It doesn't even matter how good CoH was, although that influences how much outcry there is.
The problem is that rather than saying "how can we make this better", Relic seemed to be thinking "how can we make this different" or at worst "how can we make this easier."
There's some innovation to be found in CoH2 certainly, like Cold Tech and Trusight.
There's some improvement too, like capture points.
But none of those innovations or improvements depend on messing with the core vCoH formula to the degree that CoH2 has. The rest is just change for change's sake, or deliberately trying to make the game more forgiving with a lower skill cap.
Agree 100% with this. I was hoping and still am for a game that is challenging and fair, both to a skillfull player and to a noob. What I mean by this is that the skillfull player gets rewarded for playing better, and the noob get's rewarded for improving.
But now it seems the game is catering the noob player with the thought that it's too hard for a noob player to improve so that he won't quit the game we will just make that the system will allow him to still play it easily and we will do this by handicaping the skillfull player.
If this were chess to me it seems like the loosing player gets off board reinforcments after bad plays just because he would still be all happy and in the game. While at the same time, the better player as soon he is in the better position he get's handicaped.
And this is noob vs skilled player, but what if it's two unskilled players, then it's even worse when a winning player can't capitalize on his position and the loosing can just come back. This system takes almost all the skill out of the game and throws you in fake enviroment where the path of the game is influenced by design rather then by competition and skill of the players playing it.
And lastly I would like to say what multiplayer CoH awesome to me. Apart from all the other cool stuff that has been mentioned I loved the most how your skill mattered, and after time playing it you could see improvement in your game, how your better or worst decisions realy mattered to the outcome of the game. If you're shit you won't have any chance against 3-4 level higher player, he will eat you alive. But if you improved you could take that player on on level terms. Now it just seems that the playing field is rigged.
Invest money in a better matcmaking system and this cop out way to please the masses.
Sorry for the rant