For many Close Quarters Combat (CQC) unit connoisseurs (or OPW Spio users) the following scenario is very familiar:
Due to the map or unexpected unit positioning you don’t manage to get a good Smoke&Flank™ maneuver done and your CQC (shocks, PPSH dankscripts, assault officer etc) units are not in their optimal fighting range. (melee)
As a master tactician you decide to do a calculated decision to close in to actually get some use out of the CQC unit instead of it roleplaying in the long range doing 0 damage.
When closing in on the enemy the unit goes full ratatatata mode and the moment they come to hugging distance when CQC unit is supposed to shine it happens: a union mandated reload cycle. During that your DPS once again drops to 0 – an issue you worked so hard to fix by closing in on the enemy. During the reload cycle you drop a model or two making the fight a lot more of an uphill battle than you anticipated resulting in more manpower bleed and in the worst scenario a full retreat.
Hold fire is not a new thing on infantry units so I think players should have the freedom to decide when to brrrr their CQC units’ clip instead of being punished due to unavoidable reload cycles.
Do you agree or am I oppressive for wanting to limit squads’ ability to brrrrrrr whenever they want

(I know balance team has stated that radical changes at this state of the game’s dev cycle are totally off the table but in this case this revolutionary suggestion would increase player choice and possibly be a quality of life improvement for those that are willing to micro their units a bit more.

(Ps I also recognize that Allies have a lot more CQC units than Axis making this a very biased topic