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Why S mine field exist in this game?

2 Oct 2021, 21:28 PM
avatar of vgfgff

Posts: 177

jump backJump back to quoted post2 Oct 2021, 21:03 PMVipper

Because it do not see a reason why it should be cleared faster than it is build.

It seem to you main issue is clear the minefield under fire and that has little to do with clearing time.

Clearing mines under fire is dangerous for all factions.

thank but I didn't see a build time and defusing times are relevant.
Like I said. Other mines if you know where it is you just 1 hit = clear.
only minefield doesn't. It took to much time to clear.
If I have 1 unit which have 15 minute build time. and you need 20 minute to deactivate it. what do you think? for me I just build it in safe place with heavy cover.
2 Oct 2021, 21:29 PM
avatar of vgfgff

Posts: 177

His take reads a lot like your posts, except you do it for allies instead of axis

Honestly. If minefield is only in soviet. I will complain about it too.
I'm not pulling faction OP argurment.
2 Oct 2021, 21:37 PM
avatar of Katukov

Posts: 786 | Subs: 1

His take reads a lot like your posts, except you do it for allies instead of axis

my only consistent take is to buff the su-76 but yeah true lmao
2 Oct 2021, 22:10 PM
avatar of zerocoh

Posts: 930

I have argued about this a million times, but people never listen.
WM is the only faction in the game that has stock access to 3 different mines and have another special doctrinal one.

Also the S-mine only costs 15 munitions (it's actually 15x4x4 which makes each individual mine cost even less) to plant and is the only mine in the game that has potential to wipe an entire squad.

I'm honestly amazed how people don't abuse it more, the only drawback is how janky it is to actually plant the mines where you want.
Imo s-mines should either be reworked into a single mine or get completely removed.
2 Oct 2021, 22:24 PM
avatar of Protos Angelus

Posts: 1515

Use one barrage to clear it. It's really not that OP. With one sweeper you can walk through it without any problems since sweepers disable the activation of mines unless an AOE hits them. Literally one barrage from mortar/pakhowi/ZiS will clear it. It's a completely fine minefield, especially since it's visible with a sign (sign can bug out or be completely disguised amidst the clutter but that's another thing).
You can also use a LV like stuart/t70/AAHT/tanks.... to trigger the mines without any damage to the crew.
3 Oct 2021, 00:05 AM
avatar of SkysTheLimit

Posts: 3423 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post2 Oct 2021, 21:29 PMvgfgff

Honestly. If minefield is only in soviet. I will complain about it too.
I'm not pulling faction OP argurment.

I was just talking about the person I quoted, not you
3 Oct 2021, 09:26 AM
avatar of Aarotron

Posts: 563

You might want to start playing Axis before commenting on stuff. That is not how planting S-mines works.

On S-mines themselves, balance wise they are fine since the suppression nerf. The long defusing time does suck though, but I don't think that could be fixed.

Is there possibility to reduce time it takes to remove each induvidual patch?
3 Oct 2021, 12:43 PM
avatar of Grim

Posts: 1096

I don't really have any issue with s-mines.

Although it is tiresome on some maps when someone flanks behind and plants one on your retreat path.
3 Oct 2021, 12:55 PM
avatar of DonnieChan

Posts: 2266 | Subs: 1

The minefield is pretty pointless, so almost no one uses it. Easily destroyed by mortar strike. The only way a minefield can to work is when retreating units run across the field and are completely destroyed. The Soviet wirefield was much more useful.

how did that work? i forgot
3 Oct 2021, 12:58 PM
avatar of Pip

Posts: 1594

how did that work? i forgot

It basically made a patch of Deep Snow that units had to wade through.
3 Oct 2021, 13:01 PM
avatar of Crecer13

Posts: 2184 | Subs: 2

how did that work? i forgot

It was like a minefield in size. It slowed down the movement speed of the infantry unit (the soldier had to either crawl or step over the wire), so the wire field was effective for protecting Maxim's flank or defending the Victory Point, making the infantry units more vulnerable to any fire (machine gun, mortar). And when the unit retreated, the retreat speed was slowed down.
3 Oct 2021, 18:39 PM
avatar of vgfgff

Posts: 177

You might want to start playing Axis before commenting on stuff. That is not how planting S-mines works.

On S-mines themselves, balance wise they are fine since the suppression nerf. The long defusing time does suck though, but I don't think that could be fixed.

In my opinion
Rework is only way to solved this issues .

-change planting type to match other AI mine Sminefield now only plant 1 boxes.
-reduce box size 30%.
-remove sign.
-price reduce to 15.
-damage remain same.
4 Oct 2021, 01:56 AM
avatar of y3ivan

Posts: 157

the biggest drawback from S-mines are the signboard after planting them, defeating the purpose of a "mine".

so basicly paying 60 MU for a signboard and area denial, which basicly can be countered if they other player isnt retarded.

on the hind sight, the S-mine are excellent cheese strat, if one could pull them off.
4 Oct 2021, 06:12 AM
avatar of ZeroZeroNi

Posts: 1563

jump backJump back to quoted post2 Oct 2021, 16:59 PMvgfgff
I think this ability should be doctrinal or might be rework in other way.and only 1 faction have this KInd of ability.

-I literally has an issue about smine field when I losing an area and my opposite start to planting it on critical area(such as fuel,ammo or supply line). in 1vs1.

A problem of this minesfield is not about Its damage or It have a sign , a problem is
-It took too much time(around 6-8 sec )for clear it out by mine sweeper that time is long enough for make your opposite can run to defense an area that you're about to attack and you can't fight while you're stand on a minefield especially when Opposite have mortar / tank in a field.
-To clear By mortar or AT will took longer and uneffective.sometime It still explode in same area that it was BOOM for some reason.

Or you could just run over the mine field with a lv with 0 consequence.
4 Oct 2021, 06:17 AM
avatar of waasdijki

Posts: 76

jump backJump back to quoted post3 Oct 2021, 18:39 PMvgfgff

In my opinion
Rework is only way to solved this issues .

-change planting type to match other AI mine Sminefield now only plant 1 boxes.
-reduce box size 30%.
-remove sign.
-price reduce to 15.
-damage remain same.

Wouldn't that be a direct buff? You can now plant the same 4x4 area of mines without a sign.
4 Oct 2021, 07:51 AM
avatar of Crecer13

Posts: 2184 | Subs: 2

Wouldn't that be a direct buff? You can now plant the same 4x4 area of mines without a sign.

Reminds me of the mines (can't remember the exact name) from the Soviet Urban Defense Tactics. Which were in fact a single S-mine and which absolutely no one used.
4 Oct 2021, 08:04 AM
avatar of JulianSnow

Posts: 321

iirc, you can just keep a sweeper nearby and fight your opponent without clearing them. As long as the mines are visible they don't explode (unless hit by a mortar ofc.).

also; isn't this exactly how 'area denial' should work?
4 Oct 2021, 10:36 AM
avatar of donofsandiego

Posts: 1330

Reminds me of the mines (can't remember the exact name) from the Soviet Urban Defense Tactics. Which were in fact a single S-mine and which absolutely no one used.

Think they're PMD-6 mines or something. They're available on any commander with the bunkers I'm pretty sure..

EDIT: but yeah nobody uses them. I dont remember whether they're 5 muni or 15 but if they are 15 muni for one mine it's total ass compared to tripwire flares.
4 Oct 2021, 14:19 PM
avatar of Katukov

Posts: 786 | Subs: 1

Think they're PMD-6 mines or something. They're available on any commander with the bunkers I'm pretty sure..

EDIT: but yeah nobody uses them. I dont remember whether they're 5 muni or 15 but if they are 15 muni for one mine it's total ass compared to tripwire flares.

they are 7 muni for each mine

they are supposed to be s-minefields but with individual mines to be placed instead
4 Oct 2021, 15:11 PM
avatar of leithianz

Posts: 472

The only S-mine field that I found OP was when all volks could plant S-mine everywhere.

But since only pio & sturmpio can now plant them, opponent can simply remove it with vehicle when spotted.
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