Really nice stuff putting all the vet info together. No need to check the jasons all the time anymore.

I just noticed one thing about the jagdpanzer IV. I startend to look into it to find a way to fight Allied medium tanks effectively. Statwise i think the Jagdpanzer is the most cost effective unit to spent fuel on as okw imo. Looking at its vet i also noticed the very great boni you get (vet2 HP of a Panther - 800, vet3 speedy Gonzales) but when i had a look at the vet 5 boni for the first strikte action i couldnt believe my eyes: usage is "multiply_add" not "multiplication". Its not only *1.5, it is *(1+1.5) (yes, 400 damage, over 400 pen, super accuracy!)
tried it and its indeed multiply_add for all boni. I can give you a replay later (writing from my Smartphone atm) in which i got a vet 5 jgdpz. 1 hit at a Sherman and more than 50% oft its HP were gone (>320hp). A 2nd hit of a King Tiger finished it completely (hence 400 + 240 = 640). Its unbelievably awesome. Even IS2s have to fear it Bad!
Effected is always and only the first shot and afair there is a 10s timer to be out of combat to use it again.