Once again it is not a simple fact. In the context of actual gameplay, in which people use feasible build orders and don't just purchase the bare minimum required to tech up, both upgrades are similarly late and could arrive after one another depending on those choices. It's simple if you turn the entire game into a math equation, but that's not what the game is
From the very beginning I have been asking you to point out what relevance those claims even have to the balance of the upgrade. None of the examples you gave are upgrades for mainlins, two of them are doctrinal, and passive bonuses =/= an upgrade
An opinion on how conscripts vs volks perform in a scenario that never actually occurs in a real game? What is the point of your scenario? Again what relevance does it have to the question? You are focusing too much on the tests in a vacuum, that's literally my whole point...
If you do not like cheat mode tests, I suggest you test with friend of yours Vet 3 conscripts vs vet 5 VGS.