*but playing this game can really make your stomach juices get really acid (seriously).
Posts: 1351
Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1
As I already said this is just a rant thread.
Had a game as USF where I really had full map controll and got enemys Flak truck , but I ended up loosing because I went for tripple 76 mm Sherman which were not exactly good against Infantry and thus finished by tripple raketen.
In fact I have massive problems when it comes to closing games as USF. Might be because I am simply not that used to them ( only recently startet using them regularly afer acquiring the WC 51 commander ( this thing is a beast, allowed a scrub like me to seriously threaten a Rank 150 player ... but then again lost in mid game )
Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2
USF doesn't have stock finisher units, you must pick the pershing or calliope to be sure to wipe your opponent the way you think of it.
This is the initial design concept for USF that has never been addressed with the factions revamp (USF being a super early faction that should lose past a certain time). USF is still lacking a stock end-game unit able to close a match has it would have make the faction totally OP back in those days.
Posts: 3166 | Subs: 6
In my view of how a future CoH3 would look like, i would just take the current system and expand it to be more complex, while retaining the same logics we have now
Posts: 789
Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2
I think snares (or rather the concept of snares) have been a good addition to the game compared to vCoH because it adds an additional layer of strategy and tactics to the game (keeping your vehicles protected by snare infantry, adding strategic choices between line infantry with snares or specialist assault infantry, etc), but the way they work in CoH2 with always dealing engine damage below the threshold makes them too punishing.
I think ideally mines should deal engine damage as they do now, but snares should only deal a temporary stun critical that makes the tank slow down (on top of their damage). Like the Rear Echelon mines. That way infantry can still use their snares as a deterrent (protecting friendly tanks and support weapons, stopping assaults, stopping pushing, etc.) but it would make snares a lot less punishing because the snared/stunned vehicle would be able to escape (or continue) more easily once it wears off.
Posts: 1351
I adhere on temporal debuffs for infantry based snares, specially for medium tanks and above, it's just that i would keep a weaker version of the current engine dmg for when tanks are at a lower HP threshold.
I think it's sad that the results are too binary, even though we have plenty of criticals which could serve the purpose of a middle ground if reworked.
Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1
Could had gone for a normal Sherman. OP problems is the equivalent of going triple Panther and complaining that they lose because the opponent went AT guns and infantry based focus army.
Posts: 2779
Posts: 1289
In COH1 or other RTS, you fucked up, you are fucked.
In COH2, comeback can be done by some magic button/ability.
Posts: 2779
The overextention button?
Posts: 1289
Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2
Can you do that in Starcraft? You can only do that a few doctrine back in COH1.
Posts: 713 | Subs: 2
I think CoH2 only design problem is not that it lets you have comebacks be accessible but rather than games can drag down for long, specially depending on the design of the map (VP location).
Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2
This is a really big deal imo. It takes way too long to finish games a lot of the time because base rushes are mostly impossible until you have a critical mass of tanks. Idk if there would be a way to solve it without affecting the core of CoH but it is one of the things i hate the most about coh. It's particularly bad in teamgames.
Posts: 449
I adhere on temporal debuffs for infantry based snares, specially for medium tanks and above, it's just that i would keep a weaker version of the current engine dmg for when tanks are at a lower HP threshold.
I think it's sad that the results are too binary, even though we have plenty of criticals which could serve the purpose of a middle ground if reworked.
Posts: 888
Posts: 208
I would push for faster VP bleed, specially when there's no attempt at trying to decap a VP back. Games takes too long when you can force a 2vs1 VP situation and the defensive player has no reason to over extend for like 300 VPs or more.
To counter it, a contested VP would not count towards the bleed as long as a unit is fighting inside the point. So you would effectively stop the bleed at 1vs2 VP deficit even though you don't manage to neutralise the point, as long as you are able to keep units fighting in the decap zone.
In regards to base rushes and defense, that's been an overlooked design problem, specially since WFA were released. There's no reason ATM that OKW has flak defenses (specially when its RNG on teamgames on which type of defenses you will have when paired with OH) and USF having extra MG bunkers on it's circular base. Bunker MG on small maps tend to also protect strategic points which is really stupid IMO.
For a future COH3, i would experiment on reducing the amount of MG bunkers or pushing them way further back, so you have a bit more space to maneuver or been able to smoke them to go for a base dive. Or give them little to no AoE suppression so you can try to bait the MG with one squad and let others get in.
To counter it, maybe make HQ have a single garrisonable spot for damaged units plus say an LMG (no suppression) model defending it to deter long stays on the inside of the base.
In somehow unrelated note, i wonder if the game would benefit from having say +50mp income (350mp) and variable upkeep ratios which goes more aggressively at higher pop values and lesser at lower ones.
A crude example would be: 0.5mp between 1-24 pop, 1mp at 25-49, 1.5mp at 50-74 and 2.0mp at 75-100.
Posts: 1794
I think snares (or rather the concept of snares) have been a good addition to the game compared to vCoH because it adds an additional layer of strategy and tactics to the game (keeping your vehicles protected by snare infantry, adding strategic choices between line infantry with snares or specialist assault infantry, etc), but the way they work in CoH2 with always dealing engine damage below the threshold makes them too punishing.
I think ideally mines should deal engine damage as they do now, but snares should only deal a temporary stun critical that makes the tank slow down (on top of their damage). Like the Rear Echelon mines. That way infantry can still use their snares as a deterrent (protecting friendly tanks and support weapons, stopping assaults, stopping pushing, etc.) but it would make snares a lot less punishing because the snared/stunned vehicle would be able to escape (or continue) more easily once it wears off.
Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2
Or simply cut down the standard VP amount from 500 to 300.
I think one solution would be to have MG bunkers start inactive, but let players spend MP to permanently activate them. Their activation time would be very short (10-15 seconds maybe), so if you feel a base rush coming in, you can scare it off. You'd still be behind the curve, as you spent resources on base defences, but at least you'd still be in the game.