Currently this ability does the following:
- Hides all your units on the opponent's minimap and tacmap while active.
- x1.2 speed bonus on infantry squads while active.
With the following duration, cost and cooldown:
- 60 second duration
- 40 munition cost
- 90 second cooldown
As this ability has risen allot in popularity recently and caused several complaints, we as balance team are divided on the best way to deal with it. Some say the recent addition of the speed bonus is the main issue, others say affecting the opponent's interface stands counter to the game's design, still others say the ability should stay as it is but with increased cost and shorter duration.
I will keep a neutral stance in this thread, but if you want to read arguments from me and others, I would like to forward you to the following threads:
Note that replacing the ability or completely changing how it functions is an option we would like to avoid as to keep the assets in the game and keep its design logical. Note also this is for the upcoming patch, a commander patch is planned where a broader rebalance of commanders would be in order. Note lastly that a cooldown increase will likely be done in any case.
For clarity about the icon change: they would become invisible again for opponent after being out of combat for a certain amount of time.