
russian armor

Just more Ideas

7 Sep 2020, 18:19 PM
avatar of Angrade (Ægion)
Senior Modmaker Badge

Posts: 766 | Subs: 2

I know have been doing this a lot and pile of ideas. Instead of making a lot of different threads, I decide just to make one with all. Again, all of these ideas can be tested and played around with my mod. 'Signature' for the link

I have always found the Panzerwerfer, inconsistent. It either wipes a squad generally or does nothing.

The rockets damage has been increased to 100 from 80 but only can hit 2 models per shot. The rate of fire is reduced to all more reaction time. The scatter adjusted to more match the katushya to make it more consistent.

Who has ever used the counter barrage ability for the panzerwerfer? I have removed the counter barrage and replaced it with a smoke barrage that is on a separate cooldown. Vet 1 reduces the smoke barrage cooldown. This may also be more effective in higher level play with hearing more barrages, unable to tell if the player should dodge or not.

I know SneakEyes's mod has recovery squads but I decided to add it in to my own squad. It functions differently. Built by Combat Engineers, Pioneers, Sturm Pioneers, USF/UKF Medics for only 25 fuel. Recovering an allied wounded will give you 10 manpower.

Right now, I only have it applied to Railway but this could be applied to USF's 240mm and UKF's counter part. These "Siege" Artillery abilities only have a niche role and in my opinion not very worth it and not very attractive. This variation could make it much more effective versus all targets, able to stun and snare vehicles, suppressing infantry, and still effective versus emplacements

Long ago, slit trenches were able to garrison mortars. I thought about reintroducing this. Garrison mortars gain increase barrage range as well as units inside gain a passive healing.
7 Sep 2020, 18:38 PM
avatar of Support Sapper

Posts: 1220 | Subs: 1

I like the railway dealing critical and suppression idea. Still, 3 rounds in such a rapid manner seem not very realistic when it come to the actual rof of the weapon irl. I suggest it fire one single round with all the above effect.
7 Sep 2020, 19:02 PM
avatar of Osinyagov
Senior Modmaker Badge

Posts: 1389 | Subs: 1

I like your railway artillry implemintation. But i would also rename it in something else, since original railway doesn't looks like 80cm shells explotion.

Germans had heavy artillery with calibers like 210mm, and it's much closer to weapons with the same effects in the game(USF 240mm and soviet 203mm)
7 Sep 2020, 19:08 PM
avatar of achpawel

Posts: 1351

Great stuff. Looks and plays really well :) I'd probably just add some manpower cost to all trenches (if there isn't any in Ur mod) in order not to spam them too mindlessly.
7 Sep 2020, 19:11 PM
avatar of Angrade (Ægion)
Senior Modmaker Badge

Posts: 766 | Subs: 2

Great stuff. Looks and plays really well :) I'd probably just add some manpower cost to all trenches (if there isn't any in Ur mod) in order not to spam them too mindlessly.

That's actually how trenches are for the Osttruppen Doctrine in live. I think as well as the community defensive doctrine and OKW heavy fortifications.
7 Sep 2020, 19:18 PM
avatar of achpawel

Posts: 1351

That's actually how trenches are for the Osttruppen Doctrine in live. I think as well as the community defensive doctrine and OKW heavy fortifications.

I just personally don't like the differences between different trenches behavior across the factions in the non-moded version. Sometimes Ur opponent can enter them, sometimes not, sometimes U get damaged when they are destroyed with a unit inside, some trenches just evacuate the unit without any harm, etc. I am also agains "free" stuff in game. Everything should have some cost to make the player actually think not just spam stuff mindlessly. (Sorry for a bit of a rant actually :)
7 Sep 2020, 19:22 PM
avatar of Unit G17

Posts: 498

  • Pwerfer change seems like a major nerf to me, doesn't seem more consistent at all, in fact the opposite, and the slow firerate takes away the shock effect. Big no from me.
  • The recovery is a nice idea, tho I wouldn't make it a stock option. Personally I would use it to replace Relief Infantry and Rapid Conscription commander abilities. Also, the manpower value should be different among factions or unit type recovered, soviets are at an advantage here with 6 men squads.
  • The stun and snare effect on the railway arty is nice, but the firerate is unrealistic. Imo a single shot with slightly bigger AOE radius could work.
  • Extra range is ok imo for mortars in trenches, but unsure about passive healing, it should only work if the squad is idle. Otherwise it would easily become more annoying than mortar emplacements.
7 Sep 2020, 22:51 PM
avatar of Artigo

Posts: 80

I know SneakEyes's mod has recovery squads but I decided to add it in to my own squad. It functions differently. Built by Combat Engineers, Pioneers, Sturm Pioneers, USF/UKF Medics for only 25 fuel. Recovering an allied wounded will give you 10 manpower.

Is there an existing ability for wounded recovery or do the medic states just exist in Coh2 data?
7 Sep 2020, 23:19 PM
avatar of Angrade (Ægion)
Senior Modmaker Badge

Posts: 766 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post7 Sep 2020, 22:51 PMArtigo

Is there an existing ability for wounded recovery or do the medic states just exist in Coh2 data?

For the Medic models, they all have this animation state. The other models, do not have the carrying state. The model that they are carried are a 'crew' like a vehicle in which most/all can be a 'crew' member.
8 Sep 2020, 04:03 AM
avatar of Mr. Someguy

Posts: 4928

For the Medic models, they all have this animation state. The other models, do not have the carrying state. The model that they are carried are a 'crew' like a vehicle in which most/all can be a 'crew' member.

Even the USF and UKF Medics? Or just the Soviet and Ostheer Medics?
8 Sep 2020, 04:47 AM
avatar of Serrith

Posts: 783

Great stuff. Looks and plays really well :) I'd probably just add some manpower cost to all trenches (if there isn't any in Ur mod) in order not to spam them too mindlessly.

That's actually how trenches are for the Osttruppen Doctrine in live. I think as well as the community defensive doctrine and OKW heavy fortifications.

None of the current trenches available to any of the commanders or factions have any cost associated with them. Unless you mean a mod you've created and have a "live" version for.

In regards to the thread suggestions:

The changes to the panzerwerfer are very interesting and I particularly like the smoke barrage idea.

I don't like the recovery squads idea. I get that its a throwback to CoH 1, but currently there are no abilities which positively augment manpower income in anyway and this is for a good reason. It will have drastic effects on factions or build timings that are manpower tight and still have potent effects on ones that aren't.

I like the idea of adding suppression to the railway artillery, but I dislike having all the shots arrive at once. The suppression helps with area denial, but the alpha strike damage instead of consecutive shots negates it.

Garrisoning mortars in trenches is a cool idea, however I don't like the range increase or especially passive healing. If trenches were given a SUBSTANTIAL mp cost like say 100mp, then perhaps passive healing could be ok but if they cost only 50 mp(like the old trenches) or if they were free as now, I feel like players would just build 3-4 trenches in base and skip the bunker medics or equivalent. The micro tax would be higher but healing overall would be faster due to more models healing, and the resource cost would be lower. I feel the barrage range just rewards putting mortars in trenches too much, you already get the durability increase against enemy indirect fire, adding additional range is too much I think.
8 Sep 2020, 07:29 AM
avatar of Hannibal
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 3112 | Subs: 2

I just wanted to get out that I really enjoy your content, regardless of the fact if I like or dislike a particular idea. It is just fun to see how much is still possible despite the quirky CoH2 code and missing of real modding tools.
8 Sep 2020, 08:50 AM
avatar of Angrade (Ægion)
Senior Modmaker Badge

Posts: 766 | Subs: 2

Even the USF and UKF Medics? Or just the Soviet and Ostheer Medics?

This does include USF and UKF Medics.
8 Sep 2020, 09:13 AM
avatar of Angrade (Ægion)
Senior Modmaker Badge

Posts: 766 | Subs: 2

I don't like the recovery squads idea. I get that its a throwback to CoH 1, but currently there are no abilities which positively augment manpower income in anyway and this is for a good reason. It will have drastic effects on factions or build timings that are manpower tight and still have potent effects on ones that aren't.

This is why I made it available to all factions. I would like to test more manpower manipulations and see what the actual impacts. If it would provide alternatives to the usage of light vehicles, I would say it would be a good outcome. Also, I actually never have played CoH1 online so I have no sentimental value for it.

Garrisoning mortars in trenches is a cool idea, however I don't like the range increase or especially passive healing. If trenches were given a SUBSTANTIAL mp cost like say 100mp, then perhaps passive healing could be ok but if they cost only 50 mp(like the old trenches) or if they were free as now, I feel like players would just build 3-4 trenches in base and skip the bunker medics or equivalent. The micro tax would be higher but healing overall would be faster due to more models healing, and the resource cost would be lower. I feel the barrage range just rewards putting mortars in trenches too much, you already get the durability increase against enemy indirect fire, adding additional range is too much I think.

The Ostruppen Trenches have always been free. Additionally, I made the UKF trenches to use the CoH1 slit trenches to differentiate the two. There was a slight bug which I fix where squads with 7 models could not enter.
The healing idea came about for mortar units are more vulnerable to indirect fire due to how the damage in all in hold came about and their larger surface area. Even when these trenches are free, they are really never been used. I can see them being 50 manpower, but 100 is too much in comparison with 150 manpower un-upgraded bunkers or with the 125 manpower fighting position.
8 Sep 2020, 09:50 AM
avatar of oootto92

Posts: 177

First thing that came to mind from that mortars in trenches getting extra range was: I'm gonna ruin some UKF players day.

Test two vet1 mortars with counterbarrage active in trenches against one UKF mortarpit and post results.
8 Sep 2020, 11:37 AM
avatar of Angrade (Ægion)
Senior Modmaker Badge

Posts: 766 | Subs: 2

First thing that came to mind from that mortars in trenches getting extra range was: I'm gonna ruin some UKF players day.

Test two vet1 mortars with counterbarrage active in trenches against one UKF mortarpit and post results.

Not an easy thing to test, but it can go either way, based on scatter. Plus, I am against the mortar pit and would prefer a non doctrinal mobile mortar for UKF. As stated above, being inside the slit trench actually makes all units more vulnerable to mortars. In live anyways, two ostheer mortars are better than the mortar pit so the performance in this case remains the same.
8 Sep 2020, 12:10 PM
avatar of MMX

Posts: 999 | Subs: 1

the suppression / stun for the railway arty strike is really cool and something that might be worthwhile to be implemented for other large-caliber weapons as well. always wondered if the sturmtiger could be made less wipey and, to make up for the loss in raw damage output, apply any sort of temporary infanrty debuff, like lower movement speed or accuracy instead. after all that massive 380 mm shell should at the very least cause a lot of burst eardrums...
21 Sep 2020, 13:15 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

I know SneakEyes's mod has recovery squads but I decided to add it in to my own squad. It functions differently. Built by Combat Engineers, Pioneers, Sturm Pioneers, USF/UKF Medics for only 25 fuel. Recovering an allied wounded will give you 10 manpower.

The recovery idea is probably good and I would be interested to see it implement but to certain doctrinal vehicles instead, possible candidates:
Ostheer 250
USF m3
Opel truck
Zis truck
a "new" 251 with a cover and no mg operators

The MP return would probably have to go down to 5-2 and some of these vehicles might need some rebalacing but all and all it could be a nice doctrinal ability that would add utility to these vehicles.
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