I belive 3v3 map pool is by far the worst in the game hands down. While some of the map are alright, 6 of them are honestly is out of place. Personally all my vetos are spent of them.
Lets make a list:
- Essen Steelworks - clearly 4v4 map
- General mud - clearly 4v4 map
- Steppes - clearly 4v4 map
- Lienne Forest - clearly 4v4 map
- La Glaize - the most acceptable of this list but still its more of a 4v4 map
And its honestly strange to see them in 3v3 list, since City 17 and Lanzerath Ambush were moved to 4v4 pool.
Just bad maps:
- Ettelbruch Station - nuff said
- Angermunde - map is good, but overall desing favorites Sov\ost\brits badly while OKW and USF suffers on them. All gameplay - rush to key buildings
Out of place map
1) Fields of Winnekendonk - this map feels like 3v3 is a bit too much for it, its playable but not enjoyable, at least for me.
Good 3v3 maps:
- Red Ball Express
- Across the Rhine
- Oka river
- Whiteball Express
- Port of Hamburg
Acceptable maps:
- Hill 400
- Rzhev Winter
- Lierneux can be a decent 3v3 map
- Vaus Farmlands
- Gelsenkirchen Refinary (with small ajusments)
- Nordwind (dont get it, why its only 4v4)
- Road to arnhem (again for god knows why its only 4v4)
- Anklet & Archery (looks like a decent map, not worst then others in the map pool)
And its really sad that half of the 3v3 map pool is a 4v4 maps and other maps are questinable. I'm not sure if 3v3 is a popular gamemode, since its in a middle ground of meme 4v4 and competitive 2v2, but seeing how 4v4 got some love with new maps, while 3v3 was left with only one new map, which is 2v2 map in its core.