So that's a "Yes, it's a disadvantage", then?
Not going to play games.
The only thing I will says is simply depends on too many factor including player skill and power of shell.
In the case of the Shermans currently in the game a little micro allows the better player to get more out of the unit.
This is a factual statement. If the Sherman had a single round that combined the strength of both the HE and AP shells it possesses, this would be a buff. Ergo: The fact it needs to switch between two shell types is a disadvantage.
Now your simply doing mental gymnastics and I can easily respond that:
If the Sherman had a single round that combined the weakness of both the HE and AP shells it possesses, this would be a nerf. Ergo: The fact it needs to switch between two shell types is a advantage.
or that adding HE shell to Easy would be the unit stronger and thus it is advantage
or I can tell that removing the HE shell from Sherman it nerf so having them is advantage.
but lets avoid these pointless arguments.
If you're looking to attack the idea of buffing the 76 Sherman's non HVAP shell, look for a different vector than trying to argue that shell-switching is not a disadvantage.
You got this all wrong. I have simply pointed out that presenting the ability to choose between shell as big disadvantage that cause a sec 6 delay and thus justifying buffing its AOE does not hold any water at all.
As for the 76mm I have made my own suggestion about the 76mm even during its first patch.
Now unless in your opinion 76mm should get a buff to AOE round because it has the "big disadvantage" of having access to HAVP rounds I suggest you move.