Early game use it as meat shield, once vet1 keep it a bit behind to assist dps and let it get his shared vet accumulate. Use or abuse of the detection ability anytime.
For a 210 manpower unit, that's too much cost effective.
Particular grief: too good vs vanilla Riflemen, 70 manpower difference and a bleed capability on riflemen that's over the top. I constantly see in 2vs2 many good OKW players building 2 Kubel vs USF because they're so effective vs them. You can lock riflemen behind cover for a really long time since they do jack shit dps on the kubel. Then even if you lose one kubel it doesn't matter since how much advantage you took from it, you just need to snowball now.
My proposal:
Balance Kubel vs riflemen should be adjusted. Kubel shouldn't be used so effectively as meatshield vs Riflemen. Even Pathfinders are 10 time better, That's actually my constant counter on map where dual kubels are too effective but honestly being force to pick a commander to counter two kubels

Dectection ability should come with a greater downside. Maybe force a static mode once on detection mode with a couple of second to activate/disactivate so It can't just evade anything on demand.