Commander Update Beta 2021 - USF Feedback

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
The unit is very strong and has abnormally high vet bonuses for a Sherman tank.
Pop to 13-14 a pop of 12 it too low
Increase XP value to be higher than standard Sherman
Change the vet bonus to Sherman replacing the accuracy bonus with a penetration bonus
Advanced Infantry Equipment
The ability does not really help riflemen.
Remove flamer and flare
Ability know allows riflemen to upgrade with:
Garand C taking up 1 slot that are more accurate at long range.
M9 A1 bazookas with better accuracy and slight increase in penetration
Airdropped Combat Group
The ability overlap with Paras commander
Scarp the ability. Ability know replaced by AT Paras
Lower the MP price by 20 possibly CP by 1.
Unit now comes with smaller target size and 6 garands C
Can upgrade with 2 elite bazookas
Fix camo currently they are some times revealed without firing
Assault Engineers
Lower reinforcement cost
scrap destroy cover
explosives always visible now at 30 cost
Cluster Bombs
The ability is superior to similar abilities
add 1-2 CP and 20-30 MU
Elite Vehicle Crews
Scrap vet and Thompson
Vehicles now can gain extra vet level.
IR Pathfinders
Since aggressive airdrops are worth it and unit over laps it should be scraped.
Unite removed and replaced "observation kit"
Riflemen now have "pyrotechnic" type upgrade gaining +5 sight +5 in cover and able to call mortar barrage.
Weapon upgrade to M1 C and can now fire flares.
M10 Wolverine
Improve base turret rotation lower vet bonus
Replace HAVP round with defensive smoke
Now an upgrade for RE and Riflemen instead of rack weapon, M1 C can become the rack weapon.
Now take all weapons slots.
M4A3 Assault Package
Remove from the game
Replace either with WP rounds for Sherman and Scott or with separate unit a 75mm Dozer.
M7 Priest
Fix the CD on creeping barrage/barrage CD. It allows the unit to fire more often.
M8 Greyhound
offer as an upgrade to m20 the unit would refitted moved out of the map and replaced by the M8
for a cost
Mechanized Groups (WC-51 & M3 Halftrack)
Make m3 an upgrade to WC-51 unit is refitted moved out of the map and replaced by the M3
Remove the barrage from WC-51 add a separate commander ability
Mortar HT
Increase the CD of WP and Timed and/or move WP to vet 1 and remove timed delay shell
P-47 Rocket Strike
add two extra weapon on planes with 1 salvo with high accuracy so that ability deliver some damage consistently
increase CD on suppression fire
possibly remove elite Bazookas for less overlap with Support paras.
experiment with CP 1 as an infiltration unit set up beacon for future drops.
Riflemen Field Defenses
renamed Field Defenses
Riflemen can build fighting position and wire
RE can build mines/sandbags and gain 10% construction speed
Urban Assault Kits
Riflemen now get the fire up ability and the incendiary grenades (with reduces range/cost)
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Posts: 817 | Subs: 5
Alright so I tried it out yesterday and it doesn't seem to do what you say, I'm not sure if you're just played an old version or something but as you can see in my video it looks and works perfectly fine
Maybe he means the antenna that rotates with the gun, but is supposed to be attached to the hull. That part looks weird. Also at 9:56 the gun rotates upon toggling, this happens sometimes but I am trying to fix that.

Posts: 87
76mm Sherman
The unit is very strong and has abnormally high vet bonuses for a Sherman tank.
Pop to 13-14 a pop of 12 it too low
Increase XP value to be higher than standard Sherman
Change the vet bonus to Sherman replacing the accuracy bonus with a penetration bonus
Advanced Infantry Equipment
The ability does not really help riflemen.
Remove flamer and flare
Ability know allows riflemen to upgrade with:
Garand C taking up 1 slot that are more accurate at long range.
M9 A1 bazookas with better accuracy and slight increase in penetration
Airdropped Combat Group
The ability overlap with Paras commander
Scarp the ability. Ability know replaced by AT Paras
Lower the MP price by 20 possibly CP by 1.
Unit now comes with smaller target size and 6 garands C
Can upgrade with 2 elite bazookas
Fix camo currently they are some times revealed without firing
Assault Engineers
Lower reinforcement cost
scrap destroy cover
explosives always visible now at 30 cost
Cluster Bombs
The ability is superior to similar abilities
add 1-2 CP and 20-30 MU
Elite Vehicle Crews
Scrap vet and Thompson
Vehicles now can gain extra vet level.
IR Pathfinders
Since aggressive airdrops are worth it and unit over laps it should be scraped.
Unite removed and replaced "observation kit"
Riflemen now have "pyrotechnic" type upgrade gaining +5 sight +5 in cover and able to call mortar barrage.
Weapon upgrade to M1 C and can now fire flares.
M10 Wolverine
Improve base turret rotation lower vet bonus
Replace HAVP round with defensive smoke
Now an upgrade for RE and Riflemen instead of rack weapon, M1 C can become the rack weapon.
Now take all weapons slots.
M4A3 Assault Package
Remove from the game
Replace either with WP rounds for Sherman and Scott or with separate unit a 75mm Dozer.
M7 Priest
Fix the CD on creeping barrage/barrage CD. It allows the unit to fire more often.
M8 Greyhound
offer as an upgrade to m20 the unit would refitted moved out of the map and replaced by the M8
for a cost
Mechanized Groups (WC-51 & M3 Halftrack)
Make m3 an upgrade to WC-51 unit is refitted moved out of the map and replaced by the M3
Remove the barrage from WC-51 add a separate commander ability
Mortar HT
Increase the CD of WP and Timed and/or move WP to vet 1 and remove timed delay shell
P-47 Rocket Strike
add two extra weapon on planes with 1 salvo with high accuracy so that ability deliver some damage consistently
increase CD on suppression fire
possibly remove elite Bazookas for less overlap with Support paras.
experiment with CP 1 as an infiltration unit set up beacon for future drops.
Riflemen Field Defenses
renamed Field Defenses
Riflemen can build fighting position and wire
RE can build mines/sandbags and gain 10% construction speed
Urban Assault Kits
Riflemen now get the fire up ability and the incendiary grenades (with reduces range/cost)
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M4A3 Assault package's points 'Bulldozers, and Main gun WPs' are also must be secured because of not-Overpowered Well-Fitting Commander Concept.
M4A3 Assault Package
Remove from the game
Replace either with WP rounds for Sherman and Scott or with separate unit a 75mm Dozer.
it must need 'BOTH' not one of them. why you keep thinking about Remove away Dozer Blade?
76mm Sherman
The unit is very strong and has abnormally high vet bonuses for a Sherman tank.
Pop to 13-14 a pop of 12 it too low
Increase XP value to be higher than standard Sherman
Change the vet bonus to Sherman replacing the accuracy bonus with a penetration bonus
76mm sherman is a 640HP 160/80 armor tank with 140/130/120 pen AP gun. and HVAP is having average of 6.1Sec, Really Slow reload time around 12 Pop.
you know, Easy eight 'the one of shittest tank that barely used' tank is 14 POP.
76mm shermans can choice DPS or Penetration, but have Exactly same survivality with 75mm sherman.
That will Clearly 'Kill' a Commander.
WC51 nerf made a heavy Decrease of Mechanized Company Pick at 2 vs 2. and Reserve armor remove will make Worse.
then 76mm Sherman just nerfed to 14 pop without any Performance buff?
it will just become USFphobic Commander Killing nerf.
We need to gurantee Commander's Roster Diversity, not to killing commander.
for Mechanized Company and Urban Assault Company are Clearly Having their characteristic Strongpoints by Dozer Blade.
Mechanized Company can choice two shermans between Better durability? or Firepower.
Urban Assault Company Can improve Sherman can Fight against AT guns better.
It's not Overpower Point now, It's Commander's Advantage Point.
Just Flattening their Advantage will make game worse.
think more. We can make better Idea without killing or Removing their Colors and Advantages.
I can clearly Say and Say Removing Reserve Armor and Sherman's Dozer blade is Clearly Cross the line, and will be Clearly Dumb Overnerfing.

Posts: 3166 | Subs: 6
Maybe he means the antenna that rotates with the gun, but is supposed to be attached to the hull. That part looks weird.

I meant this. The bracket that's mounted around the gun isn't supposed to move (IRL) but here it does because on this model it's apparently attached to the gun barrel. And it clips into the mantlet when firing because of the recoil. But yeah now that you've mentioned it, the antenna also looks weird when it turns the turret sideways.

Posts: 817 | Subs: 5
I meant this. The bracket that's mounted around the gun isn't supposed to move (IRL) but here it does because on this model it's apparently attached to the gun barrel. And it clips into the mantlet when firing because of the recoil.
Thanks for clarifying.

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2
Maybe he means the antenna that rotates with the gun, but is supposed to be attached to the hull. That part looks weird. Also at 9:56 the gun rotates upon toggling, this happens sometimes but I am trying to fix that.
Huh, wait isn't that part of the vanilla model from Relic?
I mean the turret is supposed to turn if you order it to fire it's barrage to the side or something or does it turn the entire hull like in CoH?
Because I swear I've seen it turn it's turret to fire in the vanilla game so I'm guessing it was clipping then as well but I don't think you can do anything about that really.
I meant this. The bracket that's mounted around the gun isn't supposed to move (IRL) but here it does because on this model it's apparently attached to the gun barrel. And it clips into the mantlet when firing because of the recoil. But yeah now that you've mentioned it, the antenna also looks weird when it turns the turret sideways.
No offense but again, very nitpicky when we literally have a floating MG42 on the 250:
Absolutely nobody would notice it unless you zoom all the way in and angle the camera like I've said countless times now.

Posts: 179
Any intention to change "Elite Vehicle Crews Upgrade" from Armor company?
I mean... why is this skill even exists in the first place?
Who uses vehicle crew as a battle infantry?
Waste of a skill slot. Really.
Do not touch my elite crews.
Weapon crews increase the base repair speed from 1.6 to 2.1, and increase the rate of vet gain by 15%. Which, outside of vetting the vehicle itself faster, gets the crews to their own vet 2 repair speed buff faster.
Elite Crews mean the vehicles repair faster, which means more time causing bleed, which gives them more vet, (and faster) which means even faster repair, which means even more time causing bleed.

Posts: 1220 | Subs: 1
Advanced Infantry Equipment
The ability does not really help riflemen.
Remove flamer and flare
Ability know allows riflemen to upgrade with:
Garand C taking up 1 slot that are more accurate at long range.
M9 A1 bazookas with better accuracy and slight increase in penetration
There is an issue, if rifleman model is setup for M1c to became visible, all the M1 they carry will become M1c, event the non scope profle.
The Rifle company can simply use m1919a6 since it work well with field defense while spint isnt.

Posts: 1594
There is an issue, if rifleman model is setup for M1c to became visible, all the M1 they carry will become M1c, event the non scope profle.
Wait, really? How does /that/ happen, exactly?

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
There is an issue, if rifleman model is setup for M1c to became visible, all the M1 they carry will become M1c, event the non scope profle.
The Rifle company can simply use m1919a6 since it work well with field defense while spint isnt.
No more LMG on USF troops pls.
M1 C is not would be a upgrade to Garands with better far DPS not a scoped Carbine.
If I am not mistaken they should already exist in the game.
(maybe this weapon m1a1_carbine_rifleman_spec_mp I am not sure)

Posts: 1220 | Subs: 1
Wait, really? How does /that/ happen, exactly?
It is the way ABP file of those models are set up. Basically abp file the list of weapons that will show up on a model.
here is that of pathfinder.

you give them any weapons that not in this list, the models will come empty-hand.
here is that of riflemen

you can see that there are no "rifle_m1_garand_scope" in riflemen, as well as there are no "rifle_m1_garand" in pathfinder. While making mod, one can edit those abp file to give the models weapons they originally dont have, by adding that weapon in to the list, most of the time it work well, but this is what happen when you add "rifle_m1_garand_scope" in riflemen.

To Vipper, "m1a1_carbine_rifleman_spec_mp" using standard m1 carbine animation, not a scope rifle. And it is the same stat as ranger's carbine.
And i dont see why m1919 is a bad thing. Here is my mod

the off map is somrthing new, but the rest is very strait forward i belive, removing flare, srpint and flamer, bring in m1919 and echelon rifle nade. The flare can go to infantry company and replace m1919, there, or to recon support.

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
To Vipper, "m1a1_carbine_rifleman_spec_mp" using standard m1 carbine animation, not a scope rifle.
I does not have to be scoped, simply superior at max range.
And i dont see why m1919 is a bad thing. Here is my mod ...
the off map is somrthing new, but the rest is very strait forward i belive, removing flare, srpint and flamer, bring in m1919 and echelon rifle nade. The flare can go to infantry company and replace m1919, there, or to recon support.
1) Concentrate DPS in squads with more than 5 entities is not very good
2) LMG make Riflemen fight at max range reducing the need for relative positioning

Posts: 1220 | Subs: 1
I does not have to be scoped, simply superior at max range.
It is a carbine, being better at long range than a full power rifle is unrealistic. And "m1_carbine_rifleman_spec_mp" is a clone of range's carbine.
1) Concentrate DPS in squads with more than 5 entities is not very good
2) LMG make Riflemen fight at max range reducing the need for relative positioning
1. May be, but "not very good" said by you is not a very solid reason for the upgrade being unbalance. The price, limited, timing and being in commander are more than justify it.
2. you are suggesting give them superior long range rifle, which will event good on the move if it take the exist profile, i dont see any positioning in such a set up (see pzfulisier), at least LMG need to be static to operate. A new profile can be made, but then it come back to the issue of being unrealistic and require additional work (see vicker K) compare to a simple tried and true LMG.

Posts: 1220 | Subs: 1

Posts: 1594
Oh, I knew about the "mechanics" behind setting models up to use particular weapons, I didn't quite see how giving them the ability to equip scoped Garands would "overwrite" their normal Garand models, though.
Is it something to do with them sharing animations? It seems like a strange bug.
Would it be impossible to implement a "new" scoped Garand weapon that doesn't cause the same strange interaction?

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
It is a carbine, being better at long range than a full power rifle is unrealistic. And "m1_carbine_rifleman_spec_mp" is a clone of range's carbine.
Then it so not the weapon I was talking about.
It can simply say M1 C as improvement to their current weapon and the squad can get an extra symbol
1. May be, but "not very good" said by you is not a very solid reason for the upgrade being unbalance. The price, limited, timing and being in commander are more than justify it.
2. you are suggesting give them superior long range rifle, which will event good on the move if it take the exist profile, i dont see any positioning in such a set up (see pzfulisier), at least LMG need to be static to operate. A new profile can be made, but then it come back to the issue of being unrealistic and require additional work (see vicker K) compare to a simple tried and true LMG.
The suggestion is to be better long range but without concerted DPS in 1 weapon.
They would simply perform better at those range, they should not be able to beat long range infatry in their game.

Posts: 359
I don't understand why you don't make this ability one shot howitzers.
The first shot is pin point accurate and should guarantee an artillery piece kill for its cost. All the rounds coming after are a bonus. Usually an additional investment of 60 muni for a recon is needed for this ability as well.
If RNG is the bane of the game, why rely on on RNG to kill a howitzer? Howitzer killing abilities are already far and few in between. For 225 muni, you would expect the howitzer to die when you use the ability. Don't give it a chance to survive. Thats lame. Its an awful feeling if you've just spent 60 muni for a recon, 225 for a muni strike on a single artillery piece and then find out later that it didn't die because you were unlucky.
Requiring an extra tank shot or extra damage is simply too much investment to counter a single howitzer.
Instead if a howitzer should have a chance to survive a 240mm barrage. Perhaps add an option to fortify the howitzer. For 100MP and 25 fuel, you can fortify it so it may survive. So there is additional investment on both ends.

Posts: 602

Posts: 87
For the mechanized dozer upgrade what would you guys think of making it available only on the 76mm. To balance out the upgrade it could lock out the vehicle crew once upgraded. That way the player would have to chose between AI, AT with ability to chase or a brawler that needs RE for repairs.
Srsly? Just with Dozer. Lock the vehicle? That is silly Idea. Reserve armor MUST NOT GET AMY MERF NOW AND FOREVER.

Posts: 772
Srsly? Just with Dozer. Lock the vehicle? That is silly Idea. Reserve armor MUST NOT GET AMY MERF NOW AND FOREVER.
that's not a nerf though. This actually looks like an improved E8 without self repair while having ridiculous ROF that e8 lacks. Not sure that this is a good idea. 76mm is already hefty strong
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