I agree conscript should receive some buff late game, 50 munition for DPS bonus when in cove, fast reinforcing and reinforce cost decrease should be pretty decent for late game.
7th men, do you think it is too much?

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Posts: 132
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Posts: 8
Conscript 7men too much, Ost 90% win rate not enough.
Posts: 449
Do you think Conscript 7th men is too much?
I agree conscript should receive some buff late game, 50 munition for DPS bonus when in cove, fast reinforcing and reinforce cost decrease should be pretty decent for late game.
7th men, do you think it is too much?
Posts: 232
Posts: 4928
Why should they get 7 men? why don't grenadiers get something ? they are only a 4 man squad and a crazy lacking late game... and mid game.... and even early game for that matter...
Posts: 5279
Posts: 783
Grens don't get a 7th man because they only have 4 models so giving them a 7th man would almost be doubling their squad size which would be OP. It's much easier to grant a 7th man on a squad that already has 6 models because then it's just +1 not +3 like it would be for grens. Hope that helps kingsown.
Posts: 5279
You know, I'm not normally someone to put a quote in my signature, but this... this comes close to making it.
Posts: 222
Conscript 7men too much, Ost 90% win rate not enough.
Posts: 732
Posts: 449
IMO just give Cons single DP upgrade
Posts: 5279
IMO just give Cons single DP upgrade
Posts: 1979
Posts: 17914 | Subs: 8
why are we trying to nerf the worst baseline infantry (tied with grens) in the game?