It cost me a Ostwind, a Panzerwerfer, and probably a few wins. |
I don't think it's insta win but it would be nice if in build of the units, the Vet cost was included so you could choose to build a not vet unit or wait for resources to pay for the vetted unit, there by delaying it's time to the field. Think of a Vet Icon below the non Vet icon in the building build selection.
Keep in mind that it does cost fuel, does cost tech time and a Vet 3 Gren squad still gets smoked by a T70 or a T34. |
I predict they could release an empty patch with just fake patch notes and people would still start bitching about the "changes".
That's awesome... |
I was there a few years ago for a UK Gamesday to show Space Marine. I've lived on the downtown Eastside of Vancouver. Once you've seen a street person take a crap at a crowded bus stop, nothing phases you.
Not to imply Birmingham is anything like that 
I'm in Dunbar but I love the DTES drives on a warm Friday night to put some reality into why I went to school, and why I work. |
Spam 12 Cons with your mate flooding the map, one T3 for reinforcing and ram, one T4 for SU85 and loltsusha
Easy enough?
in most cases, that's an "I win" button. |
I've played both COH and COH2. Love the games, even with all of the balance changes over time. I've always been saddened to see the infield upgrades.
Armour skirts
I've been guilty of pressing the upgrade button and then moving into the field to fight and have my Shrecks come in part way through a tank battle and I think "that was timely" but should upgrades be only available through a HT, or even back at base? Should Engineers be needed to install armour skirts or the FHT flame? Should we have to make the decision of pressing the attack and resupplying troops with better equipment but at a cost of territory.
Just curious... what would happen to the early game as we would need HT's or resupply through bases. |
wish I knew you were coming, I would have joined for some of the fun. Next time... |
I am a data guy.
After a game I like looking at which units I use, the stats etc for my game. Seems like there is a lot of value there. I can see what I damaged, what did the most damage to me, what units I used or didn't use.
Does anyone know if Relic consolidates this information and can determine what units are selected (indicating that those that aren't selected regularly) might need balances? Including Doctrines etc?
I ask the question because of another thread talking about the use of (or uselessness of) the StuG III AusF E. If this unit is NEVER used, it might need some love.
I know the comments about different play styles and even different game types but those could all be factored into the analysis and seems to be less random to help balance than what we see in patch and repatch work.
Anyone know?
Relic, want me to help you? |
Grens are still the most underwhelming unit in the game. There needs to be a 10 muni decrease in mg upgrade.
222 SC nerf is laughable. This unit has a cruddy upgrade (spot infantry, wow, yeah the whole map is dotted with them) as opposed to the M5 utility (over-drive and have passengers). The new pew-pew cannon is poor.
Unless you have the micro of Deep Though and HAL the 222 is a waste of time.
222 SC nerf is laughable.
I agree. this thing is made of paper. |
worked with the cache verification for me....although I was a wee bit upset seeing the error message the first time running the game after the patch. |