Anyone else is banned.
16 Mar 2025, 17:54 PM
Nickbn: @adamírcz might be a better idea to voice this to relic directly than to voice it here, in a shoutbox of a nearly deade fansite #justsaying...
16 Mar 2025, 16:36 PM
webdesign-muenchen-w: @Rosbone it is sick
14 Mar 2025, 22:09 PM
aerafield: @adamírcz aren't the first two disconnects free every day?
14 Mar 2025, 19:26 PM
Rosbone: It is so unlike Relic to punish its fans and community.
14 Mar 2025, 12:07 PM
adamírcz: So, I just got a leaver penalty without even getting onto the loading screen because of the game disconnecting, bravo Relic
14 Mar 2025, 10:45 AM
Rosbone: It is an indicator of the very short sighted capitalist view that plagues any company where leadership does not understand the product.
13 Mar 2025, 20:00 PM
Rosbone: They dont care about Coh3 or Coh in general. They are just trying to grab cash by ripping off the small user base they have.
13 Mar 2025, 19:58 PM
Rosbone: Just making mistake after mistake after mistake.
13 Mar 2025, 19:57 PM
Rosbone: It is clear they crapped out an unfinished game. And are now barely supporting it as they make new smaller games. Coh3 is stillborn. It will be meh for at least another 2-4 years. Meaning they killed the whole franchise instead of growing it.
13 Mar 2025, 19:56 PM
Rosbone: For a thing they could fix in minutes. Literally minutes.
13 Mar 2025, 19:53 PM
Rosbone: If I did play coh3 and was mainly a skirmish player, I would be pissed and probably stop playing. And it has been like this since release. Why? I would not tell my friends to buy a game I am not even playing. Lost sales and angered users.
13 Mar 2025, 19:53 PM

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