
russian armor

Commander Update Beta 2021 - General Feedback

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28 Apr 2021, 09:40 AM
avatar of ZeroZeroNi

Posts: 1563

jump backJump back to quoted post28 Apr 2021, 09:19 AMKatitof

Something about this post tells me you are not particularly good ost player.

That maybe true, but you wreak of not playing the game at all.

Pwerfer is a literal team weapon delete button and if you can't utilize 960 health panther properly, there is no hope for you.[/qoute]
Yep you haven't played the game.

Brummbar is simply so laughably easy to use with great benefit its almost sinful to not utilize it, but there is no urgent need for it.
60 range TD's are simply so laughably easy to use with great benefit its almost sinful to not utilize it, but there is no urgent need for it.

All of ost T4 excells at what it is supposed to do, ost does not lean nor relay on brummbar exclusively.

Kind of self contradictory statement. You sure you though this through before writing this part.
28 Apr 2021, 09:41 AM
avatar of jagd wölfe

Posts: 1660

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Apr 2021, 21:50 PMOlfin
What are you talking about ?

Some commander portaits were changedin the update before
28 Apr 2021, 09:49 AM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17908 | Subs: 8

That maybe true, but you wreak of not playing the game at all.

And I'm still incomparably better then vast majority of people here, especially the ones who post balance threads, but that bar is hanging very low in coh2 community.

Yep you haven't played the game.

I have enough to get enough knowledge and experience to not try to use it from max range if you want to remove ATG or HMG from the map.

60 range TD's are simply so laughably easy to use with great benefit its almost sinful to not utilize it, but there is no urgent need for it.

You'll damage it, not destroy it.
Unless you are one of these team games a-move players who just never micro anything, then yeah, TDs will easily kill it, otherwise its untouchable without a dive due to its health and armor.

Kind of self contradictory statement. You sure you though this through before writing this part.

Contradictory how?
I've said all of ost T4 is viable and strong.
That is supported by the fact that all 3 units in ost T4 are viable and strong within their roles when used properly.

But you were trying just now to portray brummbar as weaker then it actually is, so that speaks volume about you and your ability to use it properly.

Perhaps you should watch some streams to learn how to use it to not lose it?
28 Apr 2021, 12:30 PM
avatar of Olfin

Posts: 167

Some commander portaits were changedin the update before

28 Apr 2021, 12:36 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

Following abilities should have a new name:

"Conscript Repair Kit" possibly to "infatry repair kit"

"Airbourne Guards Troops" possibly to "Airborne Guards Troop"

"PMD-6M light Anti-Vehicle mines" possibly to "Anti-tank Fortifications"

"Elite Vehicle Crews Upgrade" possibly to " Vehicle Crew training"

"Mechanized Groups" possibly to "Mechanized support"

"M3 Half-track" possibly to "M3A1 Half-track Transport"

"M5 Half-track" UKF possibly to "lend Lease M5 Half-track Transport"

"Field Recovery Operation" possibly to "Royal Engineer Recovery squad"

"Thorough Salvage" possibly to "Infantry repair kit"
28 Apr 2021, 13:37 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

British M10 and M5 Halftracks
With the changes to Lend-Lease, the M10 and M5 for the British faction have received a self-repair ability to help keep these units on the field without the need for Royal Engineers.

Both units can Self-Repair for 35 munitions. They do not gain smoke cover when this ability is active.

The idea that units should have self-repair is flawed.
Unit that are common in between faction do not have be the same.

Ostheer Puma/PzIV J have 3 vet level and not 5 like OKW and Soviet M5 does not come with self-repair either.

If the same unit (M10/M5 in this) are is anyway UP that can simply be reflected in their price.
28 Apr 2021, 13:41 PM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

I think if you want repair in the lend lease we should look at the repair halftrack from AA campaign. bundle it and the M5 as an ability and have the repair HT built in the HQ. Then you get repairs without being too wonky, it gives it more team game value as well.
28 Apr 2021, 14:09 PM
avatar of Chukiki

Posts: 112

Remove Counter Barrage from Axis.
this thing is overpowered Af. AImbots all Katyushas and other artillery to death.
28 Apr 2021, 14:17 PM
avatar of leithianz

Posts: 472

jump backJump back to quoted post28 Apr 2021, 14:09 PMChukiki
Remove Counter Barrage from Axis.
this thing is overpowered Af. AImbots all Katyushas and other artillery to death.

Already done I believe?
28 Apr 2021, 14:22 PM
avatar of Chukiki

Posts: 112

Already done I believe?

Their howitzer have counter barrage
28 Apr 2021, 14:31 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

LeFH barrage start CD from start of airbust instead of the end so it stay on CD with zero on the clock for about 40 secs.
28 Apr 2021, 14:40 PM
avatar of ZeroZeroNi

Posts: 1563

jump backJump back to quoted post28 Apr 2021, 09:49 AMKatitof

And I'm still incomparably better then vast majority of people here

This is the biggest flag that you haven't played the game enough and your skill level is dubious.
28 Apr 2021, 19:35 PM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

jump backJump back to quoted post28 Apr 2021, 14:22 PMChukiki

Their howitzer have counter barrage

Learn what goes on here instead of just bitching about everything eh?
These are discussions about the upcoming balance changes, included in those is a change from counter battery to airburst shells. More reading and less shit posing will bring you up to speed rapidly.
29 Apr 2021, 06:46 AM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

Imo there are some "trademark" abilities that should be only available to specific commanders:

Lend lease assault guards is such a unit that should only be available to that commander. If one want assault guards in another commander one could create a separate version that uses Soviet weapons.

One test lowering CP and bringing them closer to Penal so that that can combine it with T2.

The UKF mortar is also one of them. There is very little reason for the unit to available in Mobile assault which is already one of the top pick commander. That would simply make lend lease less attractive.
29 Apr 2021, 06:50 AM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17908 | Subs: 8

jump backJump back to quoted post29 Apr 2021, 06:46 AMVipper
Imo there are some "trademark" abilities that should be only available to specific commanders:

Lend lease assault guards is such a unit that should only be available to that commander. If one want assault guards in another commander one could create a separate version that uses Soviet weapons.

One test lowering CP and bringing them closer to Penal so that that can combine it with T2.

The UKF mortar is also one of them. There is very little reason for the unit to available in Mobile assault which is already one of the top pick commander. That would simply make lend lease less attractive.

76mm sherman is a trademark ability of lend lease commander, always was, always will be.
29 Apr 2021, 07:46 AM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post29 Apr 2021, 06:50 AMKatitof

76mm sherman is a trademark ability of lend lease commander, always was, always will be.

Once more you are of mark.

A commander can have more than one "trademark ability".

In addition and I do not say that assault guards was the trade mark ability but that Thompson/bazookas are.
29 Apr 2021, 10:28 AM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

Since you are fixing Bulletins:
Catch this
bulletin effects only AT grenades barrage and not regular AT grenades it should be the other way around.

Spray and Pray
description say 5% bonus when it only 1%

Artillery production II should also effect B4

Shoot for the stars
The bulletin does nothing and should be changed.

Pak's quite a punch/Unstoppable force are redundant since Anti Tank production I.

Blown away
Fall no longer have faust

Reverse engineer
Description talk about VG when shreck is no longer available.

They all seeing eye
search light oo longer rotates

Medic movement is no longer relevant.
29 Apr 2021, 12:18 PM
avatar of Clarity

Posts: 479

Could we please leave Osttruppen the same as how they are on the live patch. They are already pretty cost effective currently and I don't think they need further buffs. Maybe you could keep the buffs in the 2nd iteration of the patch but I definitely wouldn't allow them to spam cover like Conscripts at Vet 1 and I think the LMG should have a later timing than the 6-man upgrade for Assault Grenadiers. Osttruppen are very viable right now and I think further buffs will just lead to them absolutely dominating the meta game similar to last patch.
29 Apr 2021, 12:50 PM
avatar of 0ld_Shatterhand
Donator 22

Posts: 194

Nice to see the reworked Commander portraits.
If you are at it maybe rename some commanders to better differentiate them?
Some of the worst contenders are the Ostheer ones, like Lightning war and Blitzkrieg, Festung Armor Support and Fortified Armor Support. Basically having the same name, one is just in german.
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