If you don't trust me, go test yourself.
FYI, here is my test. After throwing shatchel, I ran into the kubel. Only cavalry rifle got 4 units killed.
While Axis had no units killed. (All auto-attack has been disabled by cheat mode)
+ Another test with allied unit as enemy confirmed that they do gets killed.
I did not question weather a enemy units take less damage or not. What I question was your interpenetration that axis infantry have a "secret" damage modifier which I am pretty sure the do not.
I suggest you do the same test and use axis infantry in the same side as satchel and I am pretty sure they will get as much damage as allied infantry.
This issue seem to have to do with the friendly fire modifiers and not with "axis" vs "allies" infantry.
Have you even read the previous thread?
What's up with you do your test thingy? I already did all the tests, while you "claiming" there is no such thing when test shows otherwise.
I'm very sick of people demanding things instead of doing himself, but here is your tests that you
Riflemen & volks. one squad each for allied & enemy. No units killed in volks.
What more can I provide to make you believe there is a secret modifier?