Being able to bounce on armor is good.
In that case Faust penetration should probably be lowered so that it actually has a chance to bounce on something that isn't IS2 or ISU
Posts: 1890 | Subs: 1
Being able to bounce on armor is good.
Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
In that case Faust penetration should probably be lowered so that it actually has a chance to bounce on something that isn't IS2 or ISU
Posts: 1794
I don't see as an issue.
Higher HP/armor vehicles have a chance to avoid being snare so they actually benefit from their armor vs low tech mainline infantries.
The only issue I see is not dying when reaching 0 HP.
Posts: 3114 | Subs: 2
All snare have penetration values and deflection damage. They are simply different values and there design reason for some of those difference.
To me it like saying all ATG should have the same penetration, range and ROF values. They simply do not at least imo.
The only inconsistency imo are:
the kill at 0 HP which is a inconsistency in the mechanism and imo it should be fixed
the smoke/shot blocker behavior which is very annoying
and maybe
the penetration values/damage on deflection damage of fausts
I would consider improving the Ro.E. AT grenade and possibly fix the aim times of AT rifles grenades (Riflemen/PF can't remember if they fixed that one)
Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
I do see where you are coming from, but in my opinion these snares are utility abilities that cover a core mechanic of the game: immobilizing vehicles. They should work reliably. The difference of doing 20 damage more or less is virtually invisible, the (double) snare still works if they bounce in basically all other occasions except for what basically boils down to the Brummbar and Comet (so the player fully expects a vehicle to be snared), but yet if it does not work the game is just perceived as buggy. None of these differences are noted down anywhere, and from a gameplay POV they don't make much sense either.
Overall it is a rather minor issue though, but still an issue.
I agree with the bottom points.
Posts: 1289
Posts: 1594
The not dying to a snare at 0hp should be fixed. Though i didnt even know this to excist
The rest doesnt really need fixing. I never felt cheated that axis snares always pen allied stock armour but can avoid it behind shot blockers and for example conscripts can bounce of a p4 or panther but arent effected by shot blockers.
Not everything needs to be brought inline with or standerdized. Axis tanks in general have more armour and should count even when snared.
Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
Why SHOULDN'T it be standardised? There's no reason for snares to be inconsistent/random at all in their mechanics. Allied snares bouncing doesn't add anything interesting to the game, it just causes frustration. If you want Axis and Allied snares to be balanced differently it should be in a consistent way (i.e allied snares are cheaper, but cause less damage (to the point they don't two-shot 800hp vehicle's engines)), though I don't think Axis and Allied snares SHOULD be different in their mechanics at all.
Posts: 3114 | Subs: 2
Interacting with armor is neither inconsistent nor random...It like saying ATG are random and inconsistent because they have different penetration values.
Not causing engine damage at 75% or dying at 0 HP is an inconstancy and should be fixed.
Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
Nobody said anything against the 75% mark.
But what is the reason then that Axis (Grens have some limited trade off, Volks none at all) get in general better snares than Allies for the same price and for the same units (i.e. mainline infantry)
Posts: 1594
Interacting with armor is neither inconsistent nor random...It like saying ATG are random and inconsistent because they have different penetration values.
Not causing engine damage at 75% or dying at 0 HP is an inconstancy and should be fixed.
Posts: 1594
Not really.
AT grenades work in smoke and shot blockers, faust does not.
AT grenades have lower penetration but more deflection damage.
Which is better is simply situational.
I have lost grenadier from trying to faust repeatedly only to canceled by shot blockers and at that moment I was wishing for an AT grenade...
Posts: 3114 | Subs: 2
Not really.
AT grenades work in smoke and shot blockers, faust does not.
AT grenades have lower penetration but more deflection damage.
Which is better is simply situational.
Posts: 2307 | Subs: 4
At this point they basically do a guaranteed 100 damage.
Posts: 1594
I was talking about damage and pen primarily. Soft factors like usability and availability are a slightly different topic, but here only Soviet Conscript builds have similar to even easier "use" of snares.
First this is only true for the Grenadier Faust as I already noted, and second Fausts pens (almost) every non-doc vehicle that Allies can field. At this point they basically do a guaranteed 100 damage.
And soviets do a guaranteed 80 damage. They take the same number of hits to snare a vehicle either way, unless it's a heavy tank where the gren faust is only going to be doing 40 damage. The only axis vehicle that has 800 health so it requires 2 100 damage snares is the Brumbar, which has high frontal armor so it would probably bounce atleast one faust-tier snare anyway.
Posts: 1890 | Subs: 1
There are more vehicles with high armor like Comet, Churchill, Pershing, KV-1, KV-8, KV-2...
Keep in mind that when it bounce Ostheer Fuast does 45 damage and AT grenades does 80 so higher penetration comes at price.
Posts: 2307 | Subs: 4
Then why not just give allied snares 80 damage, and Fausts 100, rather than bothering with the penetration/deflection system here, if this is the desired interaction?
(Also, the Jagdpanzer has 800HP at vet2)
Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
ATGs are primarily interested in damaging units, and so interactions with unit armour make sense. Snares are not primarily a "damage dealer" ability, their main goal is to cause engine damage. This is made less consistent by the fact that they have a chance to deflect, which can cause them to sometimes not cause engine damage in the expected number of strikes. This part of the interaction doesn't add anything to the game.
The mechanics behind snares require that they cause damage, as being snared requires that a (medium or heavy) vehicle reach 75% health, but due to this they should not cause a random amount of damage.
If you can fathom a way to ensure that snares reliably cause engine damage in x number of strikes on a given vehicle regardless of whether they deflect or penetrate, then I'd be "happy" to see their penetration/deflection damage values stay as they are. I mean, if all you want is Allied snares to be weaker than Axis ones, then just have allied snares always do 80 damage, and Axis ones always do 100, making units with health equal to or greater than the panther more resistant to allied snares than equivalent allied ones are to Axis snares. Snares can be balanced differently without being random.
I still think all snares should be standardised, however. I really don't think there's any need at all for Allies to have weaker ones than the Axis.
Posts: 1594
Right now the AT-grenades are better against high armor targets, and the fausts are better against medium targets. It has literally never been an issue in 8 years but is being brought up with this snare bug where they don't kill 0 health units. I don't see a significant enough reason to standardize these snares.
Of course, this assumes the 0 health tanks is fixed and the deflection damage not killing tanks is also fixed.
Posts: 1594
With 160 total damage 2 AT grenades will always cause engine damage to medium tank.
On the other hand 2 faust with 140 far penetration have a 0.24% probability to bounce and not cause engine damage.
Allied snare are different not weaker.
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