But none of those innovations or improvements depend on messing with the core vCoH formula to the degree that CoH2 has. The rest is just change for change's sake, or deliberately trying to make the game more forgiving with a lower skill cap.
Do you really believe that a team of well-seasoned game developers like relic just sit down and think "oh man coh1 is great but we need to change something here just for the sake of it, uh, well, let's change the upkeep, uh, and have weapon crews have 6 guys, cuz that'd be fucking kewl". No. They have their reasons. While I totally understand your reservations on the given points, I think you can safely assume that it's NOT relic's mission to fuck up the CoH franchise.
Also, I don't think that CoH2 is that much more forgiving towards lower skilled players. From what I've seen so far, I can say that I've always seen the better players win. I remember this discussion from the time before SCII came out and people where complaining that multiple building selection would "ruin" the game and lower the skill ceiling, which turned out to be wrong (although Idra would certainly debate this
I'd say give the game some time, learn it, get used to it, and you'll beat lower skilled players the same way you did in vCoH because you'll know HOW to do it.