Also with that said the Modding Tools also have not been updated and some stats and or recent balance changes may not apply in this mod. The idea/purpose of this is to have a visual showcase and promote ideas on improving faction/commander design.
Key Points/Ideas for USF Faction Design :
-Integrate Weapon Racks upgrade with its corresponding Building

Platoon Command Post Unlocks Bazooka
Company Command Post Unlocks Bar
Battalion Command Post Unlocks M1918A2 LMG
1 Weapon Rack for each of the three USF Buildings
-Officer Squads no longer free but come with benefits associated with officers such as extended sight and easier access to .50 Cal HMG/AT Gun
-Stuart Swapped With Greyhound
-M10 Swapped with Jackson
Commander Changes
Infantry Company
-LMG Removed and Moved to Battalion Command Post
-New Ability - Rifleman Flares
Tactical Support Company
-LMG Removed and moved to Battalion Command Post
-New Ability - P47 Smoke Drop
Armor Company
-M10 Replaced with Jackson.
Jackson 14 CP, Limited to 1,70 Range TD, 720 Mp/245 Fuel
Thoughts: US has too much clutter with many different sherman variants and not enough units with a clear defined role. Jackson can serve as another end game tank alternative joining the Pershing as the 2 end game tanks for USF. M10 is stastically the same as the old M36 Jackson with the only difference being the model. Also it makes more sense having the M10 as a stock unit (since it was produced in significantly higher quantities than the Jackson was which was quite rare).
Airborne Company
-Pathfinders are now limited to 1
-Pathfinders can now Construct Reinforcement Beacons at 2CP
-2CP New (Passive) Ability Reinforcement Beacon
-HMG/AT Gun Paradrop moved to Reinforcement Beacon
-Pathfinder Beacon renamed to Radio Beacon. Can call in weaker versions of Paratroopers
-3CP New (Passive)Expanded Air Operations - Upgrades Paratroopers to current live version
Thoughts : Basically USF version of Panzerfusiliers except thematically based around the theme of Pathfinders acting as an advanced party which can call in further air support. Paratroopers act as a replacement for Rifleman as the mainline and start off weak but get stronger over time with upgrades/investment.
Recon Support Company
-IR Pathfinders are now limited to 1
-Greyhound replaced with Stuart
Greyhound is now a stock Unit. Gains +40 dmg vs vehicles (Stuart does 80 damage, Greyhound normally does 40 but now gains an additional 40 vs vehicles) so that USF doesn't lose light vehicle killing power.
*Note* Commander Previews cannot be changed in the current modding tools to my knowledge. Once you select a commander it will show the changes listed above
Also Keep in mind that numbers are not final. Some numbers may be off due to outdated modding tools, most of USF is up to date with current patch.
Misc Changes
Most USF Infantry now have Vehicle Priority upon picking up Anti-Tank based slot weapons such as Bazooka,Piat etc. Initial Testing it appears to work fine, may be buggy. I put this here as I would like to see this in COH2/COH3.
-Various Tooltip Changes
Download Link
Once Downloaded Create a Custom Game, Click on Options and Under Tuning Pack select the mod and create game.
To Do:
Work on Rifle Company/Mechanized
Any ideas for Commander Reworks (for any faction) let me know and I will attempt to create it.