If you order a steak in a restaurant you pay for it and this is what you get. In a CoH2 restaurant you get a steak (more or less complete game at the beginning, save for the chat and ladders which are being added for free anyways) and when you finish that, you get a free dessert. And if you're more hungry you can order potatoes and salad, which you have to pay for. And some people think they should get the potatoes and salad for free also… (A silly comparison yes I know

but nevertheless…)
We (sadly) live in a capitalist world, where we usually have to pay to get new things. Let me remind you again that CoH2 already is full game and DLCs are just extras to which I believe we aren't simply entitled to for free per se. About the collector's edition I can't comment on that, since I don't know exactly what was promised and what people actually got. I preordered the game, got to keep progress from the open beta and the Fall Blau for free as promised, completely satisfied.
So far I like the concept of DLCs, because they keep the game breathing, changing, ALIVE. New content, units and stuff always bring a breath of fresh air. And getting some that content for free – great. If the income from DLCs can make even more content become available in the future, like one of the Devs said previously, that's even better!
About competitive play – yes guys, here I agree with you, that paying for Commanders that are possibly better than free ones could pose a problem. But which of the now available Commanders are OP? As far as I'm aware the Commanders were pretty much balanced out, Assault grenadiers and Osttruppen changed (fixed) in less than 2 weeks if I remember correctly. Or do you still think they're OP? And about the upcoming ones, how do you so surely know they're OP since most of us haven't even tried them out? Tiger Ace for example, I believe some people underestimate what it means to cut off all resource income and what consequences can that have. I'm not saying they are or OP or not, just that we should we first try them out and then criticize.
About the skins - they're cosmetics and eyecandy only, the least of the problems. If you like them, buy them, if you think that they're too expensive, maybe buy one (or two) per month, that's how I do it, those 2€ can always be spared in a month.
Have fun, guys