I decided to have a quick look at its performance (ai and at) compared to the E8s and found it scarily similar in fact almost negligible difference in ai performance.
76mm Sherman (USF)/M4C Sherman (soviet) | E8 Sherman | |
Cost | 380mp/125 fuel | 380mp/140 fuel |
Movement | 2.3/4.4(acc/dec) 6.5 max speed, 34 rotation | 2.1/4 (acc/dec), 6.1 max speed, 32 rotation |
Health/armor | 640/160 | 720/215 |
Target size | 21 | 21 |
Pop | 12 | 14 |
Vet requirements | 1820/3640/7280 | 1880/3760/7520 |
76mm Sherman (USF)/M4C Sherman (Soviet) | E8 Sherman | |
Pen (near, mid, far) | Ap round: 120, 130, 140 Hvap: 160, 180, 220 | 155, 165, 200 |
Reload | Ap/hvap: 4.1-4.5/6.1 | 6-6.6 |
AOE | ap only:1,0.35, 0.05 | 1, 0.35, 0.05 |
AOE distance | 0.5, 1, 1.5 | 0.5, 1, 1.5 |
AOE radius | 2 | 2 |
Scatter angle | 7.5 | 5 |
Scatter max | 5 | 5.4 |
Scatter offset | 76mm/M4C: 0.3/0.25 | 0.325 |
Turret rotation | 35 | 35 |
Moving accuracy | 0.75 | 0.75 |

The aoe of the main guns for both tanks lack considerably compared to other mediums as all other mediums have a higher aoe radius of 2.5 and have a higher AOE distance (except the Cromwell that has higher aoe instead of distance).
While many think the E8 is fine with the exception of its ai power and commander, I seriously don’t know what the 76mm Sherman is supposed to be. Its base ap rounds are almost no good for anything despite having a short reload which leaves the hvap that are really only good against mediums but it doesn’t have the Armor or health to go up against heavier tanks while maintaining a higher target size than other mediums where does it sit?
While I do think its ai (for both vehicles) need to have a small buff (at lease have the same aoe radius as other mediums, the ai is really poor), the 76mm Sherman would 100% benefit more if its vet 3 bonus was swapped out for vet 2, it needs that pen bonus before the reload bonus.